14: Alone with a stranger

14: Alone with a stranger

A Chapter by Mikhaela M.

"Come along, please." The woman said as she turned her back at me and began walking toward the dim place where she showed up. All I heard was just her footfalls and my heavy breathing until I heard a snap of fingers. And with just a snap, the place where she appeared was suddenly lightened up by torches. It wasn't an open area, it was actually a room. A double french door separating it from here.

But only that room was lightened up by the yellowish light given by the torches. It was just then when I realized the clock tower was so spacious and elegant. The floor made of marble, the walls covered with paintings I couldn't explain, the golden arches against the walls. I just don't know how this clock tower seemed huge inside. The room was bright enough to enlighten the whole place, not that much though.

The woman was making her way to the room, and I, who was obviously afraid of the woman, had no choice but to follow her steps. We were both silent even when we already reached the room.

And I was amazed, making my eyes go wider. My ears were filled by tick-tocks of many clocks. The walls of the room, they were all covered by clocks. Literally covered with clocks. Hundreds of clocks, small and big, were attached to the walls of the room. Who knew such a person who is very addicted with clocks actually exists?

I noticed that the woman was smirking at me--directly--when I stole a glance from her. It made her even creepier in my sight because of the now reddish glow that the torches are giving, they were lighting up the left part of her face, and the other side was completely dark. "Like what you see?" She asked me, tilting her head to the side.

I did not answer at once and just awkwardly looked down the marble floor, biting my lip. But then, she walked toward the center of the long table. It was that kind of a table back to the medieval era. It was so classy, there was also a chandelier hanging right above the table. She stopped behind the chair where a king usually sat, pulled it back and sat down just like a queen. My eyes landed on the porcelain cup and a kettle laying on top of the table, but when the woman spoke again my eyes went back to hers. "I was having my tea right before I sensed your presence."

I gulped. Nowwhat am I supposed to say? Not knowing what to do, I just stood there. Watching her serve herself a cup of tea and take a sip. "Have you not decided to make yourself feel comfortable?"

Well, I really don't feel any comfort right now in the first place.

But since I don't really know what to do and instead of just standing here without doing anything, I might just sit down and make myself comfortable-- even if it might seem impossible.

So what I did, I made a move to pull the chair back and sat down as quietly as I can, stealing some glances from her on the process. She still looks creepy.

"So, do you have anything to say?" She asked me, staring so intently at me just as always. But, why does she really think I have something to say to her? Well, I just came here, and I just really don't know this place. But well, is this place something that I am just imagining? Am I hallucinating?

Have I gone mad?

I turned my head to look up at the woman with furrowed eyebrows. Well, now I guess I do have something to ask.

"Am I dreaming?" Thank God I didn't stutter.

There was a small pause when I asked her that, but then she just began laughing. "Really? Do you really think that you are in your dreams?"

My brows furrowed even more at the sight of her amused face. "Well.. yes. I do. I mean... where exactly am I? Because I'm pretty sure if this is just a creation of my mind, then it must really be a dream."

This time, she was just about to take a sip from her cup but I think she was amused by what I just said. Uhm... so what's wrong with this woman? "Seriously, woman..." She started as her amusement slowly faded away from her voice. But what she told me next sent shivers running up my spine.

"This is not a dream..."

I almost gaped at the answer that I got from her, "Then, where am I?" I gulped. This is seriously freaking the hell out of me.

"W-what is this place?" My voice broke.

I was staring straight into the eyes of the woman sitting just right beside me, I was waiting for an answer to my question and it just remained like that for a few moments. All was just silent. But then again, she laughed.

I tilted my head to side, an eyebrow arched at her. Why the hell is she laughing? I'm being serious right here.

"Don't be silly, dear. You do not have to be scared." Another wave of laughter came out her mouth. But, heck, I'm not really scared... Well, I suppose I actually am but not that much.

"I'm not scared." I quickly defended, averting my gaze from those golden orbs that she has.

She put the tea cup down with a clunk, sending me an amused grin at the same time. "But fear was what your face told me."

