Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by EllenMichelle29

Chapter 2


Chapter 2~

So here I am. My alarm going of, letting me know it is seven am. Time to get up and ready for work.

My name is Armani Jane, AJ for short. As you can guess, I live alone with my Ragdoll kitten Lola, and my Staffy pup, Jet. They are my only family, I care about them, and they care about me. Lola, I got from a Ragdoll breeder, all of seventy miles away. Yeah, I know. I drove seventy miles just to buy a kitten, mad right? But it was well worth the driving. I got my pup, Jet, from a rescue centre in London. At first, they weren’t to sure of each other, but now they act like best friends. Sitting by my coal fire on a night, cuddled up, keeping each other warm. There has been some nights were I actually get my guest bed out, take it downstairs, and we all sleep on it in front of the fire.

Anyway, enough talking, I've got to get ready, it's nearly 7:15am, and I start work at 9:00am. So first things first, I need to get a shower. I slowly crawl off my bed, sad to be leaving Jet and Lola alone on my bed. I spend most of my time playing with them when I'm not at work. I slowly make my way into my bathroom. The sun through my bathroom window nearly blinds me. All of a sudden, I hear scratching noises coming from the door, and whining. I open the door to find Jet, my puppy, starring back at me. With them huge puppy dog eyes, who couldn't resist. He doesn't like being on his own. Same with me. So I decide to leave the bathroom door open two, just so he has access and knows I'm still here.

Just as I start stripping off, I hear yelps coming from downstairs. I quickly run down to see what was wrong. I run into the kitchen. Empty. I run into the downstairs study. Empty. Then I darted into the living room, to find that all the yelping was just Jet and Lolla playing. Rolling around on the floor, grooming each other and even nibbling each others ears. I just stood there, smiling.

SHOWER! I thought.

I turned round, and started jogging through the house to the stairs. I ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. I sprinted into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

Jet and Lola will be fine without me. I kept thinking.

I pull back the shower curtain, finish stripping of, and hop into the nice, hot shower. The heat of the water was just right. Not to hot, not to cold. I slowly feel my body start to relax, as the water slowly woke me up. More and more as my body warmed up. My once naturally curly blonde hair, was all wet and straight. My hair wet was a good length. Covering my b***s. I slowly reach over to my chrome shower stand in the corner of the bath, and grab my Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner.

I step out of the water flow as I slowly squirt a blob of the shampoo into my palm of my hand, bring my hands to my hair, I slowly massage it into my hair. Making sure I don't miss any of my hair, I scrub it in. I step back into the water flow, and slowly run my finger tips through my hair. Repeating the process until the water start to run clear, indicating there is no more shampoo in my hair. I do the same process with my conditioner. Apart from I don't rinse it out straight away. Instead I stay out of the water, grab my dove shower gel. I grab my sponge, and squirt a fair sized amount on it. Starting of washing my b***s, down to my legs. Also my arms. Finished, I turn the bath tap on and rinse my sponge out, and reach for my 'girlie bits wash' for down below.

At twenty-one, you would expect I've had a few boyfriends. Well I haven't. I had one at school, it lasted four years. So to be honest, I don't like any of my body. Including my woman’s bits. The whole feeling yourself and turning yourself on doesn't apply to me. I hate it. That could be down to being single, I know, the opposite to most girls my age. I was more into it when I was with my boyfriend.

I draw back the shower curtain, and glance at the clock. 7:40am it read. Time to get out and get dressed, I need to leave the house by 8:00am.

I turned the shower off, step out of the shower and pick my towel off the floor. As I pick it up, out jump Jet and Lolla.

Lolla, Jet, you surprised me. Now run of downstairs and I'll get you your breakfast before I go of to work!” I explain, with excitement behind my voice.

Woof, woof! It was more of a yelp.


Both Jet and Lolla jump up my leg, after a stroke. I pat their heads and then point towards the door, to indicate downstairs. They know this, as I spent months training them both. They knew what I meant, so they turned round, and trotted towards the stairs. I rap my towel round me, and set of to my bedroom, to get dried and dressed.

As I enter my room, a sudden breeze hit me like a tone of bricks. Instantly sending a shiver throughout the whole of my slim, petite body, causing my skin crawl and my teeth to chatter.

