![]() Untitled Chapter TwoA Chapter by Druella When I woke up I had hoped to see hospital white everywhere; but instead it was dark and dismal. I tried to move but I couldn’t, I had no energy and still felt very dizzy. I tried to look around but it was hard to see clearly. Considering the condition I had been in and how I was now I knew I hadn’t gotten here on my own. I wondered if the old man with the unicorn had come back and helped me. “Good you’re awake. I didn’t kill you,” the very low, masculine voice said. I tried to turn to see where he was at; I heard a crashing thud and then he was standing next to me. There was something odd about the way he was looking at me that left me a bit uneasy; the only comfort was that he was glad that he didn’t kill me. From the way I was laying I couldn’t tell exactly how tall he was, but his hair was dark and his eyes were a dark gray. His face had very stressed lines that made him seem a lot older than the twenty something, I was guessing he really was. He looked up and down my body and I trembled just from that simple motion. Focusing back on my face he had that odd look again. “Thank you for saving me,” I said trying to think of something to break the silence. “Don’t thank me, you almost died from me trying to rid you of the infection,” his voice tensed as he said this. “Either way you saved me and I appreciate it.” “I don’t want your thanks, I just want you to get well so that you can go back to where ever it is you came from. I don’t need these problems here,” he said, his voice carrying a bit of contempt to it. I didn’t know what I had done to deserve this. I felt that emotional build up inside and I tried to fight it off; there was nothing for me to grip onto so I bit onto my lip hoping to divert the feelings. The tears started to break through, so I bit even harder; so hard that I began to taste blood. “Are you seriously crying?” he half asked, half stated. Then he leaned down closer to me. “Please just leave me alone,” I managed to blurt out as my bleeding lip started to drip down my chin. I felt so helpless since I couldn’t move my arms enough to reach my face. I sucked in on the section of lip that was bleeding. “Son of a B***h.” And with that he was gone. I really didn’t care anymore; I didn’t want to cry but since this was only a dream I just let it happen. As the tears dried up I felt a sense of relief that had been long denied. My lip was sore but at least it seemed to have stopped bleeding. Eventually I found enough strength to push myself up a bit and look around me; fighting harder I pushed myself up into an almost sitting position against the wall. I had no choice but to just sit there from that point since my energy was drained. I looked around me the best I could. I was in some sort of cave with a fire in the middle not too far off from where I was. The crashing sound I heard earlier had to be from the stack of wood against the other wall. There was a container of water and a bowl of some odd looking fruit or something. I looked at the water, craving it yet not sure if I could trust it. I finally had to accept that he wouldn’t have tried to save me just to poison me afterwards. I gripped the container the best I could and shakily I raised it towards my mouth. I took several glorious drinks before my grip gave way and it slipped and spilled all over me. I cursed out loud. I had had enough of this stupid dream already, either let me die or let me wake up. I knew I should have woken up by now; though I didn’t really know how much time had passed. Maybe I was in a coma and this was going to be a constant battle of survival in this dream. Of course I could just be dead and this is how life ends, a continuous cycle of crazy episodes that don’t make sense. Purgatory, maybe that is what this is. I shivered from the cold; wishing again that it would hurry up and end all ready. I leaned to the side until I slid back down onto the pile of leaves I was lying on. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over. There was an odd sense of familiarity as I stood in the field looking around. The sky above me turned dark and as I looked around I noticed a pair of eyes watching me, fear gripped me in a way I have never known before. Turning away I bolted, running as fast as I could but somehow I knew that the owner of the eyes was getting closer and closer. I fell and as soon as I hit the ground I rolled over to see my attacker. I screamed. This woke me up and I found that I was sitting up. So at least some of my strength was returning to me. Unfortunately I couldn’t stop shaking; I tried to remember what exactly I had seen that had scared me but I couldn’t remember seeing anything but the eyes. Tears began rolling down my cheeks again. “Is that all I can expect from you when you are awake?” he asked, his voice vibrating from the walls. “I thought you went away.” “It’s a good thing that I came back when I did. You were half frozen.” “I guess that means I owe you again,” I said back trying to be just as mean as he sounded. “The sooner I get you better, the sooner you can return to where you belong.” “If I am such a burden then just help me back to where you found me and you can slip back into whatever miserable existence you call your life.” He looked at me and just gave me a smirk. “Well I can’t exactly let you die out there either.” I was getting tired of his self sacrificing behavior, this was my dream damn it and I have no intention of wasting it with him getting angry at me for things I had no control over. In fact I wasn’t going to sit here and put up with it. I forced myself to gather all my strength and pushed myself till I was standing on very shaky