Why exist?

Why exist?

A Chapter by El Cu Cuy

Ever wonder?


            What does it mean to exist? What is the concept of living? Does one need to attain some sense of practical aptitude in order to feel like they truly exist for a purpose? It is of my own perception that nothing exists for a purpose other than to exist. Chance, destiny, fate, decisions; these metaphors for personal action are not justified through any means either scientifically or metaphysically as to base one’s life off of, or to enact any purpose other than to appease a personal agenda. Transcendence is not constituted by the means of heightening oneself above that of their predecessors or any other form of life. The main concept of life is the existence of it, and the existence of reality as a whole. Knowledge itself is limitless and infinitely changing. Therefore, it is unconstitutional for someone to claim to have superior knowledge or perfect knowledge as a means to gain power and influence over a situation in order to justify their means of indicting their own way of life into the reality of existence. As beings of time, we cannot pertain to any order of cosmic deification in order to attain a sense of belonging or stratification. The concept of the soul or spirit is undefinable in the sense that the cognitive thought of it is inconceivable and wholly unrecognizable to beings in time. The sheer concept of thought and being are so complex that we can’t define them in the course of time. A question the pose with this would be, where does our concept of thought and being or even the soul go when our bodies in time cease to function or become wholly eradicated and useless? Do we finally attain the transcendence of time after our corporeal bodies are no longer in use, when they can no longer contain a soul or spirit? Does the mind still function of the same level as what we once knew in corporeal states? The only difference between the concept of timelessness and in time is that the laws of life and death prelude an end to a beginning, and where there is an ending, there is nothing else. As we know so far, life and death are inevitable. The concept of immortality, or the idea of being timeless, outside of time as it were, is only conceivable through sheer fancy and metaphysical stasis. What we once thought of as being all powerful and totally influential towards the shape of reality is but a common misunderstanding with beings of time. Reality itself is timeless. Through our very own scientific knowledge and understanding, we have deemed that both energy and matter can be neither created nor destroyed, only manipulated. With that, if that is as so, then is there a numerical amount of both energy and matter that is quantifiable in all of existence? If so, then how far can exploration and discovery take us before we learn everything? If not so, then how is this energy and matter being continually created if it is, in a sense, infinite? The concept of infinite being an incalculable value, as it is unending. If infinite is unending, and both energy and matter are both infinite in nature, then how does our law justify those two concepts? Taking all of this into account, how are we, as beings of a finite nature, able to quantify existence and reality and then proceed to control it. I feel that we are completely insignificant towards the concept of existence. We are unregistered in the concept of existence being that we are finite and existence is infinite. How are we to put a foothold on reality if the only reality is existence? What is our goal as humans, as to pertain to a cosmic functionality, if we see our own existence as something infinite? We live, we breed, we die, and all for the sake of what? The only purpose, as so far in, that we can recognize would be to continue the perpetuation of our species. Yet with our own individualistic prowess, we are not in a state of perpetual longevity. Is it in our right to question the concept of reality and existence? I err in light of that question by my previous conjectures with reality and existence, but the conceivable nature of it all is so profoundly colossal that the only thing that we can do is to ponder these philosophical questions in nature. Our very nature of existing as we are is a complete bane on the concept of infinite reality and existence itself. For what is it that we cannot even question our own existence without having a distinct personal feeling of disgust at the notion? It appears to me that we can neither understand the thought of existence or the thought of reality as it is. We have chiseled and pried away at these notions and have generated great knowledge through or endeavors into the nature of infinities and, with that, have come no closer to even understanding these notions as they are in time. How does one even begin to understand timelessness in an existence that is perpetuated by the impending doom of time itself? Why do we continue to pry and chisel when the inevitability of it stares at us with its infinite girth and magnitude? We split an atom and discovered tremendous amounts of energy contained within, and yet the mass and energy are incalculable in our concept of time. It seems to me that we are a fatalistic species that is doomed to fail wholly on the prime fact that we are beings in time whereas existence and reality are outside of time and too complex. The concepts of our species are none too vast for us to study and yet we still feel that we need to expand and change these concepts due to our lack of knowledge of the concept of reality and existence. We try to purpose that reality and existence are both ordained by our own existence and we try to harness these concepts without regard to our own existence as a sentient race in time. What is it that drives us and compels us to commit these experiments and studies when we know that our time is limited to our corporeal bodies? How do we divert ourselves onto a path that is within our own realm of being in time? We have studied the cosmos around us, we have studied the planet that we live on, we have studied the effects of the human nature through war and avarice, and yet we feel that we must converge on a single truth to everything. How does the question even invade a being that is not outside of time when we know that we are finite? We will die and never know the truth to existence. The utter concept is what kills us and yet we still drive ourselves to the point to where we become mad and lose sense of reality and existence and destroy our minds to the point of having no knowledge anymore. I feel that when the time comes and we try to orient ourselves into beings outside of time, then we will finally drive in the nail that shatters reality and existence and we will no longer exist as ourselves, but as existence itself. I do not laugh at the concept of time being a bubble as has been devised in the popular TV series “Doctor Who”, but I do question that concept in the fact that time in itself is immeasurable due to the infinite nature of it. Even the sheer thought of everything happening all at once is comparable to a fallacy on our species part for the fact that events that happen are only constituted towards the reality of the events and in no way are related with time itself. Nothing takes time; time only being relevant with our nature as beings in time. We sense time only as our bodies continually decay and our matter and energy disperse. Psychological partitions deem that our minds are infinite in the concept of existing without a physical obligation towards reality, and yet it is claimed that our minds cease to function once our corporeal forms cease to function. How is it that we can deem ourselves as being infinite in mind when our minds themselves are slave to our corporeal forms? Time is only conceptualized in the idea of understanding the rate of decay of physical form and the revolution of objects in the cosmos; amongst other concepts in which we use time as a label. In that idea, time itself is stigmatized with being finite when in the reality of its existence it is inconceivable in itself. Can time realize itself in nature and if so, then how does it work? Does one action in time dictate the outcome of a certain event? Is it time that is wholly influencing these events? Does time constitute our reality and existence? Should time even be labeled in the impact of our inevitability? In what way do our musings and ponderings of such concepts begin to reign purposeful in our existence or the very concept of existence itself? In that, it is of my own perception that existence is nothing, and nothing matters in existence. We exist for no reason, and existence has no reason. Reality is only conceptualized individually with our species. We are nothing in existence, such as the same as existence is nothing in our nature of being. Time is no character to shape our views of existence or even the thought of being. One is all, and all is one. Nothing is everything, and everything is nothing. There is no reason to perpetuate our endeavors to seek out the ultimate truth to existence for existence has no ultimate truth. The only truth is nothing. Label it as nihilistic, but the truth is that there is not truth. To me, our only purpose for being is just to be. We are nothing special, but in the same respect, we can do whatever we want, because we don’t matter.

© 2014 El Cu Cuy

Author's Note

El Cu Cuy
Nothing personal. Just my own thoughts running amok ^_^

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Added on January 6, 2014
Last Updated on January 6, 2014


El Cu Cuy
El Cu Cuy

Chuck Town, IL

I'm a very deep and thoughtful person. I was born July 13, 1988 and I like to be at peace with myself and the surroundings. I don't really care what happens as long as I can learn from it and retain c.. more..

Because Because

A Book by El Cu Cuy

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A Chapter by El Cu Cuy

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A Chapter by El Cu Cuy