As I enter my room, I shut my door behind me, and shut my thick, pink net curtains. They are thick enough to not let people see through them. Once my door and curtains are closed, I unwrap myself from the now soaked towel, and start to dry myself off. Well I try, but with a wet towel, it's hard. I turn to my drawers, and take out my white blouse with pink trims and my black mini pencil skirt. I slip on my blouse, making sure all the buttons are done up, apart from the top four. leaving the top four undone, give me a very sexual look, and seen as I work in an sex shop, that is the image I have been told I need. Then I step into my skirt, making sure I pull it up enough, so I can tuck my blouse in.

I turned round, to look in my full length, white old styled mirror to check my appearance, before putting my long, blonde curly hair into a rough bun. I pick my pink Nokia Lumia 900 off my bed side table, and throw it into my handbag, along with my make-up and mini hair spray. I have no time do everything at home. Instead my boss, Bonnie let's me do it in the staff room.

I trotted off downstairs with my Pink, Pauls Boutique blazer in one arm, and my handbag in the other. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, there was a knock at the front door.

Coming!” I shout.

Just as I got to the front door and reach for the handle, Jet came running out of the front room, tail high up in the air, while barking and heading to the door. I unlock the door and open it wide.

Well, hey there. I'm Richard, Richard Jameson your new neighbour, I moved in just yesterday.” He said in very dark, deep voice.

I couldn't believe my eyes. There stood in front of me was a thirty something year old man. He had freshly washed dark brown, nearly black hair that shined in the sun. I could pick up the scent of strawberries, I guess, the shampoo he used. Also a hint of James Bond 007 the fragrance, which seemed to turn me on. His light blue eyes, the colour of the sky on a bright, sunny summers morning. I couldn't help but stare. He was so handsome and well dressed.

Boyfriend material. I thought.

Just then, the silence was broken by his perfect sounding voice.

So how are you? Sorry, are you on your way out?” He asks in a very sympathetic voice.

Ohh. Yeah sorry hi. Yeah I'm okay, I'm on my way to work, but I'm sure I could spare ten more minutes.”

At that point, I wasn't worried about being late for work. I had a blue eyed, brown haired handsome man in front of me. I just got lost in the moment. It's like he hypnotised me or something.

Come in, I'll make you a cup of tea.” I offer, with a huge ear to ear smile on my face.

Thank you Miss......” He left it there, wanting to know my name.

My name is Armani Jane, but you can call me AJ.” I quietly whisper, and then give him a cheeky little wink.

Just as I said that, I stand aside and let him in, with a big smile on my face. As he walks past me, he brushes my 34a sized b***s with his arm. I shut the door behind him, and ask him to follow me into the kitchen, where there I flick the chrome kettle on, and grab two mugs of my on the wall, chrome mug hanger.

So AJ......” He gets cut of by Jet and Lolla.

Wooof wooof!

Meooow meooow!

Jet and Lolla come charging through, with their tails wagging in the air. I swear, the more time Lolla spends with Jet, the more she acts like a dog herself.

Jeeeet, Looolllla, nicely!” I shout at them, and I brush Richards arm, just as a sign to my two little babies Richard means no harm.

Sorry, I had to do it ha.” I laugh, and Richard joins in.

Although they may only be little, they are very protective over me. As they approach Richard, he knelt down.

Oooo, look at these little ones. Ohh I love animals I do, but these to are little sweeties!” He almost sounds excited about seeing them, and he let them jump into his arms.

The kettle flicks off, and I grab both of the mugs, filling them up with water.

Looking down to Richard, I ask, “Do you take sugar and milk?”

One sugar, no milk thank you AJ.” Was his answer.

With that, I walk to the other end of my huge kitchen to grab some milk for myself. As I'm there, I realise my fridge is bare.

I shall go shopping tomorrow on my day off. I say to myself, obviously to loud, as Richard adds, “Day off tomorrow, shopping, sounds fun. I could take you if you like?” He offers.

Okay, if your sure. Don't you work yourself?” I ask intrigued.

Nope, I cannot get a job.” He said, and acts upset.

I hand him his tea and ask, “Ohh why, I though a charming lad like you would be working in some high end bar.” I say in a interested manner.

Haha, well it is a long story.”

Co'mon then, tell me.” I demand.

No, lets get to know each other first, then I will tell you. When the time is right.”

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

With our teas finished an after a long chat, I must set of to work or I will be extra late. I take a quick glance at my clock, and I notice it is nearly 8:30am!

I'm late, ohh nooo! I say to myself.

Look, I'm sorry Richard, but I'm going to have to get of to work. I've got to be there by 9:00am and it's a forty-five minute drive. I'm so sorry!”I exclaimed.

No it's fine, really. I'll see you tomorrow then. Is 10am OK for you? Then I will take you out for some lunch.”