legs. Using the wall for support and guidance I took slow wobbly steps towards the cave entrance. “What the hell are you doing?” he yelled. “I am getting the hell out of your way.” Of course this sounded better in theory since my legs had no intention of carrying me that far. I made only a few steps more before my bad leg gave way, he caught me just before I fell into the fire pit. I had gotten so close that I could feel the heat so intense against me. He lifted me up to safety as though I weighed nothing at all. It was then that I suddenly realized that I was not wearing my clothes; I looked down at myself and saw that I was in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. An odd sensation ran through me as he held me close against him before placing me back down on the bed of leaves. I felt that urge to cry again and I bit my lip; the sore on my lip busted open again and began to bleed. But at least I didn’t start crying again. He was still kneeling next to me as he looked down at me. I could tell his breathing was labored as his mouth came down onto mine. It was a mixture of pure ecstasy and then pain from the cut on my lip. I couldn’t stop myself from responding to him; I wrapped my arms around his neck. At last a part of this dream I could enjoy. The kiss ended and he released the hold on me that I hadn’t known he had. I was left suddenly cold from the release of the pressure as he moved away from me. I watched as he piled more logs onto the fire; staying clear of me, not even looking my way. The emotions that were stirring inside me were completely unexplainable; something I had never experienced before. I felt that he was considering leaving me again and I just couldn’t bear that, not now. “What does it mean when you have a dream inside of a dream? Isn’t that supposed to be a bad thing?” “Is that what caused you to wake up screaming? You were having a dream inside a dream?” he asked while giving me an odd look. “No, I mean I was having a dream inside of this dream,” I said with a wave of my hands at the space around me. “You think you are dreaming right now? Don’t you know where you are? How you got here?” he asked as he stood up and looked at me with; well the only way to describe it was almost a look of horror. “I can only assume that my body is in a coma somewhere because of the fall.” His expression changed for just a moment as he laughed, then looking at me his expression went somber again. Which was sad because he looked so much younger when he laughed than when he had that serious look. “You seriously have no clue, do you?” “I sure wish you would explain what it is that has you flipping through amusement and disbelief.” “I have been coming here for a very long time and during that time I have never ever heard of anyone who got here by accident. It just doesn’t happen.” “I wish you would stop playing games and tell me where here is supposed to be.” “Well, the exact description of the location is a little vague. It is an alternate world or dimension. Those who have been here or search for it know it as the land of difference. It sounds different in different languages. But it all comes down to the same thing; land of change, land of difference, and the list goes on and on.” “Ok, you lost me, where are we?” “We are in an alternate plane of existence, the other world; the real world is still going on while we are here. There are entry ways in many locations and it can be hard to find, some people spend their whole lives just trying to get here.” “Then why haven’t I seen more people here?” “Because here is a very large and vast amount of space which is constantly turning and changing, hence the name. Where you are now is hard to find when you go away from it. I have spent enough time here to finally be able to find my way again. It helps if you are using the same entry way and where you want to be is close by; but it is still hard at times.” “That still doesn’t explain anything to me. If this place is so sought after why aren’t there more people here?” “Because most people don’t stay very long, because this place can change you too. Most people come here looking for riches. The hardest thing is being sure that you have the right items; they change to keep it a challenge. If you found a diamond one time and it was in the appearance of quartz when you come back again it could be in the shape of a salt rock. But that isn’t the only thing, every time a person goes back and forth between the two worlds they change. It becomes harder and harder to survive in either world.” “What kind of effects has it had on you?” “Things are different when it comes to me.” “Such as?” “We are not going to go there. What I need to do is figure out how you got here, and how to get you back again. I need you to tell me everything you remember about how you came to be here. What was going on before you landed here?” “Where would you like me to start?” I ask feeling as if this is a very weird twist for my dream to take. Most likely my fault since I mentioned that it was a dream. “What country did you come from?” “America, the United States of.” “Okay, what state?” “California, Orange County.” “What were you doing before you ended up here?” “This is ridiculous.” “Humor me.” “I was at a party at my father’s business partners’ house. We had been looking for his son who had ran off and hid. Even though the search had been canceled I continued to snoop around. I found a set of hidden stairs which lead to an attic storage space. There was a really old mirror there, I was looking into it. When I heard footsteps I tried to cover it back up only to be knocked over by the door. My hand hit the mirror and then I fell through