I chanted this like a monk hopped up on a bitter IPA. What a great cadence and the use of Oz in a most unique and creative manner. Once you go down that road, ain't no amount of clicking gonna get you back.....but we all know better right? No get those naked munchkins dressed, stop staring at Dorothy's breasts and get back to work.
my take: it reminds me clearly that there is no such thing as fairy tales and life is a brutal b***h if seen clearly. The looking glass is and really always has been broken....
this is kick a*s....felt like i tripped and fell into Oz but it was dorothy in wonderland instead lol The white rabbit held hostage by the wizard, and the wicked witch dancing naked, high on pills. :))
your descriptions are trippy and surreal. beneath the madness is always the lesson in truth.
forget the technicolor celluoid Oz , Oz lived in a HUGE series of books , this reminds me that if magic is to be spread , it is best delivered through the imagination , something where words have no match , something your words do ..
there is no place that's home because the myth only lives when the mortals continue to remember it.
At first I thought this was from the Scarecrow's point of view, after all he is an animated wizard, a Wiccan talesman so to speak.... then he too is scattered.... interesting concept...
Dorthy in the real world of promises not kept, didn't wake up in bed, she died in the pig sty...
But this is maybe seen or told by a time lord or watcher, an immortal none the less. And then I looked up Locasta.... at first thinking it was a greek figure I wasn't familiar with... but it turns out to be the name of the good witch of the north and a character out of a Dave Hardenbrook novel from the series of books by L Frank Baum about a continuation of OZ.....
Haven't read it. Certainly the original left universes of space to elaborate upon.
not only is there no place that's home there seems to be less original under the sun....
That being said, E's take, a statement and testament at the same time, runs past a continuance, sees through the assumptions and just shows the hapless reader the end of the tale, ZOOM straight to the finis.... can you handle it? Me wonders.......
Very interesting take on the Wiz of Oz. I like it, alot. I love reading something different for a change. E.H. Monroe I think your way of writing is pretty cool. xo
Aww the last line is a real kicker. The who horror scene of OZ is described quite well. Sometimes the grass looks greener else where but then you realize there truly is no place like home.
Oh Jebus. Doubletake time, exhaustion and kickass poetry.
Upon re-reading, this is full blown venom. It reads hot and fast, pounding faster with every line, that underlying beat of the bitter drum driving it forward. Dark and unrelenting. Used to be one of my favourite stories, until cynicism and reality kicked in.
The sheer devastation of reality, you eat up Oz and spit it out in tiny pieces.
S**t eating fuckbag of the crapocalypse.
Dystopian Bard and general word rapist.
like me here, and i'll kiss you on the face..
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