Okay, 10am is fine. Thank you.” I smile at him, and kiss him on the cheek.

As I pull away, thoughts rush through my head.

Stupid me! Why did I have to do that! I bet he thinks I'm desperate now!

We plonk our mugs onto the kitchen side, and make our way to the front door. Richard opens it for me, and as I walk out of it, I feel something touch my small petite bottom. I know it was him, but I shrug it off. I lock the door behind us and I press the bottom on my keyring to unlock my car. My Citroen DS3 in silver with a pink roof, sport 2011. Richard in alarming speed, runs over and opens the door, like a true gentleman. He waits for me to step in and get belted up, ready for my journey to work. He kisses me on the cheek softly, and waves goodbye as I reverse out of my drive. I turn the radio on onto radio 1 and turn it on full blast.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I Pull up into the car park next to the shop where I work, seeing Bonnie sorting deliveries out. So I turn of the car radio, unbelt and step out. My stiletto heels knocking against the concrete. Stepping out of the car, the suns rays and extreme heat hit me. Almost knocking me out. Before I shut the door behind me, I reach over to the passenger seat, and grab my handbag full of crap.

Ohhh, there you are AJ. Go upstairs, do your make up and help me on the shop floor will ya!” Bonnie shouts over to me, while she was walking backwards and forwards, peeping into all the boxes.

Okay, I won't be long.”

Good, cause I'm already late opening the shop!” Bonnie shouts, as I walk past her to the back door.

Bonnie is a beautiful baby pink haired woman, dyed obviously, with brown eyes and she is only twenty-five. Yet she was a school drop out. Dropping out in year eight, her teachers and her parents expected her not to be successful in life, but she proved them all wrong. Here she is, she owns a successful sex shop, she has money coming out of her ears, has been since she was nineteen. No one knows where she got the money at just nineteen to do all this, but life is full of surprises. Not just having the money to buy the shop, but also a flat above and money to decorate both, in just a few weeks.

As I open the back door, my nose fill with the smell of strawberries and cream, with also a hint of chocolate.

Ohh a new room spray! I say to myself, and then trotted upstairs into the staffroom, which consisted of two black shiny leather sofas, a forty-two inch flat screen TV, shelves full if model sex toys, pictures hung on the wall of hunks and kitchen counters with all the appliances you will ever need. In the corner of the room is a pink screen, which behind it is a huge full length mirror and a pink leather chair with a high back, and high arms.

I make my way over to the screen while opening my handbag. I take a seat in the pink chair and pull out all of my make-up I need to apply. Starting with black and white eye shadow for the smoky look, then a few strokes of black mascara. I grab my black eye liner pencil out of my handbag, and put a think line both top and bottom of my eyes.

I sit back in the chair, to admire my work, Sexyy!!

Next I grab my blusher and start brushing my cheeks, outlining my jaw bone. A nice natural colour today. The last but not least, I got out my red pink lipstick. Making sure I get an even amount on both top and lower lip. I also have some clear lip-gloss, which I normally put over my lipstick, but not today, I prefer a change. With all my make-up done, I throw my bag and jacket onto one of the two black sofas, and run downstairs to help Bonnie with the deliveries.

About time too!” Bonnie chirps.

Hey...... I wasn't that long!” I grin.

There were at least twenty boxes, I don't get why we need so many! We weren't that low on stock! There were vibrators everywhere you looked. On the wall shelves, in cupboards and on the till. So I grab a couple of boxes, and carry them to the shop floor, where I discovered something new in the window display.

Ohh yeah, I got that last night. I thought it would be a good little profit maker. It uses Galaxy chocolate, I have a deal with Galaxy and they will be making deliveries every week. We also have dipping cream, fresh squirty cream and strawberries directly from then most famous great British farms. The best in the country!” Bonnie was getting a little to excited by this 'new' money maker.

So that's where the smell was coming from! I hope as a valuable member of staff I get some chocolate! I say to myself, hyping myself up for the exciting day ahead of me.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Twenty boxes later, it's time for me to open the shop seen as we are already late. It's now nearly ten, and the shop was meant to be open by nine. Luckily there was no one waiting outside for us so we had time for a sit down behind the till, but first, as always, I had to go up to the staffroom fridge, and get out some cokes. One for me and one for Bonnie. So I turn to the door separating the back of the shop from the front, open it and slowly make my way upstairs for the second time.

Upstairs, I open the fridge, grab two bottles of coke. I shut the door behind me, and make my way to the shop floor. Again.