it. That was when I found myself on my hands and knees in the field. Which is where I was bit by the rabid rabbit.” “Wait you are telling me a rabbit did that to you?” “Yes a white fluffy rabbit.” “What did you do to it, they only attack when threatened.” “I tried to pet it, does that count?” I asked. He gave me a look that was obviously disbelief. “Ok, moving on, how did you get here to the clearing I found you in?” I explained everything to him about the woods, the unicorn, and the old man yelling at me. He had a look of both understanding and disbelief that really irritated me. I was just glad he didn’t tell me I was an idiot when I stated the old man had called the unicorn a mule. “That would be Barnum and Seymour. They have been here since the days of the California gold rush. Him and his mule managed to finally find the entry way and he has refused to ever leave.” “Wait a minute; you are saying that he is about one hundred and fifty years old, and that the unicorn is a real mule? How can that be?” “Sorry can’t help you with the exact details, I just know that being here changes you. The longer you stay the harder it is for you to ever leave; and the more you go back and forth the more changes that take effect with a person. I just know that he has been here for as long as I have been coming here. I also have no idea why he stayed; maybe he knew that staying would allow him to live longer.” “Do the days go by slower or faster here than in the real world?” I asked trying to make an excuse that was believable enough to wrap my mind around. “As far as the passing of countable time, they are equal. I am not sure which time zone this place matches up with though.” “What ways aren’t they equal?” “It doesn’t matter. You won’t be here long enough for it to have any real impact on you.” “Why won’t you answer my questions?” “Because you ask too many.” “How else am I supposed to learn anything?” “Then how about we back up a bit. My name is Christian and you are?” “Jesse,” I said as my face went flush. I can’t believe I never thought about introductions. “Well Jesse, I think it would be a good idea for you to get some sleep,” he said as he began to get up. I grabbed his arm. “Where are you going?” “Don’t worry, I’ll be nearby if you wake up screaming again.” “Would you mind just laying here with me for a while?” “That is not a good idea,” he said as his body tensed up under my touch. “Please, I promise not to bite.” “Funny. I’m not worried about you. I don’t trust my control.” “Just for a little while, if you feel that you are losing your control you can move away.” “That is what I’m worried I won’t do.” “Please,” I begged giving him the face I gave my parents when I wanted something desperately. “Ok, just for a little while.” He lay down beside me and pulled me close against him. His breath was cool against my cheek, but the feeling of comfort and safety that washed over me lulled me to sleep. I tried to fight it but I couldn’t stay awake, couldn’t think of what I wanted to say. I found myself in the field again; at least I wasn’t running or afraid this time. I was just standing there enjoying the warmth of the sun as it shone down on me. As I was about to turn around I suddenly lunged forward as my legs wouldn’t move; I was paralyzed from the waist down. I began to panic and then just as quickly as it had happened it started to shift away again and I started to feel my legs again. When I opened my eyes there was light streaming into the cave. I attempted to move and found myself sore and achy. I forced myself to sit up, but I was dizzy and still very tired. Christian was no where around; the fire looked like it had fresh logs on it so he couldn’t be too far off. I hoped. Even though the fire was burning I was cold and couldn’t quite get any body heat going. I tried to scoot closer to the fire for warmth. Being so tired, stiff and sore was a horrible feeling; again I felt that overwhelming sensation to cry. I fought hard to try and overcome that feeling. Christian walked in just then and I instantly felt better. He carried a plate of eggs with some sort of meat and handed it to me. As I took that he pulled out some more weird looking fruit. I was not the most adventurous when it came to food; the previous fruit had been in the shape of a pear only a bright blue, and it tasted like an apple. These new items that claim to be fruit looked more like some sort of gourd. I ate the eggs and the meat first, they at least looked normal on the plate. I toyed with the fruit for some time before he yanked it out of my hands and cracked it open on a nearby rock. It was cherry filled, like one large hard shelled cherry. He laughed as I went from sampling to devouring it. I was a little more willing to try the fruit that looked similar to a tangerine; once I peeled it I found that I had a perfect piece of cantaloupe. Later as I was feeling a bit better he took me out to a stream that circled oddly through the woods. He was very nice but kept his distance. As I washed up I couldn’t help but notice the pained look he gave me as I dried my hair. “How long have I been at the cave with you?” I asked. Partly because I had such an odd sleep pattern that I lost track of the days and partly to get his mind off of whatever was causing that look on his face. “It’s been about a week.” “A week,” I repeated as I tried to register the days. But I couldn’t. “So what was the mystery meat you served me with the eggs?” I asked. “I guess you could say it was a bit of the hare that bit you,” he said with a smile. “Are you serious?” I asked as my stomach began to churn a bit. “Of course, they are a good source of protein and iron. And they multiply