![]() THE WITCH OF THE DARK TIDEA Poem by Driftwood Doll![]() A story poem in 10 parts about love and heartbreak, and the journey from childhood innocence to experience through a dreadful confrontation.![]()
THE WITCH OF THE DARK TIDE Chapters: Dark Tide, the place we fear….. The Children of Dreamland….. The Witch of the Dark Tide….. Journey into the Dark….. The Witch Awakes….. Home to Dreamland….. The Witch’s Feast….. Search for the Lost….. Killing The Witch of the Dark Tide….. Dark Tide and Dreamland….. THE POEMS THE WITCH OF THE DARK TIDE Dark Tide, the place we fear….. In a forest deep Black as soot And dead as sleep There is a place where broken hearts and lost hope goes It is called Dark Tide. It is not a place you would choose to go If you had a choice, you would not go In it lives, but barely lives, A funeral parade of souls All marching with downcast face Trudging through the eternal waste Pulling their feet up slowly like from their graves Reborn to misery every day There is no heart in what they do Their hearts are gone, stolen, broken, icy blue If your heart was crushed too many times Then you might find the Dark Tide too In Dark Tide there is something that lies waiting With thoughts so sinister Death anticipating. Haunting there, The Queen of the Realm The first to fall into that hell Her soul gone black, her heart a shell, Her face wrinkled from 100 lifetimes The wretched Witch of the Dark Tide. In every generation gone by, She has robbed young lives that have stepped too close to her lair She has bound them, and bet them, and eaten well, And taken them from light never to be seen again. From innocent Dreamland now they come She stirs in her tomb but her sense is still numb Not awake until she can scent The sweat of young blood wandering dumb Stirring stirring more and more They’re getting closer, almost to her door. They will scream when she will arise And there will be some who wont survive.
The Children of Dreamland….. Dreamland was in the brightest part of the forest Where the sun warmed the hearts of all The food came aplenty as if from the sky And it was never questioned how or why In Dreamland lived children Innocent and loving Dancing and singing Ever-high and hugging. They were told of this place where the blood runs cold And all the people act wretched and old But seeing is believing they always say And the children had seen nothing but Dreamland May. One among them stood out from the crush Michael was a fair boy who loved too much This often gave the appearance of being down in the dumps Alone he ran and held no hand Being the unhappiest boy in this dreamland He was not popular because of his ways Misunderstood and misbehaved Why he was so sad, he would not tell His breaths were deep and long The belly of him eaten away as though punched eternally His eyes shed tears enough for the deepest well And they told his story when words were lack He loved someone who didn’t love him back There were many children who loved Dreamland And would never dream of wandering out Into the darkness of the hidden world The forbidden city of trees and Her But curiosity gets the best of us And wander some, wander all we must Into the forest where our parents warned Of terrible dangers and a beast hell-born But we wouldn’t grow if we didn’t search And we would go blind if we didn’t look And if there is a Witch out there beyond We’ll fight her with our love and youth and songs Sarah and Edel took the lead For dark desires in them were strong Best of friends forever and a day They skipped out into the trees fearing nothing and gay Marcella followed in her own way Carrying cake and biscuits and a sweet array Then followed Neill, and Jay, and Jodie And all the children of Dreamland seemingly Even Michael came, straggling last Pretending not to be part of the wandering cast And soon Dreamland was empty For there were no parents Dreamlands a place for the innocent heart Innocent hearts that were gone this day Looking forward to an adventure far away.
The Witch of The Dark Tide….. What made the creature of this Dark Tide? And why kill or maim or try? Well many years and generations past, a girl from Dreamland lived so sad Like Michael now she pined and bled For someone she loved who’d rather she were dead A million times she ran to him And said I love you But the world even in Dreamland can be cruel And he looked down on her as if on a fool She took her heart in her hands and went in despair To every boy with golden hair She said take this heart I ask, implore, I cant live with it no more. But even in her worst despair She could not find someone who cared They laughed and told her make a grave And put your worthless heart away. The Dreamland girl turned slowly from those Who would not listen and would not love The sun that shone all day in that place Moved its axis so it missed her face In darkness now, she felt the cold And because she could not show her face She ran to keep warm far away Into the trees until she gasped Her lungs burning, gave out, and she fell down She looked around her and could not believe It was the darkest place she’d ever seen The trees slanted down as if dying And a river ran thick as if filled with mud and blood Her first thought was to gather her strength And head back home and try again But there was love’s hateful eye For everything Dreamland was in her mind She said no, this is my home, Underneath dying trees and by this Dark Tide. She gave up her soul that very day And buried her heart like they said She locked away all hope and love And said, by God, let those children come I’d kill and eat them one and all And crush their bones into a ball Let them come, yes, let them come I’ll live forever.. eternal enemy of the sun. So The Witch of the Dark Tide was born No, not of hell, but love scorned But hell could have given no greater foe To a child in the forest who does not know The dangers of love and the pain of woe And as the child wanders towards the dying trees And accidentally wakes love’s disease Innocence will flow from his veins As if from a wound slashed open in the rain. The Beast is waking and she cries "You came to my house, you cannot hide I will tear the flesh from your side I will show you hell before you die I am The Witch of the Dark Tide."
