![]() AwakeningA Chapter by E.A.BHow does one measure the beginning of any circle? Its beginning feels like its end, and its end is infinitum. Masami’s only measurement of himself was circular, so he never considered the implications of this idea. That day Masami waited patiently for arrived on a calm summer afternoon. Masami tread down the narrow unbroken street with uneasiness in his step. He held his leather bag close to his chest, neurotically, in his hands. The brown leather case he wore, had a long strap, but his insistent need to hold his own belongings monopolized any arguments of practicality. His chance had finally come, and the edginess and panic in his heart would not deter him. His walk was brisk and he arrived at his destination earlier than he’d hoped. The door of the gray, bleak building was worn and tattered. The brass door knob had fine indents on the sides, and the screws were loosened on the hinge. “Typical.” He thought smugly. His own eye was caught immediately by the only splendor on the top of the door had a sign that read “Home of Aiko”, in green fine letters, with a gold border. The sign was the newest addition to the shabby exterior of Aiko home for boys and it stood out sorely in all its elegance. Masami stood beneath the gaudy sign, refined in an uncanny likeness. Normally those passing the orphanage observed the building with an indignant disdain. It was an eyesore. Simply. To Masami the building held the same standing, but with a more intricate design. This is where he began his journey, and this is where he’d decided to end it. He tapped in a businesslike manner at the door standing tall in earnest. Secretly he regarded himself the finest child to ever be reared at Aiko and was not abashed by his conceited evaluation. However, his haughtiness was well concealed, and his arrogance was cloaked in an unassuming casualness. He was confident in his ability to entice the new head of Aiko with ease. The head director of Aiko, Konoharu Takashiro, had sent him a letter in the mail which requested him to interview on the 6th of June at 12pm. It was currently 11:57am. Masami was particularly tickled at the idea of being sent a letter from the head personally and felt the prick of superiority nestle itself comfortably in his gut. The door of Aiko creaked open loudly as the hinges stirred and wobbled from neglect. Just then a woman, about the same age as Masami, opened the door. She smiled sweetly and told Masami to come into the atrium of Aiko. Masami peered in the dark atrium of the orphanage, and expected to take in the shabbiness he’d encountered on the outside of Aiko and in his time there at the orphanage. Contrarily though, the inside of Aiko looked nothing like he’d remembered or imagined since his time leaving the boys home. Though the layout of the atrium looked similar to his years at Aiko, there were many changes. The walls were painted a sky blue and the floors were recently waxed wood. The few pieces of art on the walls hadn't changed, but they now sat in ornamental frames on the bright walls. On the right of him was the dining hall, just as when he’d left, but instead of the heavy and dreary room that was once there, a dazzling light spread over the walls, tables and chairs aligned neatly. The staffers were busy preparing lunch and the smells wafting from the dining hall made Masami’s tongue peak. This can’t be right. Masami’s eyes widened at the changes that the Aiko had obviously undergone. Not only aesthetically, but the air and warmth of the home compelled different emotions in Masami. The smiling faces of the staffers, busily shuffling in the dining room for lunch, and the hot summer sunlight drifting into the windows leaving light shadows on the wooden gleaming tables in the exuberant dining hall. It seemed extraordinary that this was the same place he’d grew up in. On the room to the right of the atrium there were small boys, maybe 5, sitting crossed legged in the window lit living quarters. This was where the younger children came during the day for their lessons and play time. The carpet they all sat on was numbered from one to twelve in a circular shape. The walls were white in this room but the ceiling was a shade of teal blue. The effect of the colorful and brightly lit living room, to the shabby and dilapidated outside of Aiko, was quite an overwhelming sight. However, uncharacteristically even, Masami found himself enchanted with the colorful room he stood in. The young woman who let him in stood on the wall with 2 other people Masami assumed was the staff at Aiko called “staffers” among those who were familiar. Then, in the corner of the room, in a blue rounded arm chair, smiling warmly, crossed legged, sat a strong chinned handsome man of about 26. Masami caught his breath as he took in the handsome mans countenance with shaken observation. “Hello Itagaru welcome.” The striking man uncrossed his legs smoothly and stood up from the arm chair. “I am Konoharu Takashiro.” Masami faced Konoharu’s smiling face and felt his heart pound nervously. This man looked much too young to be the director of Aiko, but he had introduced himself warmly as the gentlemen who had sent him the letter asking him to come for an interview. Masami took a deep breath to steady the pounding inside his chest and spoke genially. “It is a pleasure to meet you Sir.” Masami bowed gracefully. “I am sorry for the intrusion, should I wait in the hall? I can see that I am interrupting the children’s lessons.” “Oh no need,” Konoharu said smiling wide. “You’re not interrupting I was waiting for you.” He paused and turned to the boys sitting on the carpet squirming. “Children you are dismissed.” The staffers, who were standing on the wall, including the young woman he’d met moments before, moved quickly and motioned the young boys to the bathrooms for hand washing before lunch. The little ones clambered clumsily behind the older ones. Masami noticed a mousy boy trailing alone at the back of the line. He caught Masami’s eye and smiled wide revealing his front toothless gums disappearing into the bathroom with the rest. Konoharu walked to his office opposite of the children to a small room on the left of the living quarters. It was cramped and the walls were also painted white. A cherry mahogany desk in the center and a blue clock stood opposite on the wall. Two studded black chairs sat across from the desk with a large black rotating office chair