like crazy plaguing the area. They aren’t a whole lot of other options out here. I thought you enjoyed it.” “I did, at least until I knew what it was.” “Try looking at it another way, one less rabbit out there that can attack you.” “It’s ok. I will learn to deal with it. I mean I know that animals are killed for food all the time. I just didn’t ever have to think about it directly. But I guess that there isn’t exactly a grocery store here where everything is already processed and packaged.” “In order to survive, you have to learn to eat what is available and what the limits are so you don’t destroy your food source. You learn to do what you have to,” he said. His voice was a bit strained and I just let the topic drop. We stayed there for most of the afternoon before we finally returned to the cave. I tried to get him to lay with me again but he refused and the look he gave me made sure that I didn’t push it. Not completely frightful, but I knew better than to even ask. I slept but the dreams plagued my sleep again causing me to wake up in a cold sweat. Christian was there, but he was sitting on the other side of the fire; he looked up at me when I woke. I shivered from the cold that raced through me. “Are you alright?” he asked. The words were polite, but the tone that delivered them was not. “I’ll be fine you don’t have to keep worrying about me.” I rolled over and tried to get comfortable. I heard him swear as he got up and walked out of the cave. I hated the mixed up feelings that seemed to keep running between us; well mostly with me. I laid there unable to go back to sleep. Several hours later I heard him return, I rolled over and looked at him. He seemed suddenly tired and upset as he stood there looking at me. There was no way for me to tell for sure what he expected but I did the only thing I could think of; I patted at the area next to me, inviting him near if he wanted the comfort. He stood there for another minute before he reluctantly came over and began to sit down next to me. I put my arm around him and guided him down on to the bed of leaves. I kept my arm around him and cuddled close to him. Eventually I fell asleep only to wake up alone again. I was getting better and found it easier to move every day. I didn’t wander far from the cave on my own since I didn’t want to get lost in any of the woods that surrounded the cave. He returned later with more fruit and an update on not finding the correct field yet. A part of me was glad that this place was so confusing, he couldn’t send me back that easily if he couldn’t find the right place to send me. I began to enjoy life as my energy and strength began to return; my second week was passing by so quickly. We were just days away from the end of that second week when we were out at the stream; only it wasn’t the usual area we went to. He had been attempting to teach me how to find my way through the woods to keep me from getting lost. I was only half way listening as he stopped and tossed a stick at me. I quickly turned and he smiled. “Ok, tell me again about how to find a direction to follow.” “It doesn’t do any good for me to keep telling you if you aren’t going to listen.” “I promise, I am listening.” “If you look closely all the trees have roots near the surface of the ground but only on one side. And regardless of how topsy-turvy it may seem to be that never changes. There is also always moss covering the other side. Just remember everything else, footprints, markings, flags and other such items are all subject to change, from what you said you have already experienced this.” “Boy have I ever,” I said as I remember the constant show of footprints heading towards me. “The good news is I think I found the correct clearing this time. Now all I have to do is narrow down which entry way is yours and we can get you home. Once I get you back to the cave I can go and check some of them tonight.” “Of course,” I answered looking away quickly as tears sprouted to my eyes. It was obviously one of the changes I had experienced since coming here; and hopefully would go away after I leave. Not that I wanted to leave. I didn’t want any of this to end, I didn’t want to wake up or go home. I stood and slowly walked towards a nearby tree trying to make it look as if I was studying the roots and moss. Actually I was wishing for some way to prolong my stay; some way of making him forget about looking for the entryway. I did not want him to find it, not yet; I wasn’t ready to leave. I just wanted to stay here. My thoughts were interrupted by a sound coming from up in the tree branches. I looked up to see a squirrel running along the branches. It would stop every so often and would chatter away. I moved out into the opening so that I could see it better. Again it would jump to another tree run along the branch then stop and chatter. I couldn’t help but smile at it. “What are you smiling at?” he asked as he started to approach me. “I was just watching the squirrel up there. At least I think it’s a squirrel, if mules become unicorns there is no telling what that really could be.” “A squirrel. Where?” he asked with such a tone that I couldn’t help but turn and look at him. His expression matched his tone and scared me. “Right up there,” I said after finding it again. Now there were actually two. “Are you out to piss off every creature here?” he said as he rushed up to me and grabbed my arm. He started to pull me away. “I don’t get it, what’s wrong?” I asked as I tried to keep up with him but it didn’t work he was way too fast and I tripped. “Jesse,” he called out just as the first of the acorns started to whiz down and peg me. I covered my face as they kept coming, faster