![]() The Limp PatientA Story by EJ's Horror![]() Nurse Cooper was used to strange and bizarre days at the Lostwood hospital, but today she was in for a whole new level. Nothing in her years of training would come close to prepare her.![]()
“Now stick it in her hole, Doctor!” I said.
I had the most obvious trace of annoyance in my voice, but the Doctor was too overcome with nervousness to notice.
I was a Nurse at the Lockwood Hospital, which sadly, was the biggest building in the tiny agricultural community of Morningtown, Queensland. Being a small farming community with no colleges or universities I was given no choice but to achieve my Nursing degree online. You’d think a middle-aged nurse, such as myself would have owned a house, car and be married by now, but unfortunately my lack of confidence in my youth had more than taken its toll. I’ve always had a few moles on my face, which must of kickstarted when I popped my last zit.
Many patients often question my medical advice, especially when I have to unfortunately lecture obese people on recommended dietary requirements. My small round figure only adds laughter and disbelief to the locals I was assigned to treat. Some Doctors refer to me as ‘Nurse Mole’ because I not only have two or three moles on my face but my greying black hair and my tanned complexion made me look something of a small brown rodent.
So anyway, Doctor Lawton finally managed to insert the IV into this unconscious patient’s left-arm. There is seriously something wrong with our hospital; our health and safety rules were virtually non-existent, there was little to no sense of urgency in our emergency ward staff and there’s me, I’m a nurse and I just told a Doctor how to treat a patient.
“Very good, Nurse Cooper! If you keep this up, I’ll make sure the Board gives you holiday pay!” beamed Doctor Lawton.
Most employees on my sorry payroll who heard that line would either fall on their knees and kiss the Doctor’s feet or meet him half way, if you know what I meant. That phrase once worked on me, about eight years ago.
“I’m running this bloody ward, Lawton!” I exclaimed. “The only reason I haven’t left is because I’m too old to be hired by another Hospital!”
“I thought it was because you were cheap?” replied the wrinkled-faced Idiot. “Oh, wait! Sorry I wasn’t spose ta say that.”
I decided I could not deal with this conversation anymore, so I thought I’d go and check up on the emergency ward.
“If that’s all Doctor Lawton, I’ll go and do my rounds!”
“No problem, Cooper! I think I can manage from here on,” replied Doctor Lawton.
I did not wish to remain in the Doctor’s office as the topic of my payroll was not only a sensitive topic, but just to even think about the money I owed the Training Institution was enough to cause an anxiety attack. After Tax, bills, rent and food, I’d be lucky if I even saved a five-cent piece. I pressed this hospital up multiple times over the years for more money, even though I’ve worked insanely long shifts, and neglected seeing friends and family all. So, I could afford to do in my spare time was to eat, the Hospital gave me no sympathy, and that’s when they could be bothered opening my proposal letters.
I closed the door behind me, my only satisfaction was that the patient received the morphine for the constant pain she’d complained about. I walked down the hallway, each and every time I tread this area, I often fight myself to ignore the dusty floor and dirty walls, I doubt they have had a proper scrub in the last century, in fact if we received an OCD patient, we’d more than likely would receive a letter from the individual’s lawyer.
“OUCH!” I screamed. In my haste, I accidentally kicked my foot on a raised bit of concrete run off, eight years ago I tried to file a hazard report, only to have it torn in half in front of my very own eyes. Sadly, my cheap k-mart, sweat-shop footwear did very little to protect my toes. “Great!” I sighed sarcastically. “It appears I’ll be limping for the rest of my shift!”
I pushed open the double doors that led me to the emergency room, I suppose if you could call it that. I often refer to it as the ‘Waiting to die room’. That’s a little joke I have with myself. The slightly morbid humour helped me through many of my long, tiresome and downright frustrating shifts.
“Hyiii!” squawked the foreign receptionist. “How can me help you?”
There stood an Old Man, who I’d known unfortunately got both his hands amputated years ago, he lived on the dole now as his only marketable skills involved manual labour, I’d go and help this Man out but he was renown for being not only over talkative but he had made a lot of unwelcome suggestive comments towards me, and on our last encounter I vulgarly dismissed him.