As I enter the front or the shop, Bonnie hasn't moved from the spot I left her in, but her excuse was always 'I'm the manager, I shouldn't be working, but I am and your my little slave!' She always has a big grin on her face after saying it. Also if anyone ever dissed the shop, she would tell them to get lost. She says 'All her savings have gone into this shop, and she has worked very hard, if you don't like it, the piss off!' Bonnie is a very nice woman, but boy is she strong willed. Never backs down from an argument or a fight. She takes after her mum, who she never sees much now as her parents live one hundred miles away from Lincoln, Bonnie did have the choice to move with them but she loves Lincoln to much.

Our first customer of the day comes in, a very tall, barbie blonde haired woman. Looks like the sex mad type, and the s****y type. As part of my job, I approach the lady, who is dressed quiet smartly in a black office looking suit.

Good morning, is there anything I could help you with this morning?” I say in a very chirpy, polite voice.

Yeah, I'm looking for a vibrator to try and stimulate my g-spot, but I don't know which one is best. Do you have any recommendations?” She replied in a very southen accent, I'm guessing London.

Yes actually. I would recommend this one.” I say, as I pick up a G-Whizz Silicone G-spot Vibrator, dark purple in colour with a white cap, which is where the batteries go, also with a purple on of button.

This one on our website has a five star rating and many good reviews. Also our testers for the store have been one hundred percent happy with the product. It is a nice shape, a nice curve to fit 'in' you comfortably. Also has a nice feel to it. It's a nice size and easy to carry in your handbag! This one is only £20!” I say in a very enthusiastic tone.

Or we have this one, same as the other just different material, longer but thinner, and also has some great reviews both of the website, and our testers! And this one is £15!” I lied about it being good, but as part of business, I have to lie a few times.

I'll take the £20 one please.” The lady says, she took her time making her mind up though.

I picked one of the boxes off the shelf, “If you would like to follow me to the till, my supervisor will put it through the till for you.”

Walking over to the till, with the woman closely following, Bonnie shows of one of her million dollar smiles.

Thank you Armani!” Bonnie chirps happily.

In work I always get called Armani, and not AJ. Very few people call me AJ, but then very few call me Armani.

I take a seat behind the tills, and listen to the woman talk about her sex life. We get a lot of sex talk with us working in the sex toy trade.

You see, my boyfriend has many talents, but finding my g-spot isn't one of them! Sooo.... I think he needs a little help.” The customer says laughing, and Bonnie joins in.

Haha sounds like it. So may I ask how long you have been together?” Bonnie is so noicey sometimes, but I'm used to it.

Yeah, just short of five months.”

Ohh, he still has a bit of learning to do then!” Bonnie joked.

Yeah haha. Anyway I best be of, I start work in ten. Bye and thank you!” She shouts as she turns her back, and heads for the door.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Tens of customers later, and it's time for my dinner. I trot upstairs, grab my bag and the remote and flick the TV on. I put on Viva, and settle with that. UK chart top forty is on. So I open my bag and grab my pre-made salad I bought from the local food store the previous day. I sit back, and relax.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Dinner done, I make my way to the shop, all full up from my lovely dinner of salad, chocolate and a yoghurt.

I get into the shop, and notice about five or six customers.

Bonnie, you should of shouted me. I would of helped you out. After all, it is part of my job.” I say grinning.

I've seen to all of them as they entered.”

With that said, I tell Bonnie to go up for her dinner, which she does, so I sit behind the till, and a young couple, maybe about nineteen approaches the till. The lass had a nicely package zebra print ten speeds bullet vibrator in her hands. She placed it on the till.

Is that all today?” I asked, smiling.

Yeah thank you!” The young girl says.

I quickly scan the box, and look up to the couple who are holding hands and smiling.

That will be £10 please.” I say, as she is raking through her purse.

She hands me some money, so I hand her a bag which contained her purchase.

Thank you for your custom, enjoy you day!” I say joyfully.

Just as they open the door, a man walked in with a deep, “Thank you.” Then someone places their hands on the counter.

Well hey there Armani!” A male voice says.

I look up to see a handsome young man. Just as I take a propper look, I realise it's Richard, my new next door neighbour.

Hey Richard, fancy seeing you in a shop like this!”

Yes, I know, I was just exploring the city and I happened to walk past and see you working. So I thought I should come in and say hi.”

Aww how nice of you. Come back here and take a seat. I just have to go and talk to a customer.” I say.

I approach another customer, who looks a bit lost, and doesn't know what they are looking for.

