' Parented in the smoky mountain’s gently folding hills. '
And that is how it is, can be, should be. Wandering, watching, listening, feeling what surrounds an being who could be so easily deprived of liberty. Schedules, time.tables, watches and clocks; buildings and vehicles.. Rush, your spirit off the world and fall into nothing.. that was life.
As you write so beautifully, being out THERE the air's free and clean, colours are sharper, gentler, more refined, more rewarding.. and sound turns on the wing or in the flow of ... Tis like the going into a wilderness of one's own making for forty days and nights and finding self.
Seems you have. People should read this over and over and feel the loss of shackles and .. whatever.
This is peace.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
The words of a friend and fellow gardener. You warm my heart with such kind thoughts. Thank you for .. read moreThe words of a friend and fellow gardener. You warm my heart with such kind thoughts. Thank you for the review Emma.
A strange twist, the end, but the view was enchanting. As I walked thought this image wrought by your mind I did find and oddly shaped log, something hiding inside, two little beady eyes: "Oh, how I sway to dancing pulse of Earth’s music." ... I wonder what it was?
100 whispering leaves
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
I hope it was not the poor little raccoon I shot a few years back... Ha.
Ah and the leaves do.. read moreI hope it was not the poor little raccoon I shot a few years back... Ha.
Ah and the leaves do whisper. They seem to be sharing secrets I thought only I knew... or maybe I just forgot to take the lithium? ;)
Thank you Tam. To show my gratitude, I offer you this reward:
100 silent pine needles. (They make a fine bed to rest a little thought from time to time).
We all do need that sense of being able to wonder, regardless od restraint, well done, good read.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you Tom. I was actually thinking of my desire to travel when I wrote this poem. Odd how it c.. read moreThank you Tom. I was actually thinking of my desire to travel when I wrote this poem. Odd how it came out as something rather fixed in place... ha. The dichotomy of life is very revealing.
when the dust of our thoughts become the dirt of earths arms
wonderful friend
its nice to meet another mate of nature
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you Antonio.
I believe those thoughts, that "dust", will become a living thing again. .. read moreThank you Antonio.
I believe those thoughts, that "dust", will become a living thing again. I choose to believe our thoughts can be eternal and renewable like our spirits. I just hope I'm right... Ha. :)
Your love of nature and of all living things shines in this well written poem, David. There is a peaceful feel to this poem. The metaphor carried throughout is perfect and the personification of nature is rich. "Raindrops taste of unfamiliar joys" Overwhelming joy in this and other lines. May you always find pleasure in the joys we are surrounded by. Lydi**
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you Lindi.
Nature does speak truth to me. She (Nature), is the truest teacher I have kn.. read moreThank you Lindi.
Nature does speak truth to me. She (Nature), is the truest teacher I have known...
This is your featured piece. Its breathtakingly beautiful. Each stanza and each line is so rich with allegoric metaphor in prose like fashion. I like the idea of personifying a tree as to a person making its mark and legacy, to be part and one with nature, coexisting and in symbiotic relationship. Its overwhelmingly amazing that you've somehow captured the thoughts, hopes, struggles and dreams of a tree as it finds its way and place . Thanks for sharing this piece to your readers...
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
This poem came to me very naturally.
I wanted to convey a connectedness to everything. .. read moreThis poem came to me very naturally.
I wanted to convey a connectedness to everything.
Thank you for reading and for your kind review.
I hope above you there is an open sky, access to the suns light. to survive is such a difficult thing, for a young sapling who wants to grow high enough to create his own shade...
This was such a lovely vision, to be rooted in this cloud-touching mountaintop, and so connected, to the earth... I want to go hiking now!
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you Horizon!
I'm happy you were inspired to reach out to nature.
This poetry was .. read moreThank you Horizon!
I'm happy you were inspired to reach out to nature.
This poetry was equally about humanities interconnectedness. Nature's lessons teach us much about ourselves.
Your reverence for nature really resounds in this beautifully written poem. It is threaded with nature, composed as a lyrical tome to mother nature, and reminds me of the mystics’ love for God as lover. I can just envision you picking up branches and twigs, flowers, roots, and blades of grass and using them all as the words for your poem. Great job!
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you. Yes, this forest is a part of me and I am part of Her...
Much like you...
Still, I can only ever be to you what you are willing to see of me. This is true of us all.
May we learn to see the best in each other.
I am happy to be friends with anyon.. more..