Say GoodbyeA Chapter by Dubstep WolvesSamantha has lost control once again and her brother may have been hurt, what will happen when she turns pure evil for good?Samantha shot a blast of red "flames" at Peter who sped in another direction to dodge it. "Sam, don't do this." Peter muttered. "You've chosen your side, I chose mine!" Samantha replied, using telepathic powers to make a fear play in his mind. "Samantha," Charles said, now beside Peter. "I won't hesitate to kill any of you!" Samantha growled. "Samantha, you've become evil." Mystique said. Samantha narrowed her eyes. "We all become something, don't we?" She replied, before making rocks fall from the ceiling and made a rock fall in front of them so that Samantha and the others could get away. "Good job, Sam." Erik said to her before following the others to the teleportation spot. Samantha walked there, then they teleported away from them. "Say goodbye to Samantha, she's not coming back to us..." Charles mumbled as Peter was staring in shock. "Samantha is gone..." Peter whispered. SORRY IT WAS SO SHORT, I WANTED TO END THIS CHAPTER WITH A CLIFFHANGER BECAUSE I'M SO SPECIAL LOL! © 2016 Dubstep WolvesAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorDubstep WolvesCanadaAboutI always had a love for wolves and horses, they've been all I wanted to have as a pet, though wolves are wild. I've always had a love for trap, dubstep and electro music, that's why I'm named "Dubstep.. more..Writing