![]() Chapter EightA Chapter by Elizabeth ThiefThe moon didn’t seem as beautiful now. It seemed more like a searching lamp in the darkness. The river seemed like a threatening monster, ready to swallow us whole at any chance. Time seemed to freeze as we moved through the night like cats, stirring not even air. We reached it far too quickly. Even the castle seemed dark and menacing yet strangely empty. Only one guard was at the gate and no guard at the door. No one else was in sight. We circled to the side, where the bushes and vines grew tall. Again, it was deserted. “Are you ready?” I nodded. “As I’ll ever be.” I was numb, though that was better than the terrified girl that was hidden somewhere. My blood pursed through my veins and I had more energy and alertness than normal. Nicholas’s hand cupped my chin and turned my face toward him. As my head turned, his lips were against mine. After a moment he pulled away, but his hand remained on my face. “What was that for?” I asked, breathlessly. “For good luck.” He replied, also breathless. Despite the circumstances, I smiled. I closed the distance between us and kissed him again. Silently, we stood and Nicholas cupped his hands. I put my foot in his hands and he lifted me up. I climbed over and Nicholas was right behind me. The plants growing in the garden were perfect cover from anyone peering from the windows on the high floors. We moved quickly and quietly, pausing often between hiding spots. “Where do we go in?” Nicholas whispered. My eyes studied every window. Most were dark, but a couple of the others held the faint golden glow of a candle. It would be too easy to just go through the main doors, but we didn’t want to be seen in the large corridors. I pointed to a first floor window. “That one.” We ran and were soon swallowed by the thick shadow of the castle. I looked in, but I was only greeted with blackness beyond the glass. I held out my hand and Nicholas handed me a dagger hilt first. Working the blade between the panels of glass took longer than I wanted, but eventually, I unlocked the window. Handing the dagger back, I pushed the window slowly, looking for any signs of another life. Finding none, I silently climbed inside followed closely by Nicholas. He closed the window quietly as I waited until my eyes adjusted to the light. Inside, a harp stood in the middle of the floor and several other stringed instruments were scattered about the room. Sheets of music were also piled neatly on the tables. We peered out a crack in the doorway, and seeing no one, stepped out of the room. The corridor was dim and shadowy, save for a lit torch at the far end. “This way,” Nicholas murmured, dashing the opposite way of the torch. Crouched low, and placing out feet carefully, we made it to the kitchens. It was completely empty save for two cooks asleep on mats on the floor. The stairs was hidden in a corner. They were narrow and they creaked horribly. At the top, he pushed aside the tapestry and looked carefully for any guards. He whispered. “This is your job now, Angel. At the far end of the hall is the Baroness’s private quarters. That’s probably where the jewel will be.” “What does it look like?” I whispered back. “It’s a deep, purple color, set in silver. You’ll know it once you see it.” Nodding, I pushed back the tapestry and stepped out. Running silently, I reached the door and pressed myself against the shadows. Nicholas waited by the servants’ entrance. I pulled on the great handle of the door and it gave way. Slipping inside, I shut the large door behind me with a small thud. The room was dark, so it took me a few moments to let my eyes adjust. The tall glass windows were covered with heavy curtains, made of fine scarlet embroidered cloth. The bedding on the large canopy bed was the same color. The room was cold. No one had been here for awhile. Slowly rising from my crouched position, I stepped forward, my eyes alert for any movement. A large chest caught my attention. If I were to have a wealthy jewel, I would keep in there. Pulling on the lid, I found it locked. I didn’t have time to search for a key, who knew when someone could come. Instead, I used the tip of my hair pin I used to hold back loose strands of my hair. Several locks of hair fell loose of my braid, but I hardly noticed. After what seemed like agonizing hours, the lock clicked. Opening the lid, I was dazzled at the amount of beautiful gowns and jewels. I traced my hand over the shining, enchanting jewels… My hand jerked involuntarily and I clenched my fist. No I told myself firmly. I don’t steal for myself. This is for Angelo’s safety. I brushed aside chains of gold and silver, looking for the Duke’s jewel. In the middle of the pile, there was white silk fabric, wrapped around something large and heavy. I saw why the Duke wanted this so bad. The jewel was such a deep violet color; one could lose themselves in the depth. The silver shined as a star had fallen from the sky and turned to the most beautiful metal. Hastily wrapping it back up, I closed the lid and ran to the large doors. Listening for any sound and finding none, I slipped out of the door. Nicholas was waiting for me at the tapestry. He simply smiled in relief and we started down the stairs as fast as we dared. At the bottom, Nicholas stooped me from running into the kitchen by blocking the way with his arm. Touching his index finger to his lips, he signaled me to keep silent. In the kitchen, a cook had awoken. He shuffled around, grumbling. He moved from one tabletop to the next, apparently looking for something. He turned his back on them, leaning into a battered chest. With a swift tug, Nicholas took off. I followed right behind. The cook started and spun around. At the sight of us he shouted at