The Cry of a Child

The Cry of a Child

A Poem by Eleise Trenda

About a young girl who deals with a lot of hurt and mental health issues. She feels alienated with her self conflict on how she can escape her reality and find peace with herself.



                                  BY: ELEISE TRENDA          DATE: (2016, revised/finished 6/5/17)


                      Little girl,

                          wild soul,

                              pure heart,

                                 big searching eyes,


They say,

 Trust the monster.


                  Trust is something you gain not given,  


The child laughed, cried, played, listened to the sound of familiar voices.

              It stood by her side,

    The rattling sounds               her memory.


Kiss the monster.


  my burnt lips can not taste the lies of its splintered teeth, can not feel the touch of its cold cheek.


                            Ripping of her flesh as it takes its first bite

Respect the monster.


      Respect comes from love and good actions, not from shallow hearts. Bloody remarks,


Its words pierced her heart as it whispered in her ear stealing her pureness,


            in exchange for lustfulness,


Honor the monster….


          One takes honor with pride and crowned with justice. The act of honor is much stronger than the crippled words that roll off the tongue of the

                     noble minded.

 The child starved in the amorphous corner of melancholy and thirsted for a way out of the well that was boiling her name





Love the monster.


        You have to fight for true love. It’s not just a word that can be thrown wherever you chose. Love is not always a boomerang.


The monster placed a bomb, labeled forgiveness, in the trembling hands of the child.

     Is forgiveness just as destructive as a grenade in the hands of a suicide bomber?

         Am I the suicide bomber?

             Will I-can I- destroy this suit we call a body…?

                                 End my world.



Consuming my mind, trickling down every vein

     - But the Monster.

Hurt is the only thing I can think of when I see - no! I can’t stand It’s piercing eyes staring down my chest. All Oxygen fled with the sight of him, giving lust the space to consume my every breath. Squeezing my body until hollowed out bones were all that’s left.

How am I expected to forgive?




The humor in this is I actually did love this monster- excuse me, Monster’s. You see there are multiple. Three to be exact.

 The first,

        She was the first one to persuade me, taking the first bite. Robbing me of my happiness, introducing me to heartbreak and let down, and destroying all trust for humanity. Yet coward, not wanting to look me in the face as she took my hand under the blankets. Oh of course, you told me you were sleeping and it didn’t happen.

 The second,

          It all started with a piano and being late to class. With every note pulling me to your voice, I knew. You were my first true love. Four years passed and I told you. You tole me you have known all along. It ended that night. One night, one drunken text,  and he stole the only innocence I was saving for him. Taking my body and betraying me, using me only for my skin and loving me only for a while. I was just something to enjoy, he said.

 The third,

        He was just another reminding me I was weak, and took me back to the first. He reminded me I am just a body, and made me realized that I had never been someone's first love. I am only the rebound, but it's okay, really.

             He was mine too.  




Forgive the monster,


           I can’t. I hate them, yet I love them and I can’t find the peace in this raging sea to silence my mind to take a breath. Forgiving them would release them to roam free. I’ll lose all control. They continually make me weak but without the monster always nagging at my feet, I don't know how to stay awake. I find my strength within the weight.


Forgive the human, my heart tells me.

           The human who stole your joy. Who started the war. The monster who opened your eyes to young to the thing’s sin has to offer.

            The human who stole your “I love you”. Who used your body for their pleasure. Who you shared your heart with. Who showed you how you saw yourself.

            The human who reminded you of all the pain and blood you’ve spared. Who told you you were a regret. Who shoved lies down your throat.

     For they are only flesh and bone.

                                  Forgiveness will only make you stronger.

              -My soul told me

The child forgave the monster.

She drank from the well that yelled her name


    and ate from the tree that gave her a reason for life.  

       One more thing

Sweetheart, forgive the child.            

      The child who blamed herself for the hurt that was thrown on her.

      The child who devalued herself because she didn’t think she was worth it.

      The child who believed the lies that she was told.

      The child who just wanted to be set free.

      The child who got tired of trying, who wanted to give up.

                       That little girl is much stronger than the pain and joy that molded her story.

                        That little girl is beautiful and nothing less.

                         That young woman has a story to tell.


The child grew older and forgave herself. She heard nothing, silence surrounded her. The war was over and her mind was thoughtless.


                                Young woman,

                                    wild soul,

                                         fixed heart,

       big warming eyes,


Breath. Alive. Free.

© 2017 Eleise Trenda

Author's Note

Eleise Trenda
This poem is based on true events that happened in my life. I wanted to have more of a Franz Kafka feel to my poem and really bring you on an adventure through the feelings and thoughts I have dealt with in the past and present. I hope you could relate in one way or another and really find that this could help you. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this! Please let me know wha you thought or any advice on how i can improve.

My Review

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Featured Review

Repetition was one of your strong suits, and I would hard pressed to find writing as deeply personal and moving as what I just read.

The play of the words on the page, such as around the "echoed" line at the start, really kept the piece varied and interesting.

Thank you very much for sharing!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eleise Trenda

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much! More will come soon, so stay tuned! I'm glad u liked it and I could share a littl.. read more


Good job, the structure contains a nice effect. I like it

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Repetition was one of your strong suits, and I would hard pressed to find writing as deeply personal and moving as what I just read.

The play of the words on the page, such as around the "echoed" line at the start, really kept the piece varied and interesting.

Thank you very much for sharing!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eleise Trenda

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much! More will come soon, so stay tuned! I'm glad u liked it and I could share a littl.. read more
Love the structure. Definitely adds to the emotions you are trying to express and express well, especially anxiety. As someone who has been through depression and anxiety, your poem is very relatable.

Great write!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eleise Trenda

7 Years Ago

Thanks so much love! It really means a lot! I know a lot of people deal with this and it really just.. read more
I admire the structure of your piece. I believe the structure helped typify the alienation, anguish, and anxiety that has afflicted the central character. Moreover, I like how the final stanzas highlight the central character's personal growth. My favorite part:

"Sweetheart, forgive the child.
The child who blamed herself for the hurt that was thrown on her.

The child who devalued herself because she didn’t think she was worth it.

The child who believed the lies that she was told.

The child who just wanted to be set free.

The child who got tired of trying, who wanted to give up.

That little girl is much stronger than the pain and joy that molded her story.

That little girl is beautiful and nothing less.

That young woman has a story to tell.

The child grew older and forgave herself. She heard nothing, silence surrounded her. The war was over and her mind was thoughtless.

Young woman,

wild soul,

fixed heart,

big warming eyes,


Breath. Alive. Free."

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eleise Trenda

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much! That was definitely my goal when I wrote it particularly in this form, so I'm gl.. read more

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4 Reviews
Added on June 6, 2017
Last Updated on June 22, 2017
Tags: Depression, Anxiety, Heartbreak, Healing, Sad, Freedom, Christian, God, Poetry, Teens and adults, adults, teens, monsters, insomnia, lost, love, true love, forgiveness, honesty


Eleise Trenda
Eleise Trenda

Longview, WA

I am a 15 years old aspiring singer/songwriter and writer from Washington state. Poetry and music have gotten me through a lot of tough times in my life and I want to be able to share my story and mus.. more..

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A Story by Eleise Trenda