Episode 19: Stop Tabitha Nightingale! Into Bluebirds Square

Episode 19: Stop Tabitha Nightingale! Into Bluebirds Square

A Chapter by Angel Elliott

your entering the first dungeon of the Wingdale, you will be facing the second antagonist in this dungeon


May 5, 1800 Wingdale  

Daniel was ready to go into Bluebird's Square today with Octavian, with his brigade they manage to sneak inside the place without getting notice. Now that they were here they needed to get to work quickly, for if they waste time they might catch on to them easily. That is something he didn't want to do now, once they got to the sidewalk they got down to work. Octavian knows this place like the back of his hand, he was born here so he will be much help for Daniel in this troubling street.

|Glad you made it we have a lot of things to do now, Tabitha will have guards protecting the grand area of the Winged Estate. This is one of the royal families compounds they have, she is inside the place quietly I just know it too. However we might not be able to get inside the place easily, its heavily guarded there and the place is locked with three gates. However the first thing we need to do is investigate the area, I heard that someone has a combination to a door out here. However we cant get there for there is a password that we need, so why don't you go fight some Ravens out her to see if you can get it. Once you have the password come back to me at once, then we can continue our little estate assault then hmm.| Daniel went down the street to find clues.

Once he saw the Ravens he was ready to fight some to get some clues, it took about twenty minutes before he got the password. However he doesn't know where to use the password at right now, so he needs to head back to Octavian to get help with this little matter. Octavian received the password from Daniel softly, he looked at it to determine where to use it the best. Once he found the right spot he told Daniel quickly, there might be something inside that can be helpful to them.

|Well I found the area where the password might work well, I see a small little place up the road a bit. Why don't you go there to see if you can get a combination, be careful now you might not get it without a fight. However with the things out here why wouldn't you not fight back, I will make sure nothing will happen out here. Yet I don't have my feeling someone is watching us softly, but you need to get that password for us to unlock the door my friend.| Daniel went off to the house to find the combination.

Once he reached the place he went inside to see quietly, sure enough someone was ready to fight him for this combination. Although this boss was small he was a slashmen at best by his class, not only that he was extremely difficult to deal with alone. Doing some arrangement he was able to go into battle, his brigade was able to aid him in battle for this guy. It took about a good fifteen minutes for Daniel's group to defeat him, the combination was on the wall next to the doorway. Once he saw it he went back to the door to put the combination in, the door was finally unlocked well for them to enter. However Daniel must report back to Octavian Mockingbird to continue, for he knows more than he does about these parts.

|Well now that its done we have to get to the second part of Bluebird's Square, I know that something is up at that point. Now that were here we can get down to business with the second part of our plan here, in order to get to the palace we have to have the keys to the gates. I know for a fact each street has three gates blocking a section, yet we have to unlock the first gate with a key. I don't know where the key is hidden out here I'm afraid, yet this is where my second part of our mission begins. I happen to know that there are some kites around here as well I've seen them, they must be protecting someone with them patrolling the area. I have a feeling that one of them has a good bit a information where to find the key, with luck we might get a map to the location of the keys with help. However I don't expect it to be that easy though I'm sure of, go and fight some kites to see what you can get there. Once you find something come back to me so I can examine it thoroughly Daniel, then I can determine what we will have to do after that.| Daniel nodded as he went to complete the next mission.

Daniel had to walk for a couple of minutes before he found the kites, like always you might have to fight more than one to find what your locking for. It was harder this time around for finding this thing that they needed, after twenty minutes of fighting he found a torn piece of a map. This might be the first location of the first key that they need, however he was hoping to find the full map of the three keys. I think someone knew that they would look for this thing easily, so they tore it to piece for them to lose hope. Going back to Octavian he knew this wasn't the best thing he has gotten, however this was a good step for them to start searching for the key.

|Well Daniel this isn't the best thing we've gotten so far out here, but I'll take this little clue than not having anything. It seems to me the first key is at a tower at the end of the street, why don't you go there to see if you can find the first gate key. Like I said before don't expect anyone here to give it to you, you might have to fight them in order to obtain the key. Once you have the key unlock the gate so we can move ahead, something tells me that we might find three pieces of them map. This will allow us to find all the keys that we need to get into the Winged Estate, however for the mean time you need to get that key we cant waste anytime here buddy.| Daniel went to the first tower in Bluebird's Square.

