![]() 21.A Chapter by Erin Elizabeth21.
“I thought
maybe I would hear from her today.” Parrish told Ruby. It was the morning of
her twenty-first birthday. Fresh out of the shower, Parrish unwrapped herself
from her yellow towel and dried off her wet body. Ruby sat on Parrish’s bed,
holding Pearl. “I know you wanted a happy birthday from
her, but you know it’s better that she didn’t call.” Ruby told her. “It would
only make things more complicated and give you false hope. This is for the
best.” Parrish nodded. “Maybe you’re right.” She
said. “But still… I feel like… I don’t even remember what her voice sounds like
anymore.” “Maybe that’s for the best, too, Pear.” Parrish shot Ruby a sort of wounded-look as
if she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “I just think… Gemini is quickly drifting
into your past. And I think that’s because… that’s where she’s supposed to be.” “You know I can’t believe that, Ruby.” “Yes, you can… and you need to.” Ruby told
her. She took a deep breath, bracing herself for what she was about to tell
her. “She’s " she’s gone, Parrish. Ya gotta let it go… ‘cause… she’s not coming
back.” Dressed in her underclothes, Parrish laid
her towel on the bed and gripped tight. She let her head hang down and closed
her eyes. She lifted her head, fixed her brown, tear-filled eyes on Ruby’s and
began to cry. Gasping for air, she put her head down, again, sobbing. Ruby put her hand over Parrish’s and held
onto it. Although she could feel the tears building up in her chest and throat,
Ruby did not let a single tear fall. She knew that if anything, she needed to
be strong for Parrish the way Parrish had always been strong for her. “We are
going to get through this, you and me.” “Since when is my love life your problem?”
Parrish asked, bitterly. “Or my lack
of a love life.” Ruby put her other hand on Parrish’s and
answered, “Since you became the father
of my child.” Parrish looked again at Ruby, holding her
lips tightly together, trying to restrain but she couldn’t. Suddenly, before
she could hold it back, Parrish laughed; uncontrollably, undeniably and without
any definite reason in the world. She threw her head back in amusement, holding
her stomach to try and condense some the pain from the deep hilarity in her
diaphragm. She wasn’t sure if it was the small joke
her best friend had made or if it was all of the happiness that had been absent
for the past two months finally breaking free. Whatever the reason was, Parrish
suddenly felt two months of sadness lighter and thirty seconds of laughter and
optimism heavier. She knew she had memories of Gemini, a past
love in her present life that may follow her forever. She also knew she had
memories of a present love, Levity, who belonged in her past and she hoped
wouldn’t follow her any further. But in that moment, Parrish smiled and forgot
about the two women who, in two different ways, changed so many things about her.
While wrapping her towel around her head to
dry her hair, Parrish received a text. She and Ruby looked at each other, then
at her cell phone sitting on the dresser. Parrish picked up the cell phone and
opened the message. Blocking out everything around her, she read Levi’s words in
her head. “Happy 21st Birthday, sugar.” It
read. “I miss you.” Parrish felt a sour feeling in her stomach,
but she didn’t let it get the best of her. “Problem?” Ruby asked Parrish who was still
looking at her phone. Parrish optimistically responded, “Nope.” Ruby, still concerned, stayed silent. “Let’s walk and get ice-cream from Paolo’s;
start this birthday off the right way.” Parrish suggested, smiling. “We can
break in baby’s new stroller!” She smiled and gave Pearl an Eskimo kiss. Ruby smiled big. “Perfect! I’ve so been craving gelato all week.” Ruby left the room to grab the baby stroller.
“We’ll meet you downstairs.” She told Parrish from the hallway. “Okay!” Parrish answered, dressing herself in a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans. She slipped on a pair of flip-flops, grabbed her purse and her phone. When she left her room, Parrish deleted the message and Levi’s number. If she truly was a feather, it was time she started flying like one. The End. © 2013 Erin Elizabeth |
Added on August 12, 2013 Last Updated on August 12, 2013 "Feathers"
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth |