Power of a woman.

Power of a woman.

A Story by El-Amin Yusuf Alronawy

A true life story. I am the victim. But I don't know why I am sharing it.

I looked back; the incidence took place in 2011. I was only 19 then. My best friend has an elder brother who recently walked down the aisle. His wife was very, very beautiful and sexy (I must confess). I knew her very well since before they start courting and sometimes we used to greet each other; she's, I think, about 8 years older than me. After the marriage, my friend used to take me to the house to greet her (as in our custom: we give respect to our brothers' wives as if they're also our sisters). Whenever we go she welcome us with care, serve us foods and drinks, give us attention and entertain us. She is a good woman. Her kindness drew us closer to her that we can't pass a day without visiting their house.

One day, when we are in school my friend committed an offence which is punishable by hard-labour; and he was taken to pay for it. It was after the school hours that he was given his share of the labour, and he couldn't finish it on time. So he gave me his school-bag and asked me to tell his brother's wife to "spare" some food for him; that he'll be there in two hours (and that I mustn't tell her what he's done). My problem is that I easily forget things. After brief thought he brought out his phone and called her. He told her by himself. We then parted with me laughing at him, for his labour.

Immediately after I arrived at home I removed my school uniform, ate my lunch and prayed. I sat down, watching TV show. Gosh! I forgot to deliver the bag, you see!
I got up and set for that house. I knocked on the door and she came to open it. But something puzzled me: her bizarre dressing. I tried to lower my gaze and handed the bag to her. I turned to go.

"No. You must come in- you can't come and go without having something; this is your house. " She called me back.

"Oh, Nagode (thanks)," I voiced " I am OK. I ate at home."

" I know... OK. come in and rest, I have something to tell you."

My heart beat steadily. I never know what she's insinuating.

"OK." I agreed and entered.
But she bolted the door. "What for?" I asked myself.

I sat on the sofa in the parlour. I am looking at her to see what she's doing to the door (not looking at her body, mind you). She's closed it and held the keys on her hands. I immediately realized that something is , or may go, wrong. She headed to me, walking seductively. I can't help but to turn my eyes away from her. Luckily, the TV is working; Aljazeera is tuned on. I tried to give my full attention to the TV, but I was distracted by a feel on my side: a body. I looked at her and moved away feeling troubled. But she insisted on moving near me, to the extent that she cuddled me. I couldn't move. I, by then, knew very well what she's after. She held my hands and caressed, trying to place them on her bosom when I quickly got up.

" What is all this?" I asked, angrily.

"Calm down. I mean no harm, El-Amin, " she started " I just want us to enjoy ourselves. I know you want it, you're a grown-up adult. I desperately need you. I waited for this day for so long.
Since the day we got married, i never know what is called 'sexual fulfilment'. Let me tell you, I have never enjoyed the sex we have had because he's always selfish. Whenever I need him, he told me that he's tired and needed to rest, but if his urges come I have no excuse- is that marriage? El-Amin, my husband always leave home to workplace on Monday and I won't see him until Friday. I asked him to take me with him, but he declined. All he tells me is that he's provided everything for me here; so I shall stay. I spoke to him about my sexual misadventure but he said I complain too much and that I have to be patient. I managed to suppress my sufferings but I no more can't. I am human, healthy and active. Why should he treat me like this? Please, show me your care; just once. Just today, please. I promised to give all what you may ask and I promised no one will know what has happened." She lectured, holding my arms.

"Look, I am not that type of a person. I can't do what you want because it's against my religious and moral values. And it's a breach of trust. After your husband has trusted me and allowed me into his household? No. I am sorry. How i wish it's something that I will do for you. But this one, capital NO." I confidently said.

"Haba (Oh), El-Amin, don't be that callous." She retorted and thrust her body into mine.

(This was the first time I've had such a feeling. I saw people in movies hugging but can't tell what and how they feel).
I stood there not knowing what to do; running away is out of the plans because she locked the door and has the keys with her. An idea came to my mind.

" For me to escape, I have to forge my approval and act like I agree to do what she wants." I thought, inwardly.

I started groping her back. She's taller than I am, though. She's sighing and I was groping, inadvertently.

" OK. I understand. But you know that we are going to commit a heinous crime, also a sin." I uttered.

"Sins are forgiven by Allah and my husband too is sinning against Allah by not fulfilling his duties as a husband- let's move to the bedroom." She softly said.

"Erhm, you know what? I can't stay any longer now. I told my mother that I will be back in 15 minutes.
So, she must have been expecting me now. I have to go. But I promised to come and 'wipe your tears'. I swear I will come back in the night, alone."

" No," she held me more tightly " you just want to run, El-Amin. Satisfy me before you go, please."

" Wallahi (by Allah) I will come back. I promised."

" I don't agree."

" Look," I removed her from my chest/body " look at my mouth: I SWEAR BY QURAN and BY ALLAH that I will come back. Believe me."

"Are you sure? Allah will not forgive you, if you recant this pledge".

" Very sure." I nodded.

She then took my right hand and led me to the door. I was given the keys to open, while she's been kissing me all over. I didn't mind her: all I want is to go. I finally unbolted the door, still receiving casual kisses on my face, and left. I waved at her, just to make her feel that I will come back. She closed and went back. I am gone.
When I reached home I thanked God that I managed to escape the "clutches of the devil". I also asked God to forgive me for all that I did there and to forgive me for breaking a promise I took under His name, because I will not go back to do what she asked.
That night around 7:30pm, I received a phone call from her but I picked and told her that "I am sorry, I can't..." and she bursted out crying that "God will not forgive me". I ended the call and shrugged.
That's it. From that day she never show any of these feelings towards me and our relationship grew more stronger; but I have been making sure that we are not alone.

© 2014 El-Amin Yusuf Alronawy

Author's Note

El-Amin Yusuf Alronawy
Correct me where I am wrong, grammatically etc.

My Review

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This is a wonderful story with great advice. It would be immoral to do that, the main character made the right choice. This story has a great moral. Nice write!

Posted 10 Years Ago

El-Amin Yusuf Alronawy

10 Years Ago

Aww, Rose. Thanks....I love that goat....

10 Years Ago

Thank you, I was bored so I also changed the display name to Goat.
TO comit an immoral act with this woman would have been wrong, but swearing on God'sname that you will comebakc is alwo wrong. I guess you had no choice. She is obviously a needly woman--but not a good one, else she would not have tried to seduce an innocent young man.

Posted 10 Years Ago

El-Amin Yusuf Alronawy

10 Years Ago

Of course, Marie. I bet I've done the right thing. Thanks for your review. God bless.

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2 Reviews
Added on March 10, 2014
Last Updated on March 10, 2014
Tags: Love, Trust, Marriage, Faith, Partner, Adult, Teens, Fiction, Drama, Lust, Temptation.


El-Amin Yusuf Alronawy
El-Amin Yusuf Alronawy

Roni., Jigawa (Northern Nigeria), Nigeria

I am El-Amin Yusuf Alronawy; 21 years old boy from Roni local government, Jigawa state, Nigeria. I am a Hausa-Muslim, studying Computer Engineering at HAFED Polytechnic, Kazaure. An aspiring writer! more..
