What We All See, But Don't Seem to Know
A Book by Eldee
A collection of topics that everyone thinks about, but few people delve into, written from the perspective of a blatant idealist, dreadfully opinionated, ridiculous, but mature seventeen year old. 
© 2010 Eldee
Author's Note
Since this is somewhat stream of consciousness I apologize for any grammatical errors. Please - This book wasn't meant to inspire or persuade. It was meant to be a toll of exploration, more for me than anyone else. I would be content to know that it does create thought, no matter what that thought is. Think what you will of it and my idealism, but if you take nothing else away from it take this - the only opinion that should ever matter is your own.
Added on February 7, 2010
Last Updated on February 7, 2010
EldeeSouthlake, TX
NAME: Eldee, LD, Little Dragon, Eldearie
BDAY: August 5th, 1992
Ah, what is there to say about little old me? I am 18 years of age, female, and an aspiring writer. Currently I am attending U.. more..