What gives you the right? to tell them they can't love? Who are you ? to prance around? they're not blessed from above? They must FIGHT, to love someone. But for you it's not so big.
They're at WAR with who they are. So YOU can justify the way YOU live. What's it matter, what people do? It's got nothing to do with you.
There's no such thing, as heterophobe. So, why discriminate? People are born the way they are the world burns, with so much hate.
Live YOUR life, leave them alone. You're in the wrong, homophobe..
This politically-correct poem is interesting because its lays bare a contradiction: the so-called homophobe oversteps his boundary and dares to speak his mind and judge the homosexual. Then, the author resorts to the same powers of judgement to put the homophobe to shame. That alone I found amusing.
Nicely said Anissa, you have commendable views on the subject. In other places of the world homosexuals and bisexuals are murdered for their lifestyles. Thankfully that doesn't and shouldn't happen here. Nice writing.
Strong opinions wich i like. this world would be a better place if evryone kept them self to them self and left other people to live theire life in peace really.
Why are people so caught up on how others live their lives? People can be so bitter and evil because they can't find happiness in their own lives. I completely agree with your take on this.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you. I am straight for gay rights. I take the matter very personaly.