and harder. As they hit it was like being stabbed by a thousand knives. Christian covered me the best he could as he picked me up and continued to run out of the woods. I kept my face hidden against his chest the whole time. “How did you know they were pissed off?” I asked as every part of my body stung. “Here squirrels are a nocturnal animal, if they come out during the daylight it is usually because they feel threatened,” he said as he began to slow his pace. I was happy to be in his arms but my back was stinging so badly that even his holding me hurt. Once we were in the cave he set me down and I took a good look at my arms, there were welts everywhere. I looked at him as the tears began to well up in my eyes again; I turned away when they began to fall. He tried to be gentle as he pulled me close but every touch was excruciatingly painful. He had to assist me in changing out of my jeans but we didn’t get much farther than that when he gasped. I turned the best I could to look down at my legs; I looked like I had a disease. There were thousands of red dots that were each completely swollen and they all seemed to run into each other. He helped me lay down on my stomach and remove my blouse. He left for a minute and then returned with some cold water. It felt good for about two seconds and then the pain started up again. “Jesse, there is only one thing that I know I can do that will keep you from having to deal with the pain. But to do so would destroy all the progress you’ve made in getting better.” The first thing that popped into my head was that he couldn’t send me away if I wasn’t recovered yet. He wouldn’t be able to get rid of me; I could stay. That was all I needed to know. I didn’t care what it required; I was going to get to stay. “Just do it quickly,” I said before I could change my mind. “Brace yourself, it will most likely hurt.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and the pain radiated through my body, then there was a muted pain on my back and everything went black. When I woke it was dark outside, the fire pit partially blocked my view but I could still see enough. I was weak, and my body ached but not from the welts. I couldn’t feel the welts and yet I was not well enough to be sent home anytime soon. I wasn’t sure where I would end up if I stepped back through the entry way; it may be just as he said. The alternative was that I could end up in a worse place or dead. But more than all of that I just wanted to prolong this time; the way I feel here and Christian has a bit to do with it too despite his irritability. I closed my eyes and let a more natural sleep take over. Finding myself in the field again I stood at a fork where two paths were before me; I felt a sense of urgency to pick one before something horrible happened. I looked around me but all was just as it always was. The path to the left seemed to come to an end with a cliff, I watched as a rabbit bolted for the cliff and jumped. The rabbit seemed to disappear into the air; possibly an entry way as Christian had described. The pathway to the right seemed to go on endlessly but there were no cliffs or other obvious roadblocks. I turned and took the path to my right, rushing at first until I realize that there is no reason to rush, there was no one around and I no longer felt an urge to be in a hurry. I stopped and looked around me; it seemed that it was just me and the path. No matter how far I went it was all the same as far forward and as far back as I could see. A feeling of loneliness over took me, I quickly turned and tried to run back to where I had started from. But no matter how far or how fast I ran the path never changed. I eventually gave up and sat down on the path and let the feelings of despair take over. As I sat there I heard a noise and then an arm broke through the invisible barrier that had kept me on the path, I reached out and accepted the hand that was offered. I woke up without ever finding out who the arm belonged to. This left me with a complete sense of loss; it was almost too unbearable. The loss and the inability to come to terms with this feeling caused me to start crying again. I had given up trying to fight back the tears anymore; it didn’t work in this place. Which was something I had to come to terms with, even if it wasn’t going to be easy. “Jesse, what’s wrong?” Christian asked. His voice was so soft that it barely seemed a whisper; I couldn’t tell where he was at. “Christian where are you?” I asked. I desperately didn’t want to feel alone. “What is it? I am right here,” he said as he stepped out of the shadows near the cave entrance. “My dreams again. It startled me awake,” I lied. “Really? What do you want from me?” I started to answer and then I closed my mouth. He had asked the magical question, what did I want from him? He had made it very clear from the beginning that he just wanted me gone. Maybe the attraction I was feeling was purely selfish; wanting what I just can’t have. Then again it could just be that he was the only other human contact that I had right now. “Jesse,” he called out my name and something inside of me twisted. He was closer to me now; I didn’t have to look I just knew. It was such an odd sensation; knowing that he was there without even looking at him. Then he was in front of me staring down at me with an indescribable look on his face; it almost mirrored my feelings completely. “Christian, would you please hold me?” “I don’t think that is a very good idea,” he said, his voice was just starting to sound normal again. Maybe it was just hoping on my part, but I thought I sensed him weakening. “Please don’t leave me feeling so alone right now.” I leaned