“Hey, Doll-face, I’m feeling, difficulty breathing and chest pains that have lasted for over an hour!” replied the Elderly Pervert.
“Okeeeey!” said the Foreign receptionist. “I need you to fill out theeesh form!” she handed him a freshly printed sheet of paper.
“Are you bloody kidding me?” replied the Old Amputee. “How the hell am I supposed to do that?”
“I’m Sorry!” replied the Receptionist. Her tone of voice was obviously low energy and the sound of it was as emotional as having a conversation with a Computer. “Here’s a pen!”
“Okeeey!” she repeated. “I need you to fill out theeesh form.”
The frustrated armless Old Man, only grew angrier by the minute, I’d seen this expression on many patient’s faces. It’s the same look you get from a lion when you steal on of it’s cubs or the look of a wild baboon about to charge and rip you from limb to limb.
Desperate to not get involved in the conflict, I’ve decided to make my way towards the front of the waiting room. I skilfully navigated my path so it was as far away from the front desk as possible as I carefully and deliberately avoided looking towards that immigrant and her desk. There was a time I’d drop whatever I was doing to help out in those situations, but it was many years and false pay rise promises ago.
“Nurse…” called out this buzzing voice.
I looked over my shoulder and I saw this Young Aboriginal Man, who dressed more like an American gang-member, he wore a red bandana and a freshly ironed Tupac t-shirt.
“How can I help you, Sir?” I replied. I used all the fake enthusiasm I could muster.
“Some Dog, in a weird suit dropped this doll next to me!”
“What doll?” I turned my head and saw there was a female mannequin in a cheap blue Jay-Jays dress laying over a seat. I walked over to take a look. Closer inspection revealed it had patches of blood which stained the dress. The brown, dried up blood had even stained the once light-cream coloured plastic, she had no arms or legs, therefore incapable of signing any forms, I thought to remove it, but I didn’t want to get in contact with that blood.
“I told ‘im he was gammon! But he left it here. I told ‘im he was gammon again, ‘cus that thing ain’t even alive, eh?”
“I’ll call the Wardy and get him to throw it away, you just go and sit somewhere else, okay?”
“I was wonderin’ if I could take it home?” he asked.
“Go ahead!” I replied. “I don’t even know why you asked me.”
The Young Man moved closer and whispered in my ear. “I was wonderin’ if you could lend me an ambo to take it home?”
I laughed, I gave a confused look at this Young Man, why on earth would he want to borrow an ambulance? Even though it was out of the question, besides I didn’t have the authority to lend it to anyone, I thought I’d at least hear him out. After all, I desperately needed a laugh after this stressful shift.
“It’s small enough to fit in a car. Why do you want and Ambulance, Sir?”
“Me Uncle and me cousins are campin’ outside and if they see me with that deadly doll, they’d think I’m a sicko or sompin!”
“I’m sorry, Sir!” I replied. “I cannot lend you an emergency vehicle, if you want the doll, take it now, or otherwise I’ll call the Wardy to have it thrown out,”
“Can I call you a cab?” I asked. “That’s about all I can do for you here, Sir.”
The Man looked around, as if to check nobody else was listening, as soon as he was satisfied the conversation remained private, he whispered in my ear again. “Ya wouldn’t have any change for a cab, would ya?”
“Look, Sir!” I said. “If you want the ‘doll’ take it now. Otherwise, I don’t have time for this!”
The Man gave me a disturbing glare, almost like I’ve taken his favourite type of chocolate off him, anyway I walked away. I thought, if the Mannequin’s still here after my break, I would call Jimmy (The Wardy) to come and throw it away. I didn’t doubt he may take the doll for himself. I saw the Aboriginal Man abandon the Mannequin and return to the long and enduring business of waiting for service.
I looked over above the desk, I saw the clock, the small hand pointed to the ten and to my enjoyment the larger hand had pointed to the twelve. I looked down and found the Amputee since fainted and the non-sympathetic Receptionist did absolutely nothing but play on her iPhone, despite there were three or four patients in front over her as they desperately waited to be served, which heavily involved a pointless form and several hours of waiting, they stood around the unconscious Old Man, as if he was just a piece of furniture in this Waiting Room.
