Tepid summer nights

Tepid summer nights

A Poem by Eichendorff

Tepid summer nights

When the sun sinks behind the horizon with her rays

When her beams imbue all clouds red over our land

And donate us a great indescribable moment

When the last bird's song is fading in the wind away

Tepid air is blowing round our head quite mildly

Leaves are rustling, trees are swaying in the wind

Thousand wonderful wide whiffs are whizzling wildly

For how close we stand together are a hint

Ask we ourselves about the sense of our existence

Inspirates us mother nature “Carpe diem“ from the distance

Then it is again a tepid summer night

Which enriches our life so endlessly without a mite.

Laue Sommernächte

Wenn die Sonne hinterm Horizont versinkt

Ihre Strahlen weiße Wolken rot, orange gar tränken

Einen unbeschreiblichen Moment uns schenken

Und des letzten Vogels Lied im Wind verklingt

Laue Lüfte unser Haupt ganz zart umwehen

Blätter rascheln, Bäume sich im Winde wiegen

Tausend wunderbare Düfte in den lauen Lüften liegen

Und uns zeigen, wie nah' wir zusammen stehen

Fragen wir uns nach dem Sinn des Sein

Haucht Mutter Natur uns „Carpe diem“ ein

Ist es wieder eine laue Sommernacht

Die unser Leben so unendlich reicher macht.

Cuando el sol se hunde tras del horizonte

Y sus rayos crean en el cielo un rojo y naranjado ornato

Nos donan un indecible rato

Y la última canción del ave expira en el viento tras el monte

Suaves soplos soplan alrededor de nuestra cabeza blandamente

Hojas crujen, árboles se acunan en los vientos

De olores milagrosos en el aire hay cientos

Que nos muestran que está junta toda la gente

Entonces nos preguntamos por la razón de nuestra existencia

Madre naturaleza nos inspira „Carpe diem“ en su sapiencia

Otra vez es una noche estival templada

Que enrica nuestra vida y se guarda.

© 2015 Eichendorff

Author's Note

I originally wrote it in German and then translated it to English and Spanish. So the German version is the best one I guess, my Spanish is not that good, so the Spanish version probably contains a lot of mistakes. The last line in the English version probably doesn't make sense :D
I hope you guys still like it!

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I really like this one, the beauty of the first line you must be aware of, the rest of it flows nicely...but beyond the flow, the imagery is really exciting. I wish I spoke German. Loved the line about the asking ourselves about the sense of our existence. You translate well.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 30, 2015
Last Updated on November 30, 2015
Tags: Nature, Romantic, Carpe diem, Seize the day




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