up on my arm and reached out to him with my other hand. His skin was cool, soft and smooth to the touch, he looked down at my hand. I wasn’t sure if he was debating what to do or if he was debating how to end this with me. Not that there was anything to end; maybe he was experiencing the same mixed feelings I was. That would almost be too much to hope for. Finally he moved, gently he grabbed my wrist; and that simple touch made my heart skip a beat. I bit my lip preparing for his rejection; I didn’t want to cry over that. His eyes moved up from my hand to my face; and in that one moment I recognized a true fear. In that moment I knew he could hurt me both physically and emotionally. That fear grew even more as I saw the recognition in his eyes; we both knew that he held that power over me and there was no doubt that we both knew it. After what seemed like forever he sat down against the cave wall next to me, still holding my wrist. As he finally released my wrist, and I released the breath I had been holding. Effortlessly he reached out and picked me up, pulling me into his lap. As I rested my head against his shoulder I tried to make sense of the thoughts and emotions circling inside me. His hand moved my hair to the side as he gently kissed my neck and shoulder before moving up and letting his lips claim mine. “Well isn’t this cozy. No wonder we haven’t seen you lately. If I had the best of both worlds I wouldn’t leave either,” the voice was bitter sounding and definitely feminine. Christian’s body harden as he pulled from the kiss, but he didn’t release me in fact his grip on me became tighter. I turned to see two girls and a guy standing in the entrance of the cave. Something inside me twisted again. It was that odd feeling of having been here before. Christian’s grip was actually hurting me, but I wasn’t about to say anything. The guy walked slowly towards us as the two girls stayed by the entrance. The guy who was approaching us had a very odd almost pained expression as he looked at me, I couldn’t explain it but I suddenly felt guilty. “We missed you at the party last week,” he said as he reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair. I tried not to shiver but I couldn’t help it. Something about the look on his face that just got down under my skin, I looked towards the ground because I couldn’t face him. He let my hair go and it fell back against me. “But I guess I can’t blame you,” he said his voice was even more bitter than the girls had been. “How can I help you, Matthew?” Christian asked. I could tell that his grip on me was starting to leave marks. “We need to talk.” “Can it wait?” he asked. “Would I be in this God forsaken world if it could? I don’t share your enthusiasm about this place.” He didn’t wait for Christian to respond he just walked to the cave entrance. I was left with mixed feelings as Christian released his grip of me and set me back down on the ground. Once he joined Matthew by the cave entrance the two girls approached me. I didn’t respond as one stood on each side of me and squatted down so they were almost face to face with me. “Mmm, I see the potential,” the one with the black hair cooed. “Potential as a plaything maybe. I don’t see any way it could be long term,” the one that had spoken earlier seemed to almost hiss. She had similar features to that of the other girl only her hair was more of a dark auburn than black. “So when you get excited do you like to nibble or bite?” the one with the auburn hair said as she touched my neck, sending a cold chill through me. I moved away but the other girl was so close on that side I felt trapped. “Leave her alone Cassie,” Christian called back to her from the cave entrance. “Come here a lot?” the girl with the black hair asked, then added, “By the way my name is Winifred.” “No, this is my first time,” I said and then out of politeness I added, “My name is Jesse.” “Are you glad that you finally found it? Is it all that you expected?” she asked. “I didn’t find it, I fell into it by accident,” I stated and instantly regretted it as the two girls rocked back with huge grins. “Now that bit of news really is interesting,” Cassie cooed. Her voice grated to the nerve adding to the cold chill she had already given me. She gave the other girl a look that quickly disappeared. “Definitely,” Winifred cooed back. “Girls back off,” Matthew called out this time, instantly they stood up and moved away. There was something in his voice that hit me; something almost familiar, a sense that I couldn’t shake as I watched the two of them. He turned his attention back to Christian; I strained to hear what he was saying. “You’ve already started if you don’t finish you might as well paint a bull’s eye because it won’t take long. Now it’s more of a need to do it, that way you block anyone else from doing it. It’s about protection.” “I don’t think I could do that. I tried before and you know how that one turned out. I just couldn’t do it; you know that,” he said. “Don’t even go there. If you finish then the block is in place. If you don’t someone else could and they may have other ideas in mind.” “I will have to think about it.” “You already have enough to struggle with be careful about adding this too. We will see you in a week.” “See you then,” Christian stated as he stepped into the cave and watched as the three of them disappeared. “Friends of yours?” I asked. “More like associates.” “Oh,” which seemed like a dumb thing to say, but I elected not to tell him that they really scared me. I wondered if that’s what he meant by people changing when they came here too often. They were very creepy. “Now that you are awake, I’m going to go get you