My eyes burn when I stare into the overbearing white
Everywhere else I want the dark, under a faint moonlight
Here however, the things laid bare, in overwhelming light
All things are seen and given care, to overcome each plight
It extracts from every pore all the hate, the fear, the spite
Something else is taken from me as well, it soon takes flight
Twirling through words, phrases, and people, like an adrift kite
No thought on where it will fall, it's beyond my own eyesight
Though its impression is strong, and gives me enough insight
I know it's from a fare, sliced from a fare that is finite
Knowing the cost my hands keep pushing the veil with delight
Pressing against the pale I break through exerting my fight
Now a drift in the Isles of Grails, I find myths to unite
All the tales have my slice and the slice of other’s starlight
And I sing among others in our bittersweet twilight