opposite. The carpet was an earth shade of brown. Masami found the office quite dull compared to renovations in the rest of Aiko, but kept his critique to himself. “Itagaru,” Konoharu started, settling himself into his black office chair behind his desk. “Do you know why I’ve called you here today?” Masami blinked in dumbfounded way and tried to gather his senses. Konoharu had called him to come and interview on this day at this time. He was sure of this, but Konoharu seemed as though he was asking a question Masami didn't know the answer to. “I was informed you were looking for an assistant to the director of Aiko,” he answered. “Exactly.” He sighed. “Aiko has been under my management for almost a year. Under my leadership Aiko has thrived and I intend to keep it that way. It seems you have quite the reputation made for yourself since Aiko, and even your time growing up here has been soliloquized quite generously.” Masami couldn’t understand what Konoharu meant when he said “reputation”, but Konoharu continued unabashed. “Top of your class in high school and M-University, and an editor for the University paper, and your high school’s student council president.” Though his tone was disinterested and icy he smiled afterward. “So why-I have to wonder- would an accomplished young man like yourself come here as a mere assistant?” Masami jolted at Konoharu’s assertions. Konoharu noticed and conceded. “Do not misunderstand, I am not at all averse to hiring such a qualified man as yourself to be my underling. I only wonder what motive you have for your acquisition at Aiko. You are skilled and swift, and I’m sure you’ve had plenty of other offers that pay far more, and have better networking prospects, since graduating university, than this small orphanage. I am not about to put myself on the line for anyone who is not prepared to work hard, and do the job and tasks assigned to him. So, if you are serious about working here at Aiko, tell me why?” Masami clenched his fist against his thighs looking square into Konoharu’s tight face. Masami felt his face cracking under this man’s inquisition. Konoharu challenged Masami’s conditioned temper, and he felt that no amount of cooing this man would turn the tables. Though truthfully an impatient and easily rattled man, he’d trained his temper to be calm and tranquil, even amongst the chaos and confusion at his time in Aiko. The way Konoharu bucked at him, he felt as though his unperturbed mask was on display. It left him feeling raw and open like wounded flesh and the burning stung like dry ice. He swallowed his frustration at the man’s candor. Masami would not be lured into divulging his secret ambitions at Aiko at the first offensive. In the silkiest voice he could muster he answered. “Sir,” Masami retorted smoothly, “I grew up in Aiko, I know these doors, these halls and even these rooms, though they have admittedly changed quite a bit.” He sighed. “It is true that I have accomplished a lot in my life so far, and there is much more I hope to accomplish.” At this revelation Masami saw Konoharu grimace. Masami pretended not to notice and continued. “My reason for wanting to work here is simple. I love children and I hope to make a difference here at Aiko.” This was definitely a lie. Though Masami did not hate children, his aversion to them could not be called anything but disdain. In his time at Aiko he felt that he had discovered a simple truth about all youth. Children are useless fools. “Is that so?” Replied Konoharu. He stood up from his chair. Masami gasped. He felt as though Konoharu had heard his inner most thoughts and he squirmed a little in the black studded chair he sat in. Konoharu locked his gaze intently onto the obviously shaken Masami. Masami stared hard back to match his gaze and felt his heart begin to pound violently once more. He absorbed Konoharu's striking countenance. Konoharu's
wide deep eyes felt like arrows hitting their mark. Doki. Konoharu’s
tall and slim build stood concretely on the spot. He didn’t move or waver, only
stood staring at Masami. Doki. Konoharu’s dark hair spread casually with pieces hanging alluringly in his cold face. Doki. Masami’s pounding heart spread warmth throughout his body. He could feel his palms moisten and an aching in his throat. Konoharu’s stare made his body feel like fire. He matched his gaze, until the burning became too much and the inside of him felt like an incinerator. His whole body melted. Masami finally looked away, and felt the fire extinguish as if being doused in cold water. He had lost. “Thank you Itagaru. This has been most enlightening. I appreciate you coming in.” Masami opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He stood defeated and feeling thoroughly mortified. Konoharu had turned his arrogant presumptuousness out, and he shone a blinding light on the duplicity Masami guarded so passionately. Konoharu walked Masami back out to the atrium and stood at the door. Masami turned to Konoharu anxiously and searched for some word, some thread of resolution. The more he searched, the more his throat ached. There was nothing he could say. He felt that Konoharu knew him, and could see past his perfectly fitted mask but- I
don’t know how. Just when they reached the worn out door, Konoharu turned to Masami fully. “Itagaru, tomorrow, there will be no need for you to knock.” Konoharu stood across from the now battered Masami and extended his long agile fingers for a handshake. Though shaken and disheveled by Konoharu’s succinctness, he composed himself quickly. “Yes,” replied Masami shaking his hand firmly both shocked and equally anxious. Masami tried hard to remain expressionless as he walked towards the door hoping Konoharu could not hear the tremor of his violent beating heart. Masami exited quickly from the orphanage, and when passing his foot tripped on the divide between the door and the trodden porch. He looked quite disheveled and unnerved exiting the new Aiko. What a difference in the man's encounter, to the man's hasty retreat. © 2013 E.A.BAuthor's Note
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Added on March 20, 2013Last Updated on March 28, 2013 Tags: Yaoi, Drama, Romance, Coming of age Author![]() E.A.BBaltimoreAboutI am 23 years old and I love reading and writing smut/ yaoi. It's a secret passion of mine. ^_^ This is my first time debuting any of my work in public. I truly hope you enjoy my work. I work really h.. more..Writing