A Story by Eagle Cruagh

The answer to "who are you ?"



Don`t rush off---you are one of those spirits.
Everybody has been faced with that question at
some time, "who are you?"
Like myself, most people are tempted to answer
with what they do.   "I`m a secretary", or "I`m
a nuclear physicist", or "I`m Doctor Jones".
We are inclined to identify with those who are
famous, or in power.  I recall when John F. Kennedy
was President of the United States, I felt kindred
to him.  He had such great personality, it seemed
that he touched every life.
I recall sitting in the waiting room of a large
hospital talking to one of the most famous of
American Band Leaders.   This guy had been
married many times to movie stars and other
famous women.  He was great!
After we had talked for about an hour we felt
sort of "friendly".   He said, "John, I don`t know
what`s going to happen to me, my life is a mess."
A few days ago a cute lady made an appearance
on the inter net.   She is obviously well off, world
wise and locked in a box.   With the voice of a tourist
she told me about a recent trip half way around
the world.   She should have stayed home and
looked at the National Geographic---that was her
identity from the trip.  She is a person who was at
a certain place and she spoke to certain persons.
Don`t it just fry your eggs ?   You ask some guy
who he is and he says, "Oh, I am purchasing agent
for Diablo systems (made up name), or some such
identity.   The first thing you think, I wonder what
this guy knows, who does he know, how does he
think, where did he go to school and on and on.
In other words, once somebody tells you who he is
you then start to search your mind for his identity.
Websters was very little help with the word
identity.   Basically, Websters touches on Psychiatry
as a basis for identity, then wanders through various
forms of terminology, none of which bring us any
closer to truth.
Some time ago, having written a lengthy poem, it
was called, 'A Cowboy`s Travels in Ireland'.
See, I had to tell who I was to give people something
to tie to.  I became ,"a Cowboy".
The poem touched on my ancestors, places the Irish
would be interested in, even how I got, partially,
the way I am.
Some authority on writing once indicated that we
should rarely write about our selves, instead go
to and examine ideas, ideals,  perspectives, etc.
I agree with that theory to a large extent.  Why ?
Because the minute you identify yourself with a
trade, profession, or the arts, you lose all the rest
of your potential readers.
A few years ago when on an oral board, testing
applicants for police jobs, I asked an applicant ,
"who are you".   It was a careless question and I
suppose I expected the usual, "student", or
"biologist", whatever.   Instead of the usual answer
one applicant became very agitated, was dismissed,
but came in to my office the following day saying.
"Mr. Crowley, I think I know who I am."
That little incident is just mentioned for it`s humor
value and to indicate just how some people are
isolated from any knowledge of 'self'.
Did you ever notice ?  Somebody says ," yes I have a
Master`s degree".  The usual retort from the other is,
what is your master`s in ?  Maybe, where did you get
your master`s ?
No matter what the answer, you will be putting that
person in a box.   You will tend to think of them in
terms of the school they attended, or the discipline in
which they studied.
We do know that we are a moving being, we observe,
and we relate to others and their ideas.  We don`t
just move and relate in a room, while running  or
at work on plumbing.  
We relate to others in a continuum of time.
"When we were children we thought of children`s
things and when grown we put away the things of
childhood and took up the things of men and women".
We are the spirit that moves us through life.
Any thoughts on this?   Ever have trouble with someone
you like a lot, but you have to give up close
association with that person because they just live
in a box ?   Try to get your friends out of the box,
try to get that spirit moving out in to the world----
even checking out a tropical island.  ; -)
----John Crowley

© 2009 Eagle Cruagh

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Boy I could write a book with chapters in response to your story..but I won't...I think this is my favorite writing of yours... makes me think in so many areas...
Who am I ? Aw the possibilities are endless... Great thoughts you captured and I am glad you did !

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eagle Cruagh

9 Years Ago

If we keep this up it will only be another year or two until
we communicate--- Really !
.. read more

9 Years Ago

chuckling ! You think that long?
Eagle Cruagh

9 Years Ago

We are showing progress !