Oh-kay. Am I really that transparent? Ugh. Nevermind. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at what she said, well she still seems scary in my sight. And she is still a stranger to me.

I slightly shook my head, "But please, where exactly am I?"

Then, she just stared at me like I did not even ask her anything. She was just looking at me. I don't even know what she was thinking. But after a few seconds, she let out a small chuckle. Finally, she stopped looking strangely at me.

Silence was just about to envelope the whole room once again, but a snap of fingers destroyed it. And I just saw something pop out of nowhere, it was another porcelain cup just like what the woman was using. I looked up to the woman again who seemed pleased by my reaction, well, it was some sort of magic. So, what was I supposed to do? Of course, I was kind of amazed even though it sounds so childish.

The woman poured some tea in the other cup and placed down the kettle with a small clunk once again. "Drink some tea, please."

My eyes landed on the cup sitting on top of the table. I just stared down at the content of it. The color was... well, brown. Just like the normal ones I had before. Should I drink it? I asked myself. I was still hesitating. Should I really trust this woman? I don't think so. She is still a stranger.

"Do not worry, dear. It's just tea. And it is delicious, I tell you." I bit my lower lip. There isn't poison in this tea, right? But what if there is? I don't really want to know what might happen after that but my wild imagination is now taking advantage of my head.

I heard her chuckle once again when my lips were just an inch away from the porcelain cup. Well, I agree that I am pretty much exaggerating it and I know it's sort of funny but I think I'm just being very careful. "Come on, don't hesitate..."

So, finally, I took a sip. And surprisingly, it was actually good. I did not really expect that I would like it this much. I don't really know why but for all I know I didn't taste any specific ingredient in it but... it was really good. And so, I took one sip after another until I realized I already emptied it up. I immediately looked up to the woman--I almost forgot about her presence--and the amused expression was still on her face.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

Damn it. It just slipped out of my mouth.

She tilted her head a little bit to the side, eyes just fixed on me. "Well... I do admit that you are so amusing." Then, she chuckled again. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Why do you think so?"

Again. Damn, why am I being so straight-forward? I am not even trying to question her that.

A smirk was now on her lips and she slowly leaned over the table, getting her face nearer towards me. Her golden orbs were just so intense that I felt like being swallowed by her. She was like examining me when I looked into her eyes. "Because you are different. And I am very sure of that." The amusement on her face was completely wiped away, she suddenly became serious.

She leaned back on her chair, letting out a small huff with her eyes still fixated on me. I was not making a move then, but she took her cup up to her lips and sipped from it. "Well, as I can see... you weren't sent by anybody." I tilted my head for the hundredth time, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Not by Hatter, not Clown, Angrevier... neither that irritating Cheshire. None of them has their scent on you."

"What are you really talking about?" I asked as she averted her gaze away from me. All she was saying were all non-sense for me.

And I guess she just ignored my question. "And if you were really sent by one of them..." She paused, letting out a small chuckle as she placed the cup back down. But then, she looked up at me. And I don't know if it is just me but... I am pretty sure something changed all of a sudden. "...you should not be sitting here with me right now but finding for an escape."

"W-why?" I stuttered.

"Because all of the offerings sent by my fellow friends are all meant to be eaten by me, dear."

I gulped. Her eyes... I swear I saw something red glint in her eyes for a second. I felt goosebumps crawling up my spine, making my hair at the back of my neck stand up. It had gotten more creepier than it was. What her appearance told me before was half innocence and danger... but why is all I see now is pure... danger?

In a blink of an eye I just found myself leaning back on the chair as my hands gripped the sides of it. Well, I think my body is telling me to get away from her fast. God, she just said "meant to be eaten." Is she going to eat me, then?

Just what situation have I gotten myself into? I should have known this woman is bad news.

A smirk flashed on her lips when she noticed my reaction. "I don't really know where you came from... but I'm certain this is my first time meeting someone like you. Someone who has a heartbeat, woman. That is also why you are different... because everything that lurks in the Chamber doesn't have a heartbeat."

One thing I am really sure about right now: I'm alone with a psychopath, so I really have to get away fast.