I was used to the Hospital staff, not using their brains or common sense, but it was weird as today I just noticed the patients were descending down to my colleague’s level. On my way to the break room, I saw an Old Lady as she pressed her skinny, wrinkly fingers against the wall, as if she was pressing a button. “Hello?” she called to the dry-wall. Her face gave a look of disappointment, and she continued to press her fingers on the wall. “I wish to report a chest pain!”
I walked past the quarantine room, and to absolutely no shock or surprise at I noticed the Young Wardy, he laid out on the bed, giggling and laughing. It was common knowledge the Wardy’s and even Doctors sometimes bring drugs into the air-tight isolation facility as rumour dictated it would enhance a high. I would have reported this gross misuse of hospital facilities years ago, but when you’ve become institutionised in a low paid job for so many years, you tend to lose your interest and care for such mundane things. Besides over time I’ve become a repeat offender myself.
“Help!” screamed the Wardy.
I ignored it. The stingy Hospital strictly does not pay its staff during lunch breaks, and for me to stop and entertain his morbid hallucinations would not only be a waste of my lunch time but it would just prove to be absolutely pointless as whatever symptoms that Man had could only be his narcotic-induced hypochondria.
“My Chest!” he yelled. He got up and used his right-hand to hammer-fist as loudly as he could on the glass. “MY CHEST FEELS LIKE IT’S GOING TO EXPLODE!”
I stopped only to watch this stoner for my own amusement. “Jimmy! Maybe you should go home?” I continued to laugh. “Maybe you’ve had enough of whatever the hell you’ve done today.”
My laughter came to an abrupt stop as I saw a large amount of blood spew out of Jimmy’s mouth and stained the screen. I quickly entered the isolation room, and almost by instinct I pressed the panic button on the right-hand side of the door just before I rushed over to the tweaked out young Wardy. I heard in the background the alarm buzzing, hopefully one of these lazy Doctors might make the effort to throttle along over here and help.
I laid the collapsed Man over on his side.
“Jimmy, can you hear me?”
The Wardy nodded, seemingly unable to talk in his condition.
“Who’s our current Prime Minister?” I asked. I needed to make sure he was of sound mind to give me permission to conduct proper CPR, though in his circumstance he may not be the least bit coherent, but in my witness statement I could just say he answered the question and it should cover me legally.
“Ray Evans!” he replied. Jimmy coughed heavily before he spat a ridiculously large amount of blood all over my hands. I fought off the nausea that built up in my stomach.
“Jimmy, what did you do?” I asked desperately. “It’s not a crime to have drugs in your system, but I need to know so we know how to treat you!”
“I didn’t do nothing today!” he said. “Honestly!” Jimmy had struggled to talk and his breathing only sounded more and more laboured with each and every passing minute.
“Jimmy! FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!” I yelled. “I’ll hide the bag, just tell me what’s in it!”
“I told you I didn’t … do … nothing,” he frustratedly repeated.
“JIMMY! MY BOY!” called Doctor Lawton’s voice. “Ernie’s got it? Where is it? I’d be here sooner but I had to get my wallet from my locker.”
I turned to face the Doctor, I wanted to yell at him for not answering an emergency call sooner, but for Jimmy’s best interest I decided to rethink my approach to the incompetent Medical ‘expert’.
“Jimmy needs to be treated… IMEDIATELY!” I said.
“Has he filled out his form from Ling, the Receptionist?” replied the Doctor.
“IMEDIATELY!” I snapped. “He complained of chest pain before, coughed up a great deal of blood and claimed he hasn’t taken any narcotics today!”
“That doll…” replied Jimmy. Weakened from his sudden sickness. “Get rid of the doll!” Jimmy coughed up more blood before he passed out.
Doctor Lawton placed his hand on Jimmy’s wrist, before giving me a hard look which informed me the Young Wardy just passed away. I got up and covered my eyes to hide the volley of tears that I knew were about to fall from my face. When I finally composed myself, I could hear the alarm bells continue to ring, to my dismay I noticed the Doctor was still the only person in this room. Obviously, a combination of terrible working hours and minimal pay had more than tested the faculty’s ability to care.