the top of his lungs. “Guards! GUARDS! Thieves! Thieves in the kitchen!” Seizing my hand, Nicholas took off to the large door at the other end of the room. Kicking it open, we found ourselves in the grand hall. Several armed guards burst through one of the doors. They charged towards us. “Run!” Nicholas cried, running for the other door. Before we reached it, several more guards burst though those doors. We stopped dead and jumped back as they pointed swords at our hearts. We were trapped. We were being backed into a corner. Nicholas drew his sword and pulled me close. I followed his lead. He whispered. “We’ll just have to break through and we’ll run.” I could only give a feeble nod. He charged and I ran behind him. All I heard was my fast heartbeat and feel the ground against my feet. I knocked one soldier’s blade away as it flew to my neck. I deflected other blades, but they flew too fast and too many. I felt one bite my shoulder. Nicholas fought like ten soldiers, defeating opponents with a simple flick of his blade. The sound of metal on metal was deafening. Pushing aside another man that couldn’t be that much older than me, I broke through. Behind me, Nicholas was still in the fray. “Nicholas!” I cried. He glanced at me, the biggest mistake. A flash of silver. A deadly cry of a soldier. Nicholas’s scream of pain. “NICHOLAS!” I screamed. His blue eyes were too dull. There was too much blood. Scarlet ran hot and freely and soaked his clothing. “Run Luciana!” he yelled hoarsely. “Run!” The soldiers descended on him as he collapsed. A scream tore my throat. I felt a soldier grab me. No! I cried out again as the soldier seized my hair and pulled me to the ground. I yanked my head forward. I felt my hair come free as tears of pain blurred my vision. Fighting, I tore from his grip, but I felt something tug on my belt and the Duke’s jewel fell to the ground. It lay silently, accusingly. Three other guards were charging at me. I ran. I ran faster than I have ever before. The night air bit and scratched me as I ran from the castle. I ran through the dark, endless streets of clouded moonlight. The Duke’s castle loomed overhead. The cool grand hall was so unreal. Everything was spinning. I cried out as I felt hands on me. “Luciana!” Boswell cired. He said more soothingly, to call me. “Luciana, it’s me. You’re bleeding! What has happened? Where’s-“ I clung to him. “Boswell…” I whispered hoarsely, tears threatening to break through. “He’s gone. They’ve taken him. There was blood and he collapsed-“ “Shh, Luciana calm down.” “I can’t! Boswell he might be dead!” “Oh, that’s such a shame.” A sudden cold voice made me jump.”He was such a good servant…when he listened.” The Duke strolled from the shadows near the staircase, brushing off the shoulder of his fine clothing. “Now, what I came for. Where is the jewel?” I stepped away from Boswell and he tried to stop me. I shrugged him off. “That’s all you care about! You’re damned jewel!” “Where is it?” he demanded as a dozen soldiers appeared out of the gloom. “I don’t have it! I lost it trying to get out of there alive!” The Duke shook with rage. “You lost it! You killed that boy yourself for your stupid acts!“ The Duke’s fist made contact with my jaw and the ground flew up to meet me. I tasted blood. “You stupid, clumsy, idiot of a girl! I hired you to get what I want, not for you to fail.” I struggled to sit up and I felt Boswell kneeling next to me. The Duke continued: “Now, for your stupid mistakes, your brother has to pay.” “No!” I growled in rage, at my feet. “I’ll kill you if you dare touch him!” He chuckled, the sound sending shivers down my spine. “I’m afraid you’re too late. As we speak, little Angelo is on my way to my home.” My world froze for an instant. All my rage flared like a dry branch to a flame. “No!” I seized my sword from the ground where I had dropped it before. The tip was pointed at the Duke’s neck and I charge, letting a fierce war-cry bellow. The soldier’s leaped forward before I could take two steps. One ripped my sword from me and the other, wrapped his hands around my neck, cutting off my air. My toes just barely scraped the ground. I kicked but the soldier wouldn’t release me. I heard the Duke speak. “Get in the carriage Boswell. I no longer need your services here.” I heard him protest, then there was a sharp contact of knuckles on flesh. “Do not disobey your master! Or you shall spend the rest of your days without sunlight.” The Duke turned to me as I desperately tried to breathe. The Duke’s expression was cold, as if nothing happened. “May you rot in hell, Angel of Night.” Spots colored my vision as I gasped for air. As I threatened to fall into darkness, the hands released me. I fell to the ground, coughing and sucking in painful amounts of air. My lungs and side burned. My neck was stinging were the hands had squeezed. Despite the pain that was nearly blinding, I fought to my feet. I heard horses and wheels on the hard ground. In the darkness, I saw the Duke’s carriage driving away. “No!” I gasped, trying to catch them. It was like a nightmare. No matter how fast I ran, they kept getting farther away. I fell and landed on the ground, sending sharp pain up my wounded arm. This was no nightmare; I couldn’t wake up from this. Angelo was gone. Nicholas was gone. As the realization came, the tears burned my cheeks and eyes. I was alone in the night that I once embraced.
© 2009 Elizabeth ThiefReviews
1 Review Added on January 4, 2009 Last Updated on March 11, 2009 Author![]() Elizabeth ThiefIrelandAboutHi!! I'm Elizabeth (Eliza works just fine too, but please not Beth. Ugh) I'm 15 and I am who I am. I'm slightly crazy and weird and wild but that's who I am (ok, maybe a little more than slightly ;D)... more..Writing