Journey into the Dark….. The children rested in the forest, They had not come far, but were tired regardless Marcella shared out her sweets Sarah sat and blew on her feet Edel lay back and felt the breeze Jodie went and climbed a tree And Jay played guessing games with Neill Michael for once smiled happily. There were others I should tell Vicky with ruby hair and emerald eyes Darragh with his mouth of constant surprise Jade with her songs and book of rhymes Peter with the look of a dying light All now rested and ready to go Off to where they do not know. But deep into the forest they went Led by Vicky, Sarah, and Edel. Soon they were in a place so dark The trees seemed like shadows And the leaves like dark spotted birds The place truly was the opposite of everything they knew The wind howled like a scream of pain Beneath the dark curtain of the canopies And the sky could not be seen The air too grim to breathe Marcella walked to where she heard A watery sound chugging down And came to that sludging mass That seemed to bubble up from underground Rather than move down through the bladed grass Marcella reached down into the sludge And drew her hand away quickly covered in blood Vicky screamed and covered her face Hoping to dispel the vision of this horrible place. Jodie spoke of a tale she once heard About a woman who lived so sad Sitting astride the highest mountaintop She ran her blood out every night And made a river from her side She couldn’t face the world of lies But had to prove she was still alive As long as the river flowed red at night That would be her beacon light. Sarah was curious and wanted to know Why a girl would make her home Upon a mountain so high, alone No-one could answer Their silence spoke wonders For the innocent hearts whom this dark way had wandered. Who would follow the river up? And bathe in the lone girls crying blood Only a prince or a madman’s love. Should they move on or should they stay now? With the day growing blacker than this black place. By the Dark Flowing River That seemed to move at a crawl They looked each other up and down And waited for one to speak and decide for all. Michael spoke and said we stay Here beneath the trees that say Rest in my house and I will shelter you And let the Dark Tide balance and guide you. So they made their beds and snuggled tight And hoped to be safe til morning light. For they did not know what was lurking there With claws of doom, that fountain of despair.
The Witch Awakes…... There was a frost to be seen in blue morning light But the children still had their eyes shut tight. Jay and Jodie’s noses twitched as they slept close enough to kiss Marcella and Neill’s arms wrapped warm Bodies pulled close like Siamese born. Edel slept curled as if in a womb Michael’s arms crossed as if in a tomb Darragh and Sarah and Vicky Slept higgledy-piggledy As if in a bundle. The others slept as best they could All hidden from view in their coats and hoods. But suddenly stirring, a waking hand About to crash and shake the land. It came in whispers first of all Michael dreamed he dreamt that quiet call But it could be heard around that place Listen now to the voice but see no face "into the torment, into the flames, I take your lives and I take your names" Was it in the wind or spoken by the trees? The children’s eyes were open, was this real? They held even tighter than when they slept Afraid to even take a breath. They listened for that call again And thanked their stars they had their friends. It howled in from the sky There was no sun, just an evil red eye The voice, the voice, So sharp and clear Hope against hope the face it has does not appear "into the torment, into the flames, I take your lives and I take your names" The Witch roars all the children among the trees cower beneath their own breath and fears.. she is awake, she is coming now. and her passion fuels the fires that grow and hate is she from head to toe. her eyes roll in her head with pain and fury. As she storms her way to her innocent enemies. They make no sound and pray for mercy, And for Dreamland beds and games and parties. but she senses them in the air. every movement shakes her dry bones. her wicked divining finger.. she is the devils huntress.. birding.. poaching.. seeking young bloody hearts in her labyrinthine wood.. there is no place to hide.. she is here. The children scatter and run in terror. Brother forgets sister and sister forgets brother. But there is no escape because this is home To evil incarnate, hope dethroned. How do you defeat a fountain of despair? They are cruel and they don’t care. Jodie was first to be caught by the Witch She fell hard and sunk into a ditch. The Witch climbed down and dragged her out Wiped the blood from her hands and mud from her mouth The Witch asked "why do you come to this place? Is Dreamland not yours? Have you all gone insane?" But Jodie could not answer for fear She looked at the face that was so old like a mirror. All she felt was a deadly hum And threw herself down dead so she wouldn’t become Like the face of The Witch that was a mirror to her The future of the broken, the end of the world. The Witch laughed and it shook the trees And every child choked and fell to their knees. The Witch went around them one by one And whispered despair in each ear like a gun Some fainted away there on the spot Because they believed every word and it tied them in knots Their love was not strong enough to fight the Witch Their dreams unraveled at the first pull like a stitch. Happy with her day, The Witch went away The children crawled to where light seemed to break Downcast faces they didn’t speak So not to relive the horror of being so weak On out of Dark Tide they left with groans Not looking back to The Witch’s home. On through the forest with legs giving out Not counting the cost of their awful rout. Once back in Dreamland they seemed to say That’s where we’ll be ourselves again.