Hello, could I help you at all today?”I say, showing of my signature smile.

Ermm.... Yeah. Could I ask for your recommendations on the bullets?” She starts to go red in the face.

Yes, sure you can. Follow me and I'll show you a few of the favourites.” I could tell the lass was shy.

We approach the shelf, and I look over to where Richard was sat. He smiled at me. I turn round, and focus on the job at hand.

Picking up a couple of bullet vibrators, I hold them out and start talking to the customer, saying, “These two are especially good. Great reviews and a great shapes. The only difference between the two is, one is silicone and the other is plastic. They each have ten difference patterns and speeds. So I shall give you these......!” I say handing her the vibrators, before continuing, “Now the deciding is up to you! If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to ask.” I say smiling.

No, I'll buy this one I think. Thank you very much for you help.”

I walk back over to the till where Richard is sat, and the lass approaches the till.

So, is that all I can help you with today?”

Yes thank you.” The lass replies.

That's...... £5 please!” I say surprised.

Ohhh I thought it was £15?”

It's on sale. Today only! You came in on the right day!”

She handed over a crisp £5 note, and took the bag off the counter.

Thank you!” She says happily, as she turns and heads out of the shop.

I turn to Richard, and instantly my heart skips a beat.

Soo... Armani, what time do you finish work then?” He asks.

Ermm, five-ish I think. I will check with my boss when she comes back off her dinner break.” Just as I say that, Bonnie walks through the door into the shop.

Hey Bonnie, nice lunch?” In which I had a nod in reply.

Am I on a five finish today?” I ask.

Yeah sure you are. Why?”

Nothing just asking!” I snap, and I turn to Richard.

There is your answer. Five. I should be home for about six!” I say with excitement behind my voice.

Well.... Your day of tomorrow right? I shall be at yours at 6:30 tonight with a bottle of wine and a takeaway!”

Yeah, sure. I look forward to seeing you!” I give him one of my signature smiles.

Right, see you later then Armani” He says making his way to the shop door.

Okay then. Cya later Richard.”

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Five approaches, and it's time for me to go home.

Bonnie, is it okay if I go now?” I shout up to the staff room, where is watching the TV.

Yeah, sure. You go off and I'll see you on Wednesday!”

Okay thank you.” I say with a huge smile on my face, feeling extremely excited about seeing Richard tonight.

I jog up the stairs, to find Bonnie cleaning the staff room. A strong smell of bleach fills my nose, not very nice, so I quickly grab my jacket, slip it on and grab my handbag.

As I reach the top of the stairs, Bonnie speaks, “Oh by the way, have a nice night with that lad.” She says, while giving me a cheeky wink and smile, so I just smile back, but also I feel myself blushing.

Making my way down the oak stairs, I hear a huge bang from behind me.

I'm okay!” I hear Bonnie shout, so I'm guessing she fell or tripped maybe?

I laugh loudly and reach for the back door handle, seeing my pink and silver car sparkle brightly in the bright sun.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

About one hour later, I am just pulling up into my driveway, when I see in the corner of my eye a dark haired man stood at my door. Curious, I quickly turn of the car engine, unbelt myself and exit my car, before making my way to my house and letting out a slight cough. As I do, the man turns to face me, and only then did my heart skip a beat. Stood at my front door and starring into my eyes is Richard. His light blue eyes, with an extra sparkle, and this dark brown hair, dancing around in the breeze. Dressed in dark blue jeans, and a bright pink t-shirt, anyone would say;

He's the man of my dreams.

© 2012 EllenMichelle29

Author's Note


My Review

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Never really found a description of a working day interesting reading but can see where you are going with this. Could cut a few paragraphs out. I'd leave the working day out of it. Looking forward to more...

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Aww thank you and yeah, I understand what you mean ha.
0.0 Woah, not my type of reading material, uhm sorry. You seem like a good writer, just totally not my subject, heh. Uhm well, I'll stop here. I guess thanks for writing. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I completely understand but that for trying :)
lolzz my fav chartar it jet :) hes funny

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Yeah, I have used a staffy as they are my fave dogs. And the name Jet just felt right. I'm glad you .. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on December 7, 2012
Last Updated on December 8, 2012



Lincolnshire, UK, United Kingdom

Hey, my names Ellen Michelle and I'm 19, from Lincolnshire, UK. I love True Blood TV and books, WWE and TNA wrestling. I love playing Red Dead Redemption, The Sims 3 pets and WWE13, all on PS3. If a.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by EllenMichelle29

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by EllenMichelle29

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by EllenMichelle29