something to eat.” “Christian is everything ok?” “I just need to get some things straight in my head. I’ll be back soon.” And with that I was alone. Matthew had said he’d see him in a week, so I couldn’t help but wonder if he would be returning to this world or not. I knew things were going to come to an end eventually but I just couldn’t help but blame the three guests for the suddenly shortened time. Christian made eggs with rabbit meat again and after I eaten he assisted me in walking out to a different section of woods, to avoid pissing off the squirrels again. When we hit a patch of rough ground he carried me since wearing heels was not an option at this time and those were the only shoes I had here. I was overwhelmed by a feeling of disappointment when he set me down; I wanted to stay in his arms forever. I tried to think of some way or excuse to require him to hold me again. I sat there on the fallen log and brooded about this as he talked about three signs of inedible fruits. He was stressing the importance of the red streak at the base of the plants or trees when there was a sudden movement near me. I turned in the direction of the noise; Christian was also alarmed by the noise and was instantly standing next to me. At least he was close that was something. This time the noise came from the left. This was followed by yet another from behind Christian. Before long we could hear the noise from every possible direction; I looked at Christian hoping to figure out what it was. He had a look on his face that was borderline terror; even worse than when the squirrels attached. Everything grew silent and then suddenly a snake lunged at me from out of nowhere. As quickly as the snake attacked Christian had responded by scooping me up into his arms; the snake just barely missed my leg. Another snake lunged at me from a different direction; Christian turned away and the snake missed. The odd thing was that they weren’t attacking him, just me. Once again he rushed me back to the cave. When he set me down he just looked at me. I shifted uncomfortably; I knew where this was going. “Let me guess, you’ve never seen that before either?” I asked. “Never.” “What about a single attack like that,” from his look I knew it was the same answer, never. “I think that the sooner I get you out of here the safer you will be.” I didn’t respond to this, I just turned away from him and slowly walked towards the back half of the cave. What irked me the most was that he was right, this world or dimension seemed to be against me even more than the real world. But despite it all I didn’t want to leave; because leaving meant losing him. I stood near the wall of the cave using it as support; I was still weak even though my leg was almost healed. “I’m going to go and try again to find your entry way,” he said. I turned to watch him leave, before sitting down against the wall staring at the fire. Thinking about the events of the past few days, it was all really odd. I hated the fact that he was right, there is no telling what can happen if I stick around much longer. Of course that was answered rather quickly as a guy appeared standing in the entry way. He was tall, with a shaggy hair cut and dressed in all black. “So you are Christian’s guest I’ve heard so much about,” he stated. His voice was deep and he spoke so low that I almost wasn’t sure that I had really heard it. Feeling very insecure about the situation I quickly stood up, he still towered over me. “Christian should be back soon.” “I believe he will be busy for a while. But it doesn’t matter either way, what I want won’t take long at all.” I backed away from him looking for anything to use as a weapon. I knew it was a joke of a chance, I had never harmed a person in my entire life. I wasn’t looking forward to starting now. He walked closer towards me, frantically I tried to think of anything, and desperately wishing that there was an entry way nearby to push him into. Of course there was no hope in that. All I could see as a chance at all was to summon all the energy I had and bolt for the cave entrance; it didn’t seem practical, but neither did just standing by and dying. With that being my only hope it was exactly what I did. I bolted for the entrance giving him a huge shove out of my way, I heard him swear briefly as I made it to the cave entrance. Once outside I hid behind some brush near the entrance; after all where else could I go? Crazy squirrels to one direction, lunging snakes to the other, and I wasn’t sure what was available to me the other direction. I stayed hidden waiting for him to exit; maybe he was waiting for me to return. I waited and still nothing; I stayed where I was until I eventually fell asleep there. “Jesse, what in hell’s name are you doing out here?” Christian asked. I sat up sore but seemingly intact. I looked around me, if he could find me so easily then why didn’t the other guy? “Avoiding more of your company,” I said. “Did Matthew or the girls come back?” “No, this was someone different. I knocked him over as I bolted for the entrance, he never came out and I was afraid to try and go anywhere else.” “Come on let’s get you inside and I’ll check this out.” He assisted me back to the sleeping area and helped me sit down. The fire was dying down so it cast an eerie glow around the cave. There was no other person here, there were footprints that ended where I had pushed him, this fact made me shudder. He stepped out of the cave for a few minutes before returning with a very odd look on his face; as he noticed I was watching he gave me a half hearted smile. “He’s gone now, there is no one nearby. Describe everything to me again.” And so I told every detail