Home to Dreamland….. The forest paths on which the children had they played Were deep in mud from an endless rain They took deep breaths and made their sorry way To where the trees were young and straight. There was no telling what was on their minds But you can tell a soul from their eyes Devastation at what they had faced The real world’s nature, a bitter hate, Was this what they would become? An evil creature bereft of love Living out a hollowed hell Killing all, without hope or sun Suddenly the silence grew too much Someone must speak to snatch life from dust Vicky turned to her best friend Looked in the eyes of Michael and said How many were we before we came? How many now leave in shame? Michael who had not looked before To see who had fallen at the Witch’s door Turned and counted those they’d lost. 6 we are now, many more were gone, but as they tried to remember them all a terrible blankness came over each face and memory failed to remember a name. Who did we once play with so gay? Before they were all taken away By the real world’s empty pitiful shame. But there was not a trace left of them Not even a name. Their souls had passed and left no remains. It was night before they saw Dreamland ahead, Their shelter from the world and their safe beds. The ragged bunch quickened their step. But just inside Dreamland Michael stopped And looked up in awe A vision so new that shook him to the core. Everyone stood stock still and looked above. They were astonished at the sight they saw A thousand stars, maybe more And not one had seen a star before. In every soul, as though they were one A feeling of want and pain had begun. Dreamland is not the thing it was, The Shining Stars had given pause. A dark haunting desire arose. To be a million miles from here, Across galaxies, the universe, Beauty so clear. Longing to float to the stars above And feeling nothing but eternal love. A wistfulness swept away the warmth that remained in the day A sad nostalgia for a once perfect place. And as shivers set in, they went home And remembered things the Witch had croaked Marcella was told her dreams were nothing And that more is gained by living in reality But her dreams were stronger Than one hard voice crushing down. Vicky was told she would never be truly loved And all those that declare love were playing dirty games. But true love in Vicky was strong And she felt love in herself enough. Michael was teased about the girls he loved. Have you ever had a girl love you back? You can live 10 lifetimes and it will never happen You’re just like me when I had the killing hope Set yourself free from that hope you’re trapped in. And bury the cage here with me. Michael looked deep into the Witch's Eye To look for the girl she said was him But there was not a trace of girl left in her Michael breathed deep, and swallowed his hope down where she couldn’t find it. The children of Dreamland slept And maybe beautiful things will return in dreams.
The Witch’s Feast….. There is a song for every celebration, And The Witch of Dark Tide had many. In the open she swayed to the gentle movement of the night breeze And sang quietly under her dying trees. "Love is the greatest sickness of all, it tears you down from your throne and it makes you small. Love is a disease to kill us all, It rapes you and hates you And it makes your flesh crawl" After the song had echoed away in the winds The Witch walked to her feasting table She took the scent of her feast, And bowed down to taste the reward of her murderous feats. She picked up the body of one of her victims A child no more, just a wracked remain. She cracked the carcass over her cup And when it was blood-full, drank every drop. She ripped at the bones with her gnarled teeth, Devouring with bloody relish all the meat. But as horrible as this was to see A far worse sight was within 10 feet By the Dark Tide, placed round a tree, The Children’s heads sat peacefully. There was Edel, and Darragh, and little Jodie. The World of Beauty they’d feel no more, Nor give their hearts up in love. The Witch looked over as she ate their bones, And laughed so loud, it shook the World. Even in Dreamland, they felt the thunder. Stirring in their beds and curling tighter. Gorged with blood, The Witch danced manically Tearing at the trees and stamping holes into the ground She juggled with the children’s heads And dived into her Dark flowing river. Bathed in blood inside and out She screamed to the sky and it shot lightning back. She crawled to the bank and lay there in bliss And never dreamt what it would be like to kiss Someone she loved right there. The Wretched Witch was truly a creature of utter despair. She chanted another rhyme "Bring those children back to me I’ll convince them this world’s not worth fighting for Bring those innocent loves and dreams back to me I’ll kill their every hope and drown belief I have not failed because some survive All will be my slaves, just give me time They’ll work for me in deathly eternity" I remember when I carried my heart so desperately To everybody I loved, they threw it back at me. That day I vowed that love did not exist And any hope of love was a tortured kiss. And I set myself the task of freeing the poor young hearts from their delusion and the dream that what they feel inside could ever be real. So my love is reality Because I free you all from the pain of love’s insane dream. Listen not to anyone For I am the mother that truly comforts you I am the sun. The Witch fell into a deep gorged sleep And slipped down into the Dark Tide. She would be back when she heard the children of Dreamland’s cries.
