![]() 19.A Chapter by Erin Elizabeth19.
She’s a beauty. Nice job, mommy.” Parrish said to Ruby, holding Pearl. Ruby smiled. “Thanks for everything you
did… especially for staying with me during labor.” “Don’t thank me. I know you’d do the same
for me.” “Did, um… did my dad and sister get here
yet? Have you heard from them?” Saddened, Parrish shook her head. Ruby nodded, trying to hide her
disappointment. “I left voicemails and texts for both of
them, though.” “Okay.” Ruby said under her breath. “Oh, and my mom and Justice are on their
way back, too. They got the stuff you asked for from your apartment so you can
stay with us ‘til you’re ready to go back.” “Okay.” Parrish realized she needed to take Ruby’s
mind off of the negativity of her family not being there to see the baby. “So…
speaking of your apartment… while you were, you know, giving birth, I had a
thought.” Ruby laughed and asked, “Which was?” “Well… why don’t you just move in with me
and my mom?” Parrish asked. “You know… since my sister’s in her own place now,
her room is just sitting there. Ruby’s face lit up. “Serious?!” “Yeah! I talked to my mom about it already
and she thinks it’s a good idea.” “Yes, yes, yes! I would absolutely love
it!” Ruby accepted, wrapping her arms around Parrish. “Well… let’s plan everything out, then and
we’ll just take it from there.” “You’re awesome. You know that?” “Yeah, I say it to myself in the mirror
daily.” Parrish laughed. “Here, take her. I know you want to. I’m hogging your
kid already.” Parrish laid Pearl in Ruby’s arms. “So, how does it feel to get this as an
early birthday present?” Ruby asked. “I feel like she came early just so she
wouldn’t miss your big day.” “I love it. I’ve never experienced anything
like this before. It makes me wanna go have kids now, too.” Ruby gave Parrish a serious look. “Don’t
get crazy.” Parrish chuckled a little and said, “Best
pre-birthday present ever, Ruby. I don’t think any other present could ever top this.” © 2013 Erin Elizabeth |
Added on August 12, 2013 Last Updated on August 12, 2013 "Feathers"
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth
By Erin Elizabeth |