that I could remember. He paced back and forth for a while as I became more and more worried. About the fifth time he had covered the distance he stopped and looked at me; then he came and sat down next to me. He pulled me close and we just stared at the glowing embers of the fire until I fell asleep in his arms. Once again I found myself in the field, before me were five areas that were shimmering and somehow I knew that they were entries. I didn’t know where to but they were a method of escape if I needed them. I didn’t feel threatened; there was no sense of dread. Even when the rabbits approached me I didn’t run, I took a slight step back and they stopped. Instantly they lay down as if they were dead. I screamed, “NO” afraid that they really were dead; the rabbit to the front of the group lifted his head and blinked at me before lowering his head again. I turned away from them towards the woods I had been lost in once before; standing there was the tall and gorgeous unicorn that was secretly, Seymour the mule. Behind him the trees were filled with squirrels, under his feet were the snakes. Everywhere I looked there were more creatures; and as the sky started to grow dark and stormy they all began to race towards me. I wasn’t threatened I knew they weren’t attacking; it was more as if they were coming to me for protection. But I couldn’t help them. I woke up screaming and alone. I stood up, almost completely free of the dizziness as I walked towards the cave entrance. Just as I was ready to call out for Christian I heard voices, they were near the woods where the snakes had been. I moved just a little bit closer, straining to hear what was being said. “Can’t you do something about it?” Christian asked. “Word is out, I don’t know why but for some reason she has become a very sought after person. I only came here to give you advance warning. I told you before what you need to do,” the voice of Matthew carried. “It was too hard to restrain the first two times, I don’t think I could do it again.” “Then what are you going to do?” “If I can get her back to her home she’ll be safe there,” Christian said, but his voice lacked confidence. “Good luck on doing it without being followed, I already know that there are a couple here somewhere in the woods.” “Can you help me?” Christian asked. “I’ll do what I can, just don’t expect a whole lot. They’re not of me.” “I appreciate it.” “I’ve been here before so I can understand; I just hope you are making the right decision. Still coming at the end of the week?” “I’ll be there as soon as I get her to safety.” Feeling a cold chill run through me I quickly retreated into the cave. Before I made it too far Christian was there behind me; not saying anything, never making a single sound, but I knew he was there. I turned to look at him, between what I had just heard and the look on his face; I knew that it was time for me to go. I just nodded as I walked over and got my shoes; it was probably for the best after all, my wardrobe had been beyond limited here. “I’m sorry, but I need to know that you are safe. I can’t protect you here.” “I understand, you’ve already made it clear from the start that it wasn’t healthy for me to stay here. Now there is just more reinforcing that statement,” I said trying not to put too much thought into it. “Jesse.” “Christian, please don’t, this is hard enough.” “I don’t know for sure if we can find the right entry way.” “We will have to find it or one that is near enough to my home.” We didn’t talk when we left. But every so often he would stop our progression as he listened to the sounds around us; listening for the ones that Matthew warned us about. I focused on just wanting to find the entry way and return back to my normal life where things were as they seemed and no one was after me. I couldn’t even force myself to think that I was returning home, because I wasn’t. I knew I had to leave, and I knew that this world would always be a loving memory I wouldn’t be able to shake. I unfortunately felt very confident that we would find my entry way. It was dark so I at least didn’t have to worry about him seeing me cry, and for once I didn’t want to fight it. I just let the tears flow down my cheeks silently. I was leaving everything that was suddenly so important to me, and even though that didn’t make sense I knew it was worth crying over. Once we arrived at the field there was an entry way that was shimmering brighter than any of the others, I counted at least five others. He left me in the field for a moment while he jumped through the entry way, making sure it was safe for me. While he was gone I said my goodbyes to my Wonderland. “It’s clear and everything is just as you described it,” he said upon his return. “Thanks.” “Jesse…,” Christian started but I wouldn’t let him finish. “Don’t say anything, please.” “Fine I won’t say anything else.” He grabbed me and his lips possessively took mine; everything around me stood still. Breathlessly I stood before him when he released me. Then before I could say anything he picked me up and placed me through the entryway. He didn’t return with me. He had returned me to my previous world and as he had warned, I had been changed; forever. I headed towards the stairs and about halfway down it was as if gravity had finally caught up with me and I lost my balance and fell forward. © 2010 DruellaAuthor's Note
Added on April 7, 2010 Last Updated on April 7, 2010 Author![]() DruellaKansas City, MOAboutI am forty years old, married, with four children of my own (plus about another 10 I claim as mine) and just had my first grandchild born in November on Friday the 13th. My second grandchild is due i.. more..Writing