When I took my hand off my face, I looked down to see the Doctor had already looted Jimmy’s pockets, he found a fifty-dollar note and quickly deposited it into his wallet. I knew the common drill for deaths on site, if you see the staff raid the deceased, it’s better to keep quiet as the Minister’s in charge of the hospital were known to fire anyone who reported another staff member, or report anything that could potentially lower the Board’s share portfolios.
Then out of nowhere a loud scream was heard, it echoed repeatedly down the hallway. Myself and Doctor Lawton hastily ran out to see what caused this scream. To our mutual horror we found the Receptionist as she huddled under her desk and cried. Her body from her dark hair all the way down to her feet shook violently.
I knelt down and reached out to hug her, after a few moments of reassurance I asked her why she was crying.
“Day Deed, Nurse Cooper!” she sobbed. “All Deed!”
“What’s Deed?” I asked. It took me a moment to work out she was actually saying “Dead”.
“Who’s dead?” I asked her. “Tell me please?”
I heard Doctor Lawton swore as I looked up to see a horrified expression on his face, both his hands covered his mouth before he collapsed and fainted from the sudden shock the elderly Doctor had unfortunately endured.
I pulled myself up and I unfortunately witnessed the most horrific sight any medical professional could dream of seeing. My experience hardened me up to the occasional cadaver of two, but nothing I previously endured had prepared me for the nightmarish sight I seen.
“OH, MY GOD?!?!” I exclaimed.
I saw now, each and every patient was deceased, the walls and the floor of the emergency room was a mass of bodies and blood, I’ve never seen so much gore in my life. Most likely these people fell ill of the same sickness which killed Jimmy. It was evident that all of these people were coughing up bile, blood and even in some cases organs whilst they screamed in terror only to fall on the deaf and uncaring ears of the negligent Receptionist.
I pulled my blouse up in an attempt to shield my respiratory system as it was apparent whatever had killed these poor people was most likely airborne. I peered over to the room, I used my hand to signal the Receptionist to call the authorities. She unfortunately from a combination of terror and a severe language barrier could not comprehend my hand gesture.
In the centre of the carnage I saw the mannequin covered in yet another coat of fresh blood, only this time I saw some ugly, repulsive and fleshy looking black mushrooms that grew out of the mannequin’s lifeless mouth.
Frustrated from my colleague’s incompetence and lack of common sense, I immediately grabbed the phone off her desk and begun to dial triple zero.
“Hello! What’s your emergency!” said a Female voice from the other end of the phone.
“I…I…I,” I stuttered. “I am at the Lostwood Hospital, we have many dead. Suspected toxic mushroom spores may be responsible,” I tried my hardest to remain composed given the situation.
“Sorry, can you please repeat?”
The very sentence made me feel so frustrated that all I wanted to do was to swear my head off at the operator, but my training compelled me to relay the vital information as calmly as possible.
I felt a huge pain which started originated from the depths of my chest, it felt so painful, I thought my heart was set alight by an arsonist. My hands begun to shake nervously, I had indeed realised I’ve inhaled the toxic spores from those disgusting pieces of fungi that grew out of the limp mannequin.
I could only bring myself to utter a few words so, I made sure I only said the most important ones. “Lostwood Hospital…” I breathed. “Many dead…” I took another break before mumbling what would be my final words. “Toxic Mushroom spores!”
I hung up the phone, I knew very well the minimal information would still bring the authorities over to investigate, after all the Sheriff and his three or four deputies normally have nothing better to do than to sit around and drink coffee.
“Nurse Cooper!” called a familiar voice behind me.
I turned my head to notice Doctor Lawton had finally regained consciousness. “Doctor! Cover your mouth with your shirt!”
“What the f…”
“No time to explain!” I replied. “JUST DO IT!”
The Middle-aged Medical man managed to pull himself on to his feet, then he quickly covered his face with his white overcoat. The panicked receptionist appeared to be in a trance so deep that she was beyond all rhyme and reason, the fear must have induced a severe state of terror.
“Ling!” Doctor Lawton called.
Ling did not respond, even with Doctor Lawton performing the worst impression of someone who had control of the situation I’d ever seen. Doctor Lawton then tried to grab her hand in a gesture of comfort only to have his violently shaken and goose bump ridden fingers bit by the underpaid office clerk. Though to give Ling credit, it was the most effort I’ve ever seen her put into a single action, ever since she started working here.