I think that the question; Who am I?; is the most important question one should ever ponder. It is the root message of every religion; and the root of existence itself. When we say, I am; we seem to be referring to our awareness of our own existence; but who is it that is aware of this existence, and can the knower of the knower of existence be known? Are there in fact two selves; the one who knows the self and the self to be known? I think you would really enjoy Ramana Maharshi's discourses on the; "I am" self enquiry. They are a direct pondering of this question; as to find a definite answer, and to find if there is truly an answer. Even the Bible has reference to the question;

"And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you."
Exodus 3:14

Thanks for sharing this, Eagle.

Posted 8 Years Ago

The pen moves accross the page and having writ moves on,
so moves our little life.
Since the above was written, my beloved wife died and most of
my friends passed on to greener pastures.
The other day I saw a nice 4=wheel drive car, it started me to
thinking of my childhood, to a place that is nearly unpopulated,
lonely and wild. I could go there. All I need is that car, drive it
a couple thousand miles and I would be back---- back where, that is
a place. Who could I take with me , a friend ? The friend would probably
be more at home in her/his own childhood place, or life.

I won`t go--- the stories are all here and in my head, sure someone might enjoy
hearing the stories, but it would be more suitable if I were to hear theirs----
yours---- about the lives that make my life meaningful, fun, a story..............

Posted 11 Years Ago

Boy I could write a book with chapters in response to your story..but I won't...I think this is my favorite writing of yours... makes me think in so many areas...
Who am I ? Aw the possibilities are endless... Great thoughts you captured and I am glad you did !

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Eagle Cruagh

9 Years Ago

If we keep this up it will only be another year or two until
we communicate--- Really !
.. read more

9 Years Ago

chuckling ! You think that long?
Eagle Cruagh

9 Years Ago

We are showing progress !
If I had reviewed this one first i wouldnt have mentioned harmonicas in the last review! I absolutely loved this you get across to us a great thought that i already knew but needed to hear expressed. I like this stream of consciousness idea.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This is so insightful. Some of the questions you've raised are things I've never thought of, others are ones I've asked myself many times. Usually when someone asks me who I am, I just answer with my name. But so many people answer with their occupation. Ive also observed people replying with their family as in, "I'm Robert's daughter" Its definitely something worth musing over.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Well, though this may not have been 'well thought out' as you say....
I really must say that as a reader of people more than writing, I like this type of writing the best.
What strikes me ... like a bolt... is how that this short somewhat scattered thought articulates very well a feeling, an awareness that is permeating the organism at this time.
One can clearly see, Mr.Crowley here.... is being hit by the same beam that has struck me and godonlyknows how many others.
In particular you give the jist that we should be very careful about how we weigh 'things' in our lives.
The 'accepted' way of just accepting the opinions of 'authorities' and going on blindly.

You are speaking like a warrior in a wasteland, my friend.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Labels - sometimes a necessary evil. We define ourselves by WHAT we are, not WHO we are. People seem to need the defining piece of label to put you in place. It gives them a spot in their world for you. Black? White? Indian? Chinese? Gay? Lesbian? Straight? Jock? Nerd? Accountant? Artist? Lover? Hater? Woman? Man? Every line brings an immediate thought, an "idea" of what that person should be like. Not necessarily who they really are. Their essence is undefined - it is bigger than the box, the label. Our boxes need to open and expand, the sides fall away and the top be stripped bare. I am WHO I am...not WHAT I am...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

In re-reading this I realize that my best friend and I have been pushing each other out of our boxes all our lives. In many ways we are polar opposites, but somehow we have managed to hold onto a friendship we forged at age 6 . . . some 40 years ago :).

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A musing.....
This was not written with anyone in mind.
It was (obviously) not organized or well
thought out.
I have a pretty good idea who I am. It would be
a great pleasure if a lot more people gave thought
to the question---- Who are you ?
----- Eagle Cruagh

Posted 13 Years Ago

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28 Reviews
Added on June 23, 2009
Last Updated on June 28, 2009


Eagle Cruagh
Eagle Cruagh


-------It is your mind---- that creates this world--- -----Buddha ----------------------- eaglecruagh.blogspot.com .. more..


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