lol and a crybaby tale is dedicated to you so why don't you check that one out. learn to take criticism better. i mean this poem tries to be witty, but any 2nd grader could have pulled off this mock sense of trying to poke fun at some individuals. You obivously have not read much of mmy writing in order to act in this manner, oh well. what would i expect from a russian? que sera sera.
Learn to take criticism better as i said, and for gods sake at least try to be original
p.s. eddie guess you should take Moscow off of your profile you are a pollock or whatever and that is close enough anyway. i mean you guys are all the same really.
Wonderful in a Willy Wonka sort of way! I love it. This is unique and creative. The recipe wouldn't be complete without the fart. I don't even think you need to repeat the metaphors. Did you do that for a reason? Just curious. Great peice.