She laughed, and it sounded so evil that it even made me flinch. "All this time I've been hearing the blood flowing in your veins. I hear your heart beating, the sound of your muscles contracting... I hear everything, woman."

Crap. I curled my fists into balls as I gritted my teeth.

"Don't you even know how tempting it was for me?"


That's my cue.

I have to get out of here.

I quickly stood up from my chair and turned on my heel. I began running away from her towards the doorway out the room. I just kept on cursing underneath my breath because I was too afraid that she might catch after me.

But then again, I just heard her devilish laugh and everything literally went to darkness.

You heard me right. It literally went to darkness.

But I stopped on my tracks as I turned around to look back where I last saw her, but everything was really enveloped by darkness that's why I couldn't see anything but... well, black.

I groaned. I really don't know what to do next, should I just stand here and do nothing? But I'm pretty sure I still hear her devilish laughter. It was coming from somewhere quite far... but as I stayed longer on my spot, I can slowly hear her voice coming closer and louder. Which also means she is getting nearer me.

God, damn it.

I shook my head, trying to focus on just one thing: Get away from here.

But the question is: how do I get away when all I really see is black?


Don't think, just run.

So, I did.

I ran and ran, noticing that I could barely hear her laughter anymore. That woman is seriously crazy. To think that I would hear such things from her that made my insides churn?

Eaten. Blood flowing through my veins. The beating of my heart. The muscles. And that she was being tempted? To what? Eat me? What the hell is wrong with that?

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when I heard something all of a sudden. It was something... static. It was like a screech. Like the sound you hear when you rub a fork on a plate but even worse.

And it hurt my ears. I stopped on my spot and my knees suddenly broke down, my hands covering up my ears so I could prevent them from hearing the awful static sound.


It even got louder and I squeezed my eyes shut, I just can't stand it! The sound was making me feel so furious that it even makes my teeth grit so hard. "Arrghh!" I screamed, I really hate that sound. where the hell is it coming from?

Then I heard someone speaking along with the long static sound. It was the damned woman. "You cannot escape from me, Morissette."

I snapped my eyes open, expecting to see that woman already near me. I was glaring everywhere, in every direction. I know she was just there.

But what I don't know is how she knew my name because I do not remember such a memory of me introducing myself to that psycho.

"How did you know my name?!" I managed to shout despite the pain the sound has been causing me.

In a matter of seconds, I heard her again. It was just that her voice did not come from a certain direction, it came from everywhere. Literally everywhere. "Well... there are voices in my head, dear." Then she laughed again.

"You're crazy!" I yelled, but it seems like she was not even affected by it.

Instead, I heard her let out a sigh. "Do you even know what you are, Morisette? Do you even know why you were able to go here in the Chamber?"

My ears still hurt from the static sound. It wasn't stopping and my knees were still jelly-like. I can't stand up. I groaned as my fingers almost dug into my scalp. "W-what do you mean?"

Again. Another wave of her laughter invaded my ears. She was not really crazy the first time I saw her, she looked just right. Or maybe it was because she could not stand the temptation anymore?

And... what does she mean by 'Chamber'? Is that even a place? And what I am... seriously? All she was saying were all just senseless!

Then in a blink of an eye...

I just found myself on my feet with the hand of the woman wrapped around my neck. And I realized I'm not affected by the static sound anymore, but it was still there.

My eyes just widened in shock as I saw her eyes... they were not the golden ones anymore. They were just... all black.

A grin crawled its way to the lips of the woman, then she slightly shook her head as her eyes fixated at the side of my neck when I gulped. "God... I can see through you. Your blood, flesh, I can see them all." She whispered, her eyes filled with want.

Let the pits of hell swallow this woman... What the hell is wrong with her?

"I haven't tasted a fresh human body in a very long time, you know? All I had eaten were just corpses, goblins, rabbits, and more... And I have got to admit but they don't really taste good. They even smell so disgusting." She laughed, letting go of my neck. But I just stayed still and forced myself to don't be afraid of her, I was just throwing daggers at her with my eyes. "They smell disgusting... unlike you, you smell so good, Morisette. Do Travelers like you really smell like that?"

