![]() My Servant the Ninja Part 1A Story by DreamyKari![]() Tessa Dixon is an ordinary high school girl, until she sorta saves the life of her classmate Flynn McFlash who is secretly a ninja. Now he's her servant for as long as he lives... To Tessa's dismay.![]()
So you would think having a servant would be fun, right? WRONG! You have this person who's job it is to do everything you say. Personally I'm against a lifetime of servitude. I've got morals. But take it from me it's not a good thing, especially if he's a ninja. A secret ninja.
Before Flynn became my servant I knew him from school. Which is to say I saw him around. He was the mysterious loner type. Girls tended to admire him from afar. I have to admit, that on some level he was pretty cute. Okay, a lot cute. He had sleek black hair, poetic dark eyes, and a handsome face. It all started two weeks ago when I was walking home from the grocery store. It was just a couple of blocks so I didn't think too much about it. Until I found Flynn all beaten and bloody on the side of the road. So what did I do? I called an ambulance because I'm not heartless. I tried to stop the bleeding as much as I could and he became semi-conscious. Later while I sat with him in his hospital room waiting for one of his family members to come, the doctor praised me on my heroic efforts and that my actions had practically "saved Flynn's life". Thanks to that guy's big mouth Flynn has been following me around calling me Master. It's embarrassing. I have to figure out some way to get rid of this guy. Any ideas? * * * The annoying buzzing sound of my alarm alerted me to the fact that it was morning. I hated mornings. I went through my daily routine. After my shower I had to fend off Flynn who was trying to help me brush my hair. "Get out!"I shouted throwing my brush at him. He dodged easily and walked out of my room. He was always doing crazy things like that. I finished getting dressed and ready without any more complications. As I walked downstairs the smell of breakfast cooking stopped me in my tracks. See I live by myself with the exception of my cat, Kira. Last I checked cats don't cook. My parents work abroad and rarely come home. I had gotten my hopes up too many times before only to be let down. So I was way past caring. So that only left one person. Flynn. I walked into the kitchen and sure enough there he was at the stove, wearing my cute frilly apron of all things. His sleek black hair was pulled back into a short pigtail. His handsome face sent a warm smile my way, "Good morning."He said as I sat down at the table built for two. Another sign of my never present parents. I shrugged. I wasn't a morning person. Flynn had gone through the trouble of making my favorite breakfast. Sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits with coffee. I watched with remote interest as he prepared it. He filled half of my favorite mug with coffee, added a splash of milk and stirred in five spoonfuls of sugar. As I ate he scurried about cleaning the kitchen. I arose and didn't bother with my plate. Flynn had all the dishes in the dishwasher by the time I had finished brushing my teeth. "Thank you for the breakfast."I said halfheartedly knowing my thanks wouldn't be accepted. "No need for thanks Master,"He said smiling as he handed me my backpack. I rolled my eyes for the thousandth time. We walked to school in silence and as the day crawled on I began to feel more like myself. By lunchtime I was laughing and talking with my friends as normal. Jenna and Abby grew quiet as someone approached me from behind. Their looks of awe mixed with a hint of fear and a dose of uncomfortable blushing told me exactly who it was. I spun around and came face to face with Alex Marshall. One of the most popular guys at school and my archenemy. "Tessa Dixon, we meet again. How are you?"He asked flashing a dazzling smile at me. "Tired of seeing yo' face!" I said bitingly, my hands at my hips. He laughed goodnaturedly, "Is that so? It's not like I can get a new one." I was steamed and boiling with anger. "Good luck on the test next period. Bye."He said as he walked off across the small courtyard. "What was that supposed to mean?"I huffed as I sat back down. "Maybe he just means what he says, you know?"Abby said timidly. I mulled this over, "No, he's just too evil." "Next period is Algebra."Jenna reminded me matter of factually as she went back to the book she was reading. Algebra, my worst subject. He was so crafty. What with his dirty blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes he could fool anyone. But not me. "Would you like me to dispose...of this, Master?"Flynn asked quietly beside me. It had been two weeks since I had become Flynn's master. Before Flynn had been part of my posse he kept to himself and was seen as a mysterious loner. Now he was the lovable loner who was protective of his friends, the artsy type, shy type and smart type. The girls ate that stuff up. And everyone thought it was cute how he called me master. I considered Flynn's offer, "No I'd rather dispose of Alex myself." The table became silent. "I think he meant your lunch tray."Abby said shyly. I blushed, "Oh right! Sure you can." Flynn also took Jenna and Abby's trash. As soon as he was out of earshot, "Flynn's so nice. I had no idea what a sweetie he was."Abby remarked quickly. I didn't have the heart to tell her that Flynn had been trained to hear a mouse's squeak in a storm. Odds were that he had heard everything he had just said. I shrugged, keeping an eye on my archenemy Alex was hard when he was being swarmed by fan girls. I had to figure out a way to beat him at something that would show him. He was showing some girls how to fend off an attacker using some sort of fighting technique. "That's it!" I shouted as I slammed my hands on the table. A little too hard. I ignored the pain as I explained my plan. "I'm going to learn how to fight and then I'm going to challenge Alex to a duel. The loser leaves Peace High forever!" "You know I can hear you?"Alex asked from across the small courtyard. Ignoring him I looked at Abby and Jenna triumphantly. "Isn't that a bit too extreme?"Abby commented as she nervously twirled a strand of her long blonde hair around her finger. "Besides aside from watching movies