Derivative And Divisive

Derivative And Divisive

A Story by Earl Schumacker

The view from above is a long way down


Derivative And Divisive

More than just a three story mansion made from granite; it is a modern technological marvel of scientific, engineering and building, created to weather all storms and unforeseen forces of nature. It is the home of Mr. And Mrs. Elementos who live atop the great cliffs where they and their servant staff reside. They have friendly neighbors who live near by in a castle equally impressive in size and structure. Storm insurance and regular home owners insurance was easy to procure, that is if you are willing to pay the exorbitant prices available to you in the existing market. The Elementos like to cover all contingencies in life so they even tried to buy insurance to cover a direct hit from asteroids. They were unsuccessful in that venture but they are people who live in the moment and always trying to improve their lives. Money is no object. They are filthy rich. Money can buy almost anything as they are coming to find out.

Each step they take is deliberate and with the presence of mind of young adults who understand the consequences of their actions in that regard. Extreme caution was on their minds and a formal consideration for the new life style they were about to undertake.

Specifically, from the point of view regarding their purchase of acreage on the highlands and building the mansion alongside the very steep cliffs, it would take some courage and adjustments to over come the inherent dangers that come with the property. It was a high stakes risk but well worth it in their estimation. The views are breath taking and the landscape equally awesome.

They enjoyed a quiet life in the upper regions and every waking hour of living on the edge thrilled them to no end. Each morning it was their rule to be out the door by seven for a stroll along the cliffs, which rise from the base to nearly three thousand feet high, with panoramic views which stretch out for at least one hundred miles from where they are.

Standing on the edge, what unfolded below them was almost indescribable but certainly magical.

It was always spectacular to watch the ever changing ocean from thousands of feet atop the world. They could glance out at an angry sea on one occasion, as it grew at odds with nature, sixty foot rogue waves rolling as high as the imagination, rising where they will, falling to who knows where, churning, crashing into themselves and agitated in a storm of fury and wanton chaos unfathomable at its depths. On other days the seas were calm and light, mirror like, reflecting all that is bright in life; slapping the shores with gentle licks like kittens lapping milk, meek and mild from a dish.

Down below were black jagged rocks sharp as knives clinging close to the cliff face. They were unforgiving to those who might fall upon them or waves that meet them with a violent crash. Still, the shoreline surf with all its misgivings was also soothing to the soul.

Ellen Elementos threw yellow orange flowers over the cliff face once a week. She grew them herself in her secret garden out back for a particular reason. It was to honor the life of her dad and to mourn his death. The old man suffered a slip, a sudden fall over the cliff when a powerful wind picked up suddenly from nowhere. Over he went to be seen no more. That was two years ago. She and her dad were very close.

Mr. Elementos went by the name of Sandy, which was confusing for some people because in most circles the name Sandy was thought of as a female name. To add to the confusion, the man's real name was Jim. Half the population down in the village called him that.

He and his wife therefore were constantly being referenced incorrectly by the locals from the village. Simple people like to gossip. If you live on the mountain top you are not immune to their tall tales. In fact you are probably more likely to be the subject of interest, center of attention due to your remote location. People could only speculate on what you might be doing way up there in your ivory tower. When they told their stories about the couple who live inconspicuously all alone on the high land, there was sure to be bold embellishments and grand abandonment to facts. The name Ellen and Sandy might be the first thing they forget and no one knew their last them. That and everything about the strangers was open to debate.

The Elementos were waiting pensively for their neighbors and friends from next door. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were supposed to meet them at precisely 7:30 am. for morning tea and a walk along the edge. They were late.

There was a permanent iron table with matching four iron chairs anchored, secured there with concrete in the granite foundation by the cliff. The concrete base was to insure the furniture could not be blown over or stolen from the location.

When the table and chairs were first being installed, the Elementos and Smiths had to be there in person to be seated, fitted so to speak, in their respective chairs. They worked hand in hand with the designers and engineers of the iron furniture to be certain that the distance from the table to the seat were precisely right for reach and comfort for all concerned. Once these items were installed you could not adjust your chair to move it closer to the table and obviously the table would no longer be movable so this process had to be done right the first time for everyone's mutual benefit.