"Well, I honestly did not believe the stories my fellow friends told me before about Travelers... but I should believe them now. Because I already have encountered one."

A grin made its way to her lips again, showing those blackened teeth that were once of the color of pearls. That's just... disgusting. Then she leaned nearer me again, I noticed those black veins that started crawling around the eyes of the woman. She really looked like a monster. No, wait, I do think that she is a monster.

When the woman was already so close to me, I took a step backwards. Anytime she could attack me, so I just really have to stay away from her. So, another step, I took. But she keep on moving closer to me. She also began cackling when she saw what I was doing. Well, I know she was laughing again but it totally sounded different. It wasn't the same laugh I kept on hearing from her.

My shoulders are just tensed up with my chest falling up and down as I tried my best to glare at her while stepping back a couple of times. And then, the cackling became louder and it even became scarier. And the black veins crawling out of her eyes... already reached her arms, maybe they were crawling all over her body, making it look like there are cracks on her skin.

A squeal slipped out of my mouth when I just felt something pointy under my right collar bone and a hand at the back of my neck, that hand had kept me from moving away. Then I looked down to where I feel that pointy thing... my eyes widened again and I swallowed a lump in my throat when I saw her finger pointing at my upper right chest... or more like I saw her sharp and long nail painted black almost digging in my skin. Almost.

I looked up to see her amused face. "Don't move." Her grin widened even more, "I won't devour ya' even if I want to, dear. Don't worry."

"Psychopath." I spat out as I clenched my jaw. Then, she just laughed at me and amusement was all over her face once again. But then after her laughter, the amusement was completely wiped away and was replaced by a... blank one.

Then, I felt her finger with the nail that can easily pierce through a human skin tap my chest. My lips parted in shock when something glowed right on the spot she tapped.

I looked up at her, and her face was still blank. No emotion. But then, .she spoke. "Well, I only said that I won't devour you..." She tilted her head, "but I didn't say I won't hurt you, dear."

And what happened next almost drained out my voice because I screamed. That spot the woman touched suddenly hurt. It felt like someone was digging a sword right through it. It felt like it was being nailed a thousand times. And as it hurt, it glowed a crimson light. I don't know what is happening but I am sure that it is the doing of that psycho woman.

I fell on my knees again as I clutched that part where I felt the pain. I just kept on screaming in pain, too much pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, and I felt tears roll down my cheeks. Damn it, it's just too painful! It felt like it was burning... Arghh!

I looked up to the woman, and she just had that cold emotion as she silently watched me suffer. "Y-you... ackk!" I clutched my chest harder, my face almost hitting the ground. I couldn't speak, it hurts even more when I try to.

I swear, I was trembling so hard. Why the hell does it hurt so much?

The woman then kneeled in front of me and I glared at her. But she was just staring coldly at me. And slowly, I became more and more dizzy.

She just stayed like that for what seemed like forever as I tried to hold the pain on my chest. That is until I saw her lips curve into a smirk.

"I'm saving you up, woman. I'm sending you back to your world because this isn't right time."

She then held my chin up, making me look up at her with my eyes already threatening to close.

"You interest me, dear. And I know a Traveller like you can be really useful to me. I'll talk to my friends in the mean time to figure out what you can do for me."

My sight was becoming blurred and the voice of the woman was slowly fading away, but the last words that I heard from her will... surely never leave my head.

"We're not done yet, Morisette. Just remember that someday, when the right time comes... I will come for you."

Then finally, my eyes gave in and I just let myself be enveloped by darkness. 

But... something was urging me to open them once again.

I suddenly got a feeling that I should open my eyes.

And so, I did.

Another question crossed my mind, then: Well, did I just wake up?

© 2016 Mikhaela M.

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Added on April 25, 2016
Last Updated on April 25, 2016


Mikhaela M.
Mikhaela M.


I'm an average teenager who prefers to live in another world through her books. more..

Mistaken Mistaken

A Story by Mikhaela M.