We Sleep until we are awoken. There are many ways to wake up but the basic process is always the same. As described by Carl Jung, in his process of Individuation, we must face our Shadow, hiding in the recesses of our scary unconsciousness with courage and vulnerability. In this way we free our true self that we have sacrificed, and re-assimilate all parts of our psyche into one largely expanded conscious awareness. This gifts us with so much of our creativity, imagination and courageous curiosity that we have buried since we were little children. Once we have made this hero's journey we can then begin to expand our awareness as we were intended to from the beginning. We are now free to express our unique individual gifts and feel, experience, contribute and love as we only can when we are awake.
The Language of Truth, Awareness and Love
Awakening is the point where we know what we believe, who we are, and remove our needs once associated with the external game. The Will's energy reserves are free to search for and re-assimilate the true self through vulnerably accepting all aspects of the psyche.
Personal internal locus of control: leads to increased vision, true confidence, acceptance and love of the self and others, contribution, and the expression of ones gifts.
See others true Selfs and Souls. No more fictional composite, generalizing, projecting and assuming of others.
Wisdom is defined as the cumulative knowledge that one achieves as a result of linking learning to experience. This wisdom is contrasted to SleepWalker wisdom, in that it has the power to increase awareness and the intention of the possessor. Not so with SleepWalkers.
Discipline is replaced with the infinite energy reserves of the Life Force and actions are intended, delightful and effortless.
Predictable changes of world view at increasing stages of awareness, growth and wisdom.
An ease of understanding people, situations and the world in general continues to quicken.
Awakeners World view expands and things link together showing us the interconnectedness of all things. Small things relate to big things, life links to the eternal, the Right Brain assumes control and the Self begins to exercise its intention of purpose.
Discernment predictably changes with increasing awareness: Stages after we awake: We release Need from all things External to us. (We Detach) This is a self-reinforcing system of clarifying our world view, the antithesis of the self-reinforcing system of lens warping in the land of the SleepWalkers.
As Awareness increases, so does wisdom and intelligence, as all things interconnect.
Realization that most are sleeping. Painful at first, but once accepted ones strength increases exponentially.
Release need to control people or circumstances
Heightened understanding of the Game we are all playing
Money, Power, Accomplishment, and Love all become drastically changed in our new found awareness of truth.
See others true Selfs and Souls. No more fictional composite, generalizing, projecting and assuming of others.
The SleepWalkers
The Blue Pill
Theirs is the Language of Neediness (from outside), Legalism (agreed upon defined rules for acceptable behavior) and Assumed Beliefs (thoughts of others)
There way is Self-Reinforcing and Group-Reinforcing (Neediness and Weakness)
Always focus on the obvious Physical Cause of Problems, not the true cause or Meaning (they do not want to seek the truth, they are dreaming)
They therefore posses no power of willed intention and seek guidance from banal sources.
Spiritual Level 1 (antisocial) and 2 (Legalistic) Adherents
Duty, Rules, Discipline and Tradition Push and Prod them, leading to Guilt, Resentment (as it is against human nature to learn in such ways), and leads to Separation from the self and others, but because their ecclesia is so large in number they have many to keep them company and support them in their slumber.
Decidedly External Locus of Control: their environment is real, as is the system in which they operate. (Even though society is a truly just a construct dreamed up by philosophers and conquerors, who postulated it and created it. In fact, ones era and specific environment is but a fictional composite of all of the ideas, ambitions and egos of those that came before and all those who live in it now).
Techniques and schemes replace the seeking of Truth. Self-Help, Subjectivity, Relativity, organizations, and hero worship lessen their expression and assume their deference and therefore the very power they require to wake up.
Distractions and Pleasure take the place of meaning, truth, the self, and purpose.
Good and bad and black and white thinking, take the place of actual thinking and their view of the world is hidden from the kaleidoscope that the Awakeners are blessed to See.
Legalism: Rules, Beliefs and Social Acceptance usurp their ability to discern the intent of truthfulness.
Pleasing others brings them satisfaction, a sense of acceptance, and recognition regardless of truth associated with it.
Wisdom is defined as how to succeed at the Game. How to minimize stress, effort, and those things that might drain Sleepwalkers of their limited egocentric psychic fuel reserves. Money is real and huge psychic resources are drained in making, growing and keeping money.
Ideals are implemented when it is convenient to do so, otherwise they are summarily dismissed as unrealistic and their integrity slouches backwards.
Religious but not spiritual. Their religion has clearly definable rules and the appearance of piety, is piety to them and it's other adherents. Since their religion requires no practice or growth, other than reciting one prayer, they easily opt for this sugary tonic. In less than a minute they have attained salvation and miraculously became superior to all those that do not accept their theology. It may require some minor ego wounds, to kneel in front of others for a few minutes, but the group acceptance and only momentary ego pain, is certainly worth the discomfort.