“Stupid Gook!” muttered the Doctor. “I think I’ll need a rabies shot after this,”
“Just leave her be!” I replied. “We have to get out of here!”
After I said that I took a long hard look at Ling, as much as I wanted to help her up, she would more than likely bite me too. It had never deterred me from helping someone in the past, but given her track record of deliberate negligence, I was sure God or whoever had the keys to heaven would understand my predicament,
“Fine! I got no problem leaving this B***h here to die!” muttered Lawton.
“C’MON!” I snapped. I grabbed the Doctor’s hand and pulled him towards the front door. Careful to not to let my fistful of blouse to slip out of my hand. We charged over the sea of bleeding bodies, we had no time to be mindful of the dead, I noticed Doctor Lawton thought on the same wave link, as he didn’t even lighten his footsteps as he trampled the bodies of his fallen patients. To him they might as well be bags of garbage or just the dirt from our hallway floor.
I tripped over the remains of the Aboriginal bloke I met earlier, Lawton quickly let go of my hand as he sprinted to the door (He was never the hero type). I heard the automatic doors open and close. I quickly rose to my knees and used what little arm strength I had to force myself off this disgusting ground. I realised in my haste to get up I let the blouse slip out of my hand, I quickly covered my nose and mouth and when I was just about to make a run to the door, I noticed a hand grabbed my right foot, I kicked and screamed out of instinct. I was quick to realise, it was a dying patient, that native Man who wanted the mannequin less than half an hour ago.
“Eh, Miss!” he spoke weakly. “Eh, Miss!”
I wanted to help him but he was covered in blood and it was very obvious to me, he was on his last legs.
“Help me PLEASE!” he cried. “I can’t stand up!”
“COOPER!” I heard Lawton’s voice scream. “JUST KICK HIM IN THE NECK!”
I looked over to see the Doctor was screaming at me through the doors. I was shocked to notice that he even cared enough to even verbally guide me out of this room of death.
“Help me … please, Nurse!” mumbled the desperate plea of the dying Man. “Ya a Nurse! Ya have ta help me!”
I noticed more fleshy, black mushrooms started to grow on the Man’s arm. The growth of the horrid fungi appeared to grow very rapidly. I looked around to notice all of the over dead bodies were covered in hundreds and hundreds of little black mushrooms. I smelt a horrid metallic smell, could this be from all of the blood in the room? Or is this a sign that my blouse offered little more protection.
“I’m sorry…” I cried. “I’m so sorry…” I felt tears pour down my face as I moved my other foot and pressed it on the dying Man’s neck. I heard him choke, he must have been about to cough up blood, I pressed harder, hopefully I could end his misery quickly, if I could force the blood currently in transit down his throat it may drown him.
“Thank… Y…” the Man said before the light left his eyes. I knelt down to close them and got back up, I made another attempt for the automatic doors.
I felt horrible, guilty I taken this young Man’s life, but what was I supposed to do? I could not carry him, I could not drag him, the best thing I could do for that poor soul was to put him out of his pain.
I heard Lawton’s voice yell, “YOU’RE NEARLY THERE!” He begun to bang on the glass door with his fist. “KEEP MOVING!”
As I felt my legs crumble under my bodyweight, even after I tried repeatedly to lift my feet and walk towards the exit, I fell to the dirty carpeted floor, I coughed violently as I felt litres of blood erupt from my mouth with each and every cough. The Receptionist panicked, most likely over her own self-preservation over concern for myself. I could hear scream in terror as I saw her crawl up into a ball.
“COOPER!” screamed Doctor Lawton. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? KEEP MOVING!”
As I saw the room grow darker, as the already dimmed light faded I remembered something that young Man had told me only half an hour ago. “Some Dog in a weird suit dropped this doll next to me,” After I played that thought in my head repeatedly, I realised that ‘weird suit’ may have been a biohazard suit.
Whoever dropped that mannequin on the seat had deliberately orchestrated this series of unfortunate events, all I could do now was lie still, motionless until my time came. Until the fungi had done its work. As a Nurse that has helped many in her life, this was the first time I ever felt absolutely helpless.
