To Do List
For An Egg - (Didactic)
With a
Haiku Middle
Salt it
Pepper it with kisses
Assault it (but only when bad)
Throw it at an awful actor
Throw it away if it talks back
Believe in it like God and country
Pray to it for peace
Beat it.....Fry it.....Please it...Ease it into a pan
Speak to it in English (on a dish)
Boil or spoil it at your own risk
Roll it down a hill or mountain or under a bus for luck
Haiku it like this in 5-7-5 syllabication
oval one fragile
crack the morning, open sun
scramble to that end
Eat egg with toast, bacon, coffee and other friends
Toss one up for a lunar landing or farther off to Mars
Color it at Easter
Give it as a gift at Christmas
Refrigerate it when not in use
Put it in a cake with others to be baked
Souffle it if it looks French, (Never feed it to real men)
Serve it as it serves you
Put it on a shopping list to buy in 12 days
Purchase another one (They come in dozens)
Save the other 11 for a rainy day
*Authors Note: John Gray- PhD and writer says that Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. What might he say about the egg? We may never know. It is suggested it comes from the store or from the chicken...that is, if the egg did not come first. (It is still delicious.)