Daniel finally reached the tower after a long walk there, his feet were killing him having to walk all that way. However he cant stop now they are a third of the way done, so he went inside to fight whoever has the key. Another slashmen they face with a good amount of difficulty in battle. after another twenty minutes the had the key. Going to the gate he unlocked it to get to the second section, that means they have to more gates to unlock before they get to Tabitha. Likewise he went back to Octavian for the second part of the mission to begin, he went through the gate to speak to him one he was in the second part. Things were going to be a little bit different from here on out, there were both kites and ravens on this part of the street. Who has the key Daniel has on idea in that matter, however Octavian might have a great plan to deal with that.

|Now that were in the second part things are getting harder, I think Tabitha put both kites and ravens here to get us on the wrong path. However I don't think she realizes that we can be a tough team like her pirates friends are, now that I got that off my chest we need the second key to unlock the gate. Like always fight some ravens and kites until you find something, we might get another part of the map to lead us to the key Daniel. I have a feeling the key is somewhere near the warehouse down the street, yet I'm not sure about that matter at the moment. Don't worry we will be getting that second piece of the map, you just fight those guys until you find something...ok?| Daniel left to fight some more enemies.

Although he hated dealing with these guys he had to fight them, this wasn't going to be an easy battle from his standpoint. He might have to fight more of them just to find the piece of the map, however he didn't complain he had to continue the mission he has. After a grueling thirty minutes he found the piece of the map, going back to Octavian he kind of knew that it might be at the warehouse down the street. Once he put the map together his feelings were proven true, yet they shouldn't celebrate just yet...who knows what things could jump out at them.

|Well now that we have the other piece we needed to get the second key from them, I went up the road to see the third gate whole you were gone. I saw no one guarding in the estate grounds at the moment, so its a safe bet that they are inside. So if I can guess the third piece of the map is in the warehouse as well, this might lead to the final key being somewhere in a hidden spot. Daniel go check that warehouse it might be where the third piece of the map is, be careful who knows what's in that warehouse buddy. Like always make sure you have your friends, for I don't think they will be friendly to you when you enter their warehouse quickly. Hurry, we don't have much time here! We need to get into the Winged Estate to clear it out, Tabitha Nightingale has be causing to much trouble and needs to be taught a lesson from my standpoint.| Daniel went to check the third warehouse down the street.

Once he got there he went inside to check the surroundings, like always he had a heavy fight on his hands. With these slashmen you cant rest for one minute, for they can destroy you with their high critical attacks. After twenty minutes he finished the battle and got the third piece of the map, yet he found a shinny box in the corner. It needed a combination to open it from the looks of it, taking it back to Octavian he wanted to see what he can do with it. Daniel handed him the third piece of the map form the warehouse, once he saw it there were some numbers on the end. Octavian put the numbers in the lock to open it, sure enough when it opened the third key was inside the box.

Daniel got the key to open the third gate in front of them both, once he opened it the Winged estate was finally clear for them to pass. Octavian was relieved to know that they have cleared the way, however they weren't done yet in Bluebird's Square I'm afraid. They need to get rid of Tabitha Nightingale once and for all, so he went to the entrance of the compound to tell him what he needs to do.

|Oh don't worry I see some of your marine friends coming up here, I've wrote to them about Tabitha Nightingale in this place. They will arrest her so she can go back to your world in Seala, I guess she has been stealing priceless stuff from them king and queen. Now lets get down to business with our your mission, Tabitha is in the middle of the hall looking for things to steal. I want you to stop her if you can so we can preserve the great history of Wingdale, I know this will be a tough battle so you might want to be careful. She I think is a Musketeer she is quite a dead eye to be exact, so make sure you don't get in her line of fire. Now get going we cant allow here to cause any more damage here, once she is out the way I can really breath a sigh of relief.| Daniel nodded as he entered the palace quickly.

