World Continues Without Roundness
Lets not get carried away with facts
Or jump to the granular conclusions
Evident, proven beyond a reasonable doubt
Down to the shadows of last molecules found
Earth is held together by glue based magnets
Causing a stir in the illusion
There on the curvature of space
Ice caps north and south are two dimensional
Really just one continuous line around the planet
Drawn for your safety to the edge
Ice blocks keep us from falling off
Spinning into outer space in all directions
There are many vertical worlds out there
People have to cling on for dear life
Do a lot of climbing up to survive
Give me a planet horizontal and flat
One that I can touch at all four corners
That one over there around the bend will do
The truth is; round things make me dizzy
Magnets and ice are easier to understand
Lines merge with the Earth at the center
With length and width at the core, not much more
Reached at the border of the arctic circle
By a line, a boat and a leap of faith
Leading back to the same place as before
At the border of the arctic circle boats turn back
Lands end, drop off and that's the truth
They return to the one place that is for sure
Their destination, their point of origin