Most of us are familiar with the whining lamentations
of women for women`s rights--- whatever in the world
that would mean. Some are against abuse (well, who
is`nt ?) Some are for equal employment (well, who
is`nt ?) We can run this ad infinitum to cover every
kind of grievance against men and for women.
Who, of these liberal enthusiasts with the flowery
phrases, is singing the praises of Kimberly Munley.
Of course you never heard of her, she is an actual
hero. She is a woman who , instead of whining about
her rights, goes out and takes charge.
Sgt. Kimberly Munley took on the slayer, the psychiatrist responsible for the massacre of a large
number of unarmed service personnel. She not only
engaged him, she shot him four times and she was
wounded in the encounter---- but she put him out of
commission and saved untold numbers of lives.
Sgt. Munley is a member of the Fort Hood , Texas
Police Department.
Very little has been said about this wonderful woman.
Draw your own conclusions about that.
I will say it---She is my kind of woman, a real life ,
honest to God Hero, a take charge woman who acts.
God Bless you, Kimberly Munley. You are my kind
of woman.
-----Eagle Cruagh