As he entered into the main hall he saw she was there with ravens, she wasn't the most bit pleased by his appearance inside this place. She didn't expect him to get through this place easily, yet once she found out Octavian helped out she was furious. This is her example if great meddling in her eyes, this time she wasn't going to let him life. She was going to end his life by letting his blood flew softly, she didn't care how he died she just wanted him gone.

|You little rat! I didn't think you get this far our here by yourself, yet your little bird friend helped out with your mission out here. You've thought that helping these guys gives you good points, only marines care about helping others in need, They are like the goody two shoes of the pirate world here, guess what being good Daniel sometimes gets you killed out here. That's why I'm going to end you once and for all, you should have died in Seala a long time ago with the rest. Yet I guess you had other plans in that plan of ours, however no matter you will still die in this battle even if you fight back. Boys, get him now!| Daniel had to be careful in this tough battle.

Tabitha wasn't going to be easy on bit from the looks, and to make matters worse they have to defeat them all before they can get victory. Daniel wanted to take on Tabitha on his on for the time being, this left the other warriors to his brigade to take them out quickly. Right off the battle Daniel nearly got hit with a pellet from her musket, she wasn't playing around with him this time from the looks of things. He did manage to get close to do attacks on Tabitha for the moment, yet she was keep him back ever so slowly trying to take him out. On pellet managed to his its face causing a little to bleed a little bit, and that wasn't the worst of his troubles so far in battle.

When Daniel took another step he tried to jump to dodge her musket, however that proved to be a terrible plan he thought up then. Although he dodged the attack he lost his sword when shot at it, it landed on the other side of the room with speed. Tabitha gave a devilish smirk as she came up to him, to her she has finally put an end to this meddling marine for good. However she should really pay attention to Jeanne Stormsmith at the moment, you she Chun-Hu had a brilliant idea in his mind right now. He needed her help to do this with great timing, Jeanne shot at her face to get her distracted from Daniel for a second. This pull all the attention on her as she gave her a dark look, then with a heavy kick Chun-Hu manage not only to take out the musket he took her out too.

Daniel got his sword from the ground while the Armada Slashmen arrested her, he was a clockwork of few words but he was quite fast to be exact.

|Well Tabitha now that we have you cornered there is no escaping now, your under arrest for majority of crimes across the spiral. The most troubling one for you is stealing jewels from the royal family, men you can gladly take her she cant do anything to harm you this time.| Two other marines from Seala tied her up to take her back there.

Octavian was quite relieved to know that Bluebird's Square was safe, he saw ravens and kites getting arrested by the guards of the place. For once he can breath a bit easier knowing that no one is going to harm the estate, yet for Daniel his work wasn't done quite yet I'm afraid. There was going to be more danger knowing that are beyond this part of town, so its best for him to get a move on to start his new mission.

|Daniel you have done some good work out here in Bluebird's Square, yet I'm afraid your work isn't done out here with luck. This is only the first part of the street you have cleared, I have a feeling that the royal family is being held up in this as well. I want you to go to Cardinal's Avenue not far from here, I heard that one of your marine buddies are doing some good work over there. However I do fear that he needs some much needed help if you can lend a hand, yet its getting late you need to heal up from that scrape you got.| Daniel left the area to get some much needed rest.

Patrick closed the book on another chapter on Wingdale, what will happen to Daniel it we wont know for sure...yet perhaps waiting will

© 2016 Angel Elliott

Author's Note

Angel Elliott
few grammar problems, please ignore them

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Added on October 6, 2016
Last Updated on October 6, 2016


Angel Elliott
Angel Elliott

tifton, GA

I like to write fan fictions about games and tv shows. more..
