Love leaves no one behind. There are people who are terrified -- terrified of life and of death. There is nothing to fear. You are embraced. You are loved. Most of us remain under a veil of duality, where our perspectives and experiences are defined by a structure of good vs. evil. Perfect love holds no such judgments. Everything begins and ends within you. Within your heart is perfect love. We open the heart not to let love in, but to let love out. Our belief systems shield the heart, which can never be defiled, so that what we feel within ourselves is a direct result of the filter of our beliefs. This is called ignorance. Ignorance is NOT evil. Ignorance is the lack of awareness of who we truly are which causes us to do things harmful to each other, and brings into this world adverse energies. Love transcends time and space, cause and effect. Time and space are merely constructs by which we experience existence in this realm. You (you are awareness) are bound by nothing. But, if you (you are awareness) remain under a veil of good vs. evil, of duality, of belief systems, it is difficult to see that what binds you is your own model or perspective of life and death. Nothing exists outside the mind and the experience of God. In love, all things come to rest. In love, everything returns to its essence. Bless you and all that is within you.
p.s. The "preachy" nature of my writing is not me "preaching" to you, but me "preaching" to me, if this makes any sense. I only wish to share what is being revealed to me.