I'll Be Watching You

I'll Be Watching You

A Poem by TheMostSplendiferous

True love doesn't need to be reciprocated.


You’re driving home from work one day

And I’m lying in the back of your Chevrolet

You sing along with the music ‘cause you think you’re alone

But here I am, breathing in the scent of your cologne


You’re asleep and I’m standing in the corner of your room

I hope that in your dream I’m the bride and you’re the groom

Your alarm will wake you up at 6:54

So at quarter ‘til seven I must walk out that door


I’m crouching in the bushes as a girl gets in your car

And I’m thinking your relationship won’t get very far

Later I will cut her brakes, though, just in case

‘Cause you won’t want her if she messes up her pretty face


I’m looking through your window with my knees under my chin

And the girl, who's now on crutches, comes hobbling in

You tell her that you love her as you get down on one knee

And strangely, I’m not mad or sad that it’s not me


Because I know I’ve been there for you and that I always will

Even if you’re married, I’ll be watching you still

If there’s one thing that getting married to this girl ensures

It’s that a stalker of yours is a stalker of hers

© 2012 TheMostSplendiferous

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I love your humor, randers! This is great. My favorite part are these two lines:
Later I will cut her brakes, though, just in case
‘Cause you won’t want her if she messes up her pretty face

Actually I think I like the first stanza the best. Oh, I don't know, it's all too awesome!

Posted 12 Years Ago

This was clever. The rhyme scheme was a bit loose, but it didn't detract from it overall. I like the comedic, fiendish attitude- I imagined the narrator as a young girl, maybe a little to naive for her own good, but with a seriously fucked-up streak as well; I could see this girl mutilating animals, and then working her way up to humans. It reminds me of a movie I saw years and years ago (I couldn't remember the name to save my life)- basically, the movie centers around a twenty-something-year-old girl who tries to create the "perfect boyfriend" by haphazardly sewing pieces of different guys together, Frankenstein-style. The character is a mixture between ditzy bimbo and dangerous headcase.
Anyway, good job with this. Very unique, very clever. And thanks for showing that guys aren't the only ones who stalk people- women do that too.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 22, 2012
Last Updated on June 28, 2012




I am from Mars. I enjoy eating the souls of robots. I think humans are witty. My writing partner is Selkietales. She is a human, not a selkie or a robot. That is why her soul remains. I am a catterpla.. more..