you have no idea how to fight."Jenna stated calmly as she smoothed her long black braid over her shoulder. "That's why,"I pointed at Flynn who was about to sit down, "He's going to teach me." "I am?"he asked confused. "I don't think-"Alex began. "No one cares what you think!"I shot back at him. "Flynn you can't possibly agree to this can you?"Abby asked. "It doesn't matter if I agree or not . Tessa is my master. I cannot disobey."He said. I leaned against his back and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, "That's right, or I'll punish you."I said teasingly. "What sort of punishment?"One of Alex's fan girls asked. I pressed a finger to my lips and winked at her, "All sorts, buts he's not too fond of the whips." "The fan girls shrieked in excitement, "He's a submissive?! That's hot!" "I must receive my punishment without complaint. Otherwise it wouldn't be honorable." Flynn said seriously. That nearly sent the fan girls over the edge. Alex stared at us for the longest time before walking off by himself. The only punishment Flynn ever received from me were slaps upside the head and chores. "So you'll teach me?"I asked when all the fan girls had run off to tell their friends. "If that is what you wish of course."He said. "I don't think I'll ever understand the relationship between you two."Jenna said shaking her head. I sat on Flynn's lap, "What's to understand? I'm his Master,"I leaned back wrapping my arms around his neck, "That means I can use him however I want. Right?" "R-Right."He stammered blushing. The bell rang and I hopped up off him. I grabbed my bag and waved at them, "See you later." After school I walked with Flynn to his house. It was rather large and had a huge backyard. He was exceptionally quiet. Once inside we had to take off our shoes and wear cute little slippers. "This is like a dojo,"I said cheerfully as he put my slippers on. He nodded in agreement and led me to the back patio. Grandfather McFlash was his Sensei. He was in his flower garden wearing a bright yellow sunhat. "Ah, grandchildren, have you both come for training today?"He asked jokingly. Flynn bowed and I quickly mimicked him, "My Master wishes for me to teach her. So she can-" "Learn to defend myself!"I quickly interrupted. Surely if Flynn's grandpa knew the truth he'd be against it. All grandfather's were like,"With great power comes great responsibility." Right? I shot Flynn a warning look. "It is as she says, Sensei."He said. "There isn't much left for me to teach you. You can teach her the basics. Use the gym."He smiled, "I have more gardening to do. "Thank you!"I grinned. Flynn led the way back into the house and walked me upstairs. He led me into a room with a padded walls and floor. Two windows let the sun in from the ceiling. Otherwise it was completely empty. We left our slippers just outside the door and I walked in and examined the far wall, "Hey Flynn, is this foam?"I asked looking back at him just as he locked the door, "Why are you locking the door?" "Lesson 1:Focus. With nothing in this room to distract you, you will be able to gain more focus." Ten minutes later I fell asleep sprawled on the floor. He gently tapped my forehead to wake me, "This isn't working." I sat up and stretched, "What did you expect? I'm tired from school." "We'll start fresh tomorrow."He said finally. I nodded, "Walk me home?" He nodded. On the way home as we were crossing the street Flynn grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to his side. "What's wrong?"I asked. "That guy walking towards. He was the one I was sparring with that night."He whispered, he seemed pretty calm. The night he was sent to the hospital?! I looked over at the guy and struggled to get free. The guy was tall, muscular, with a scowl on his face. He walked right up to us and bowed, "I hope you are doing well in your training." I felt a pang of anger. Who did this guy think he was? "As do I."Flynn nodded. I noticed he was holding me tighter restricting my movement. "I look forward to a rematch."The big guy said as he walked away. I squirmed as Flynn pulled me across the street away from the guy. "What was that about?"I demanded as he released me, "That guy attacked you and you were talking to him like nothing happened." "We were just sparring. Things got out of hand he went for help, but you found me first. My secret is his too. He is not my enemy."Flynn shrugged walking on. "Well, Alex is my enemy. So I want you to teach me how to kick butt!"I said. He looked at me solemnly as I caught up to him, "Is that really how you feel?"He asked. "Of course. He's been antagonizing me since day one."I huffed. "That's not the impression I got."He whispered. "Well then you are dense!"I yelled. We reached my house, "Well see you,"I said walking up my steps and taking out my key from my pocket. He appeared suddenly beside me and took the key from my hand, "I sense someone inside,"He whispered as he silently unlocked my door. "This is my house!"I yelled as I pushed him aside. I opened my door and swung it open. What we saw next will forever be seared into my brain. Because standing there wearing a skimpy french maid outfit was Alex shyly holding a feather duster, "Welcome home, Master." "What?!"I shouted. Flynn pushed me inside and closed the door behind us, "What are you doing here Marshall?" Alex crossed his arms angrily, "So she brought you home. I shouldn't be surprised." He fell to his knees at my feet and wrapped his arms around my legs, "Tessa, I can be just as submissive as Flynn! Even more so. I have to admit I was kinda shocked when I found out you were into this sort of stuff, but I'm willing to embrace it if you'll have me." "WHAT?!"I shouted still in shock. "I want to be your servant too!"he pleaded. Two servants?! I was already trying to get rid of one and now it looked like I had my own reverse harem. These guys were cute, but I still had to get rid of them! There had to be a way! Any ideas?
© 2013 DreamyKariAuthor's Note
Added on April 16, 2013 Last Updated on April 16, 2013 Tags: ninja, secret, servant, high school AuthorDreamyKariClayton, NCAboutI've been writing for years mostly fiction, but I've never thought about becoming a published author. Until now when I have a great story that I'm very intrigued with myself more..Writing