Search for the Lost….. Vicky stood firm in front of Michael and Sarah And made her case for a return to horror. "Did you see one of us die? You did not and nor did I. We must go back if they’re still alive And save them from the evil eye. You must come with me No time to waste It will prove our love To enter that dreadful place. That Witch out there thinks she has won And will fall stone dead when an army comes." Neill spoke to the upset children. "We can’t go back, she’s too strong now. A whisper from her and we cannot move A flick of her finger and our heads we lose." Marcella said quietly "we have no choice Dreamland has lost it’s airy voice There’s but one chance to redeem what’s lost It’s to fight the witch no matter the cost." Jay said "I’m missing a part of me, And Marcella’s right, Dreamland’s not what it used to be. Something was stolen from deep within us, Something I can’t place, But I feel a loss. A picture of someone in the back of my mind, My twin, my angel, with a love so kind. Last night I dreamt she sang to me From deep in the forest, a lament so real. If there’s the slightest chance she’s still alive I must go back to the Dark Tide." In a circle they placed their hands And made a vow as the army of Dreamland With love screaming in their hearts They would go back to Dark Tide And tear that hateful Witch apart. They strode purposefully into the deep woods once more, Their belief as hammers to knock on the Witch’s door, 6 of them there were. Michael held Vicky Marcella pushed Neill Sarah and Jay held hands all the way. The forest quickly grew darker And it was still midday Cast in an ash-fallen grey This place seemed to say You’re uninvited except to make your grave. Doubts grew like weeds out of the ground and into the children’s hearts "Why didn’t we fight yesterday.. if there was a way?" "The Witch has the magic of so many years. What can we do if we don’t know anything of the world.. and she has lived so long?" "The Witch is invincible. She has her world. We have ours. Let’s go back." The children stopped and wondered if this was a futile attack. Marcella remembered the words of her father He had once said to her "We have the bombs to annihilate the world And we’re not even scared anymore." She never knew what it meant til then To feel a pain so great it overwhelmed the fear Death and nothing better than no love here. Love was what had to be saved And it was held captive in Dark Tide’s grave. A light blazed bright across the sky, And memories stirred in the children’s minds Jay saw his twin Jodie singing her song Michael remembered falling from a tree with Darragh And Sarah remembered burying Edel in a mountain of flowers. They were all a part of each other And nothing would ever break that bond Not life or death or what’s beyond Dark Tide waits for a true love song. They went on and heard the now familiar sound The sludging river of blood Slowly bleeding from the mountainside like a fatal wound. They stood beneath the half-fallen trees And waited for their foe to appear This she did with a howl and scream The children fell and covered their ears She emerged from the river looking more horrific than heartbroken tears. She strode with power and snarled at the pathetic weakling children "Returning here to me is insane and there’s only one explanation for insanity love’s to blame" The Witch seemed 10 times as powerful as she was Gorged, well-fed, with colossal strength. She picked the children up with one long grizzly finger each And threw them up into the highest branches of her trees "There you’ll wait until tomorrow then I will come for you and give you such sorrow you’ll want to die and join my horror" The Witch roared into the trees the most deafening sound any World had heard And burst the ear drums of every child and bird She disappeared and left the children In a new world of silent dread. They could not see each other, and could not make their way down, so they were shut in themselves with only their own thoughts Each to his own dark night of the soul.
