Many ways to cut yourself. Drinking and drugs can leave marks too. Cutting leave permanent marks. I don't know. I believe better to raise hell and shout out to the moon then to damage your skin. Pain is life and life can be good if we are wise and think. A powerful poem. I could have a long discussion on this one.
I understand where this is comming from. I used to do the same thing yet cut my stummy instead so no one would see. Sometimes you think cutting helps, but in the end it leaves scars that will always remain... Always reminding you what hurt you. And this is not s****y. It's filled with emotion and your emotions at that aren't s****y:) well done.
Hello children
My name is Beatrice. I am 17 years old.
I write, I listen to music, I dance, I laugh (sometimes when I am not supposed to laugh >. more..