The First Draft

The First Draft

A Story by Eli_blu

This is a little rough, as it was written mainly to get the story out of my head. It's the first chapter in my book, which I am determined to finish, and then the second part is a little tidbit about Milan.


I was in my room when I woke up. I was confused and couldn’t remember how I got back here, or when I had fallen asleep. I remember a great council in the scryne room, the king and his advisers were on the other side, and we were talking about whether or not to remain on the island or not.
The Storm! Of course, Rradre had foreseen The Storm, the biggest one yet, that would engulf the whole island and all of its majyk. There had occasionally been majykal storms in the past, but they had all been minor enough that we were able to whether them out from inside the castle. They were debating whether or not it was safe for us to leave the island to its own devices when it held so much majyk. The results could be catastrophic, but the island was guarded and guided by the best of the best. The Kings castle was the only place of greater importance. If Rradre failed to foresee the timing of the storm and we were caught off guard, many would perish. After the rebellion lead by Cermize (a name I was not familiar with) twenty years ago, the King didn’t have many men to spare. Every life was of vital importance.
I had listened to all of these arguments, but after they started getting into the laws regarding the situation, I had fallen asleep. I could only assume that since we weren’t all packed away on a boat, they had decided to let us stay.
I go to eat breakfast at Mmadre’s room, the kitchen across the hall. I find Devon, the rat master there, supping, he says. He was up all night seeking the council of the rats, and instructing them on what to do. They are one of the islands quirks, and loose the potency of their majyk if they are taken anywhere else. Aaron comes in as Devon leaves, and he tells me that he was the one to carry me back to my room. I thank him, blushing slightly. Aaron is a ranger, who looks about 25-ish, though he never seems to age, and he knows many things from his trainer, Milan. Milan is a great sorcerer, one who helped defeat Cermize. I ask about Cermize, and he tells me.
“Cermize was once a great sorceress, and very powerful. But her familiar was killed in a battle to keep The Divide closed. The Divide was saved, but Cermize’s sanity was not. She was accorded the highest honor, and given a house in the country to retire to. Cermize didn’t want to retire. She tried her hardest to serve the king as best she could, but since she had no familiar, she had no majyk. As is often the case with powerful nobles, she couldn’t lift much either, she had relied on her majyk

Milan had tried to warn the king the first time, but the king wouldn’t listen. Cermize’s familiar had died to protect the kingdom, and he would reward her loyalty. But Milan could see the hungry look in her eyes, when she thought no one was there. When she fed the fires of her anger at the king, the stupid king who did not see the signs of the tear, the stupid king who had gotten Zeno killed.
Of course, the regular rules of familiars applied, and Cermize didn’t have as much power as any one of the king’s lowliest apprentices. As long as they had a familiar, they were more powerful. In all her glory, Cermize had only been half as powerful as Milan, but even that is a great feat. She was corrupt from the beginning, but in the beginning she had not been crazy. Now, however, Cermize would stop at nothing to kill the king and his entire family.
Cermize made do with gems, and pieces of power, or that’s what they told them. It was only after she had revolted openly and completely, that she revealed the true source of her power. The daemon had met us on the battlefield, as a huge, black wyrm. Milan, even though he was over a thousand years old, knew little about the daemon. The daemon of old destroyed the cavalry, sewing fear and darkness into the army. Entire villages would be left to smolder in ruins, even the livestock was burned.
It was only after they had holed up in the castle, which was protected by ancient spells to protect against such terrors as a daemon, that the daemon was vanquished. It had come at Milan as his own page-boy, went to assassinate him.
When Milan won against it, the daemon “died.” Milan had believed it, and the attackers were turned away. Cermize took one last stand against them when she had her back pinned against the divide. She had no power, though, without the daemon to command, and was easily captured. She was locked in the White Tower, in the center of the Barren Planes. But the daemon had cast an illusion, and Milan knew it the moment he felt the stirring of great power, the drawing of majyk from a strange source.
Milan had a brief willwar with it, illusioning it into thinking it had won, but secretly squeezing information out of it. He did not receive too much, but learned that Cermize planned to take the Island, and the daemon was to be stationed there as a spy. He also caught the information on how to summon a daemon himself, and with a little research, Rhea was brought across to the world. There were different levels of daemon; Rhea was a kyre, third level. The opposing daemon was slightly stronger, a fourth level basre. There were also goblins, the first and weakest type, and thoro, the second level. Then there were the Fetch, the fifth level, the royalty of the daemon world, but too powerful to be safely summoned.

© 2009 Eli_blu

Author's Note

I know it's incomplete, and it may seem like it's copying a bunch of different stories, but it will be amazing. I know how it ends, and I know what the sequel will be about, but I'm a little short on names for everyone. Any ideas would be helpful.

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Added on March 26, 2009



Salt Lake City, UT

I never liked writing until fourth grade, when my teacher started to require us to write a page a day. I wrote poetry in a big hand to stretch the rules, but eventually I started to explore. I had a w.. more..

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