Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers

A Poem by Eli

A revision of the first draft


A question rests on your silent tongue, waiting to be heard

It pleads endlessly in your boundless, energetic eyes

And I wonder why it has been held back so

As words should come easily for one so free

But, on this bitter, solemn day

You walk among the thousands of tiny white crosses

Embracing the merciful sounds of the crashing waves

And see tears falling gently from those who remember

All you can do is fall to your knees and look to the sky

"Why do I come to this lonely and desolated place,

And feel such powerful, unforgiving emotion?

I've been to the final homes of those lived and passed,

But why does this happen to me so?"

Finally letting it out, eyes searching no more,

You take a final glance across the field, and bow your head in dismay

Nothing makes sense about this moment, this lifetime

But as you lay there, lost and confused, feeling nothing and everything,

I whisper into the cutting wind, my words soaring without end

"This is the site of fallen sacrifice;

The resting place of lost futures, unfinished dreams

Only those who lived among them, within their time,

Truly know what these markers carry.

"And never remember them only as such,

But as a Band of Brothers,

A group of ordinary men in an extraordinary time

And always know, this is just one of many homes,

Where they can, and always will be, brothers."







© 2011 Eli

Author's Note

Any opinions and criticism encouraged!

My Review

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wow... this was really good..

Posted 12 Years Ago

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So beautiful and strongly written. I felt the emotions and images run through my mind. War is definitely a strong topic. Loved ones, lost ones, it deepens the meaning of veterans and sacrifice. I loved the emotional flow of feelings and thoughts that ran face to face. I don't think there's anything that's needed to change, it's perfectly worded and described. I feel like this too at times, maybe it's the flow or some part of wording you'd like better. Overall, stunning. :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

Although I think this is an awesome poem, I can understand why you might not like it, I go through that tons, but maybe because it's lacking flow or something? It doesn't seem like it's supposed to rhyme...but I like it how it is :DD Choppy, but impactful.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

WOW!!! I loved this. It was emotional and from the heart. Excellent, keep it up!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is beautiful and for sure a keeper.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on June 3, 2011
Last Updated on November 15, 2011
Previous Versions



Charleston, SC

I'm a 17 year old kid who loves writing, photography, reading, mathematics, science, and music! *IF you review any of my work, please don't just say how good it was. I want strict reviews that can.. more..

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