The Smiths had never been late before. A catastrophe must have struck. This is not like them at all. They lived to be punctual. Something was wrong.

Servants with teas and coffee cakes were already approaching from the mansion cobbled path to serve the couples their morning breakfast. Other servants would be sauntering down the same path shortly with hot scrambled eggs, buttered hot toast and baskets of fresh fruits and warm biscuits. The Smiths would not be there to enjoy these things because they have become a mystery. They are missing.

Sandy and Ellen became perplexed and then angry. Were they being snubbed by the Smiths? Why did they not call? Being that this was a Monday, Mrs. Smith would most likely be wearing her bright pink gown. It was long, flowing and happened to be her favorite. Mr. Smith would be dressed in a smart brown suit as usual, which was his constitution and business like style. Their estate was only minutes away from the Elementos. They were true neighbors in every sense of the word but not today. They are much less so and their popularity is diminishing with the minutes. How rude of them not to at least send over a messenger stating they would be late for this or that reason or not arriving for whatever contrivance they might conjure up.

Earlier on in the morning the weather was atrocious. It had been pretty blustery. In fact it was dangerously windy. Could the severe wind-shear be a factor in the Smiths disappearance? They did have a propensity to rise earlier than most people and go for long walks around the property and by the cliffs edge before or about sunrise. There was also a modest fog this morning just around dawn. If ones field of vision is compromised while walking along the cliff it could be disastrous. The Smiths are smart people. They are mature and worldly. We could not imagine them taking a risk of any kind in such awful prevailing conditions.

The bright day had broken wide open. It was clear, sunny and calm, a perfect day in every way. Ellen looked over the ledge. Sandy stood by her side, wrapped a Shawl around her shoulders and placed an arm around her waist for warmth.

They both looked down at the jagged dark rocks. They spotted something pink and flowing on the ground and to the right of it was something brown and business like next to it. Could that be their friends down there?

The Elementos began to fight over the matter. Sandy called his wife “derivative and divisive” for suggesting their friends could have fallen. They were way too Intelligent for that. She raised her voice to say, “Why don't you just join them?!” “We'll settle this once and for all right here right now!”.... As Sandy leaned over he went over. Perhaps he was simply trying to get a better look, a closer perspective, a proper vantage point to view what was suspected. The correct angle apparently escaped him.

This story captured the imagination of the villagers and caught the attention of the police as well who were quickly at the cliff base scene to sort things out.

The townspeople had theories growing out of the woodwork and into the pastures but they were ill equipped with the reasoning faculties given to them by God to handle something of this magnitude and gravity.

The complexity of this matter is going to be a monumental task for such simple folk to begin to fathom. They could blow a fuse in the process.

No one was there so no one knows what happened when Sandy went over. Was it the man or woman who fell? They couldn't agree on that. If Jim was Sandy, is Sandy a man or woman? Did the wind or Ellen have anything to do with the incident? Was she or it guilty of anything? Some one asked, “Who is Ellen?”

One of the elderly male servants being interrogated by a detective could be overheard saying, “Breakfast is Served.” or was it, “Breakfast is getting cold.” We might never know because the wind was blowing loudly and a fog had rolled in without warning.

One of the female servants thought that she overheard the Elementos saying something about derivative and divisive but the police speculated that it must be nothing, just some stock market jargon or meaningless mumbo-jumbo so they dismissed it as insignificant. They were more interested in the view. It was spectacular. Ellen looked lovely with the wind blowing through her long innocent hair.

© 2018 Earl Schumacker

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Added on October 24, 2018
Last Updated on October 24, 2018
Tags: nature, relationship, mystery, confusion


Earl Schumacker
Earl Schumacker

Atlantic City, NJ

B.A. Degree in Literature and Language. I enjoy writing short stories, poetry, novels and keeping up with new scientific discoveries. I enjoy philosophy and Art appreciation. more..