I saw a naked female figure, her skin was so pale, it had the texture of a piece of printer paper. Besides her skin tone, she appeared completely healthy despite being in this horrible room. I gazed at her face, I tried to meet her eyes, in an attempt to get an explanation as to what was happening, but she only had two empty sockets in place of her eyes. “Joyce Cooper…” she said. Her voice sounded like there was five or six women talking at once.
“…I’ve come to relieve you of your undeserving pain,” She began to tug at her exposed breasts with her fingers, it appeared she was trying to arouse herself.
Then I noticed her breasts poured out some creamy, black substance. I felt like I was going to throw up, but the shock of what I’ve just witnessed had cancelled out any vomiting.
“The choice is yours!” she spoke. Her voice was calm, so calm it would appear she was oblivious to the current situation. “The only cure for your ailment now is my essence!”
The au natural Lady cupped her black breast milk and proceeded to place it under my chin. “Once you drink the black milk, you may never enter the mortal realm again.”
She must be the Reaper, I thought. She’s come to take me to heaven! I looked over and I saw the automatic doors burst open, there was about ten paramedics dressed in biohazard suits, they must of come here to search for survivors. As tempting as I thought it would be to end it, I felt that even though I haven’t lived my life as full as I planned in my youth, it was never too late, I may never fully recover from the poisonous spores but to give up, right here and now. It was unthinkable.
“I’m sorry, Darl!” I spoke. “I’m not ready to go yet!”
She disappeared in a flash of white like, I heard her voice loom as she exited. “The choice is yours…”
I lost my sight in that instant but I could feel two Men raise me from the ground as they threw me on a stretcher, I could here them trying to talk to me, but I haven’t any energy to reply.
I could feel myself being rolled out of the doors, as they opened I heard gasps and cries of nearly all of the bystanders.
I heard the voice of Ella Young, a voice I recalled from the evening news. Though I could not see, I knew she was reciting to a camera which I couldn’t see.
“It is believed that Australia’s worst serial Killer, Mycelium Man had stuck again in this small country hospital, Paramedics have only found two survivors, both are in critical condition…”
I hoped my eyesight would return, but I wondered did the toxic mushrooms make me loose my sight or was it the price I had to pay for my life? What about Ling? I was sure that was her that survived, maybe the Reaper had a lot of trouble explaining to her she was dying? Whatever the case, I was alive now.
After I was taken into the Ambulance, I felt myself nearly roll off the stretcher, my right arm uncoordinated, nearly slapped a Paramedic in the face. Instead I felt this hard plastic, almost like he was wearing a Respirator. Eager to put my growing paranoia to rest, I thought it would be good to get some answers from the Man watching over me.
“Are you wearing a Mask?” I asked. “Why are you wearing one?”
I heard a cold voice muffle though the Respirator, it was calm and composed, and obviously Male.
“You are covered in Psylocibin Toxonluft spores, my Dear,”
Confused, I took a minute to think about the Young Gentleman’s words. He was very familiar with the specie of fungus which had slaughtered my Work-colleagues and Patients.
“Where’s my Mask? Aren’t I in danger of inhaling it?”
The cold-voice spoke again, “You survived, my Dear! You’ve obviously developed an immunity to the toxicity of the Spores!”
I felt frustrated by the tone, unsympathetic voice of the Young Gentlemen. It almost sounded like he had no appreciation for the horrors I went through, or the shock it would be to the Township. Maybe he was from Ida Shire Hospital? Ida Shire was the nearest place to Morningtown with Medical facilities.
“Are we going to Ida Shire Hospital, Medic?” I asked. Even though the question at the time seemed obvious, I felt after being blinded by the Mushrooms, maybe a dialogue of some kind would calm my nerves.
“No!” he laughed. “My Dear, you are going for an autopsy!”
My heart-beat rose, all the nerves in my body went into shock. I swore I nearly knocked over something made of metal in the back of the Ambulance.
“But… But I’m not dead?” I said. “You can’t give me an autopsy! That’s Illegal!”
“Yes, you’re not dead!” He replied. “That is something we need to rectify so it will never happen again!”
© 2018 EJ's HorrorAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() EJ's HorrorRural, Queensland, AustraliaAboutMonsters surround us everyday, we just don't see them until it's too late. more..Writing