Killing The Witch of The Dark Tide….. The Witch did not return til the next morning The children had not slept a wink But they saw the far-off sun rising From their branches high, and crying, Looked in the direction of Dreamland But it seemed further away than the sun. The witch stirred a pot and set a table Just like in all the made-up fables She smiled up at her meal She’d pick her food from the trees. As the pot began to bubble The Witch picked down her first child. She clicked her fingers and sound returned To every child in her Dark Tide world. The Witch looked deep in Jay’s eyes, And said "what do you see when you dream out your life?" Jay thought hard and had only one dream "I want to run and play with my Jodie" "She is with me now", said the Witch "and she’s happier over here than she ever could be in Dreamland. Why don’t you come and see for yourself, or you’ll never ever see her again." "But I thought she was dead. I heard her singing that the Witch would kill her." "I wouldn’t harm a hair on her head. Her head is safe in my house by my bed" Jay had nothing without his twin Jodie, And nothing would keep him alive this morning. Vicky was taken down next And many arguments were made back and forth Vicky wanted to show the whole world her love But the Witch told stories of the world That a child should never hear. And as soon as Vicky’s faith slipped just that little bit That was enough to be killed by so powerful a Witch. There seemed no hope left in the world Soon all the innocents would be gone Sarah and Neill just faded away With not a fight or a word to say. Marcella was different, she argued and raged And stabbed with her all at ridiculous hate But when the Witch spots a weakness, She doesn’t wait. And when asked "What good could become of love If you were the only one left in the world?" Marcella fell quiet and cried And gave up her life to the merciless Dark Tide. The Witch sitting pleased with herself Decided to feast on the children she had destroyed Fully aware that there was one Still in the trees, watching her fun As she crunched on a bone, she spoke "Michael, you’re just like me Love has brought you to your knees It’s time to give up what cannot be The Dark Tide is all we’ll ever please" Michael held tight against the tree And a tear fell down at the Witch’s feet Like a first drop of rain in a thunderstorm You hold your breath and wait for more. But nothing more fell of tears. And with a crash the only thing that came down Was Michael’s body to the ground. The Witch jumped with fright And looked amazed at the sight Michael did not die. The curious Witch came to him. "Leave the killing to me if you please" But Michael laughed quietly and rose from his knees. The Witch said with a strange kind of glee, "Do you think you’re stronger than me, I have seen things that you couldn’t dream" Michael spoke as if not a child anymore "I could dream things and make them all real. You cannot kill me because I am those dreams" What Michael said rattled her bones, But the Witch was ready to trawl him through woes "What if your dreams are so strong they make Everyone hate you for the passion they wake?" Michael was happy and said, "Passion I have and passion I owe, but my wild heart sings with a gentle soul. If everyone sleeps, they’ll never be free, Because dreaming in sleep is not living your dreams" The Witch knew she’d met a true enemy and in him saw love that she truly could feel she saw her girlhood that withered away in the eyes of one who loved so complete she even felt danger for this full heart for a heart that is full has a bloodier death. Michael noticed a change in the Witch Just a slight glimpse, a flash you could miss, The eyes that were so cold and stared Now showed a longing for something not there. For that brief second the Witch's power was gone And Michael reached down for a weapon and then He thrust what he found into her heart Her heart that appeared to be torn apart The Witch howled and called for the sky to open Blood rained down and soon she was floating Out into the Dark Tide, Her lifetimes done Her wicked heart severed by a child’s leg bone.
Dark Tide and Dreamland….. The blood rain fell for many days And every tree in Dark Tide was washed away Every object the witch had owned Was taken away in that bloody storm Michael mourned all the children in silence And wondered if his love was now just worthless Maybe it was better to go with the Witch Be with his friends and try not to b***h About all the dreams that he gave away And the burning love that was really just pain. When the rain had stopped, he got to his feet And turned in the direction of the Land of Dreams He thought long and hard about what he’d find there And if he was alone, did he have a prayer? He set off for Dreamland because it was home And because it held dreams, not set in stone, The walk was more beautiful than he could have imagined The sun making colours the like of Heaven. Every breath drew new tears As he gazed in wonder At every inch of glorious nature. Heart dying a little that no-one shared this And all of this beauty was just his. But Dreamland appeared as if from a haze More golden, more stunning, and he fell amazed. And what was this vision tending some flowers A girl in flowing yellow, smiling and proud. She turned slowly and saw her prince at the gate And ran and jumped on him with all her weight They kissed for a second, no need for dreams love’s fated arms fills the world with screams. What was the name of this girl who grew almost like a flower out of the blue? See in her eyes all the world’s love And a 100 lifetimes of pain gone to dust.
THE END © 2008 Driftwood Doll |
1 Review Added on February 25, 2008 |