Episode 18: Fight and Mystery Entering the dreaded Avian Parkway

Episode 18: Fight and Mystery Entering the dreaded Avian Parkway

A Chapter by Angel Elliott

in this episode you will find out who is controlling everything in the first part of this arc, plus you are about to enter the first dungeon.


May 4, 1800 Wingdale  

Avian Parkway was second in this place for being the most dangerous place, it was only second to Skyway Town as having the most danger awaiting you. However Daniel cant worry about this matter just yet, he has to find Octavian Mockingbird first before he starts to be uneasy at things. The streets were gloomy as they walked down the path, doors were locked shut everywhere in the town. Once they got to Octavian he was shivering a little bit out here, however you couldn't blame him for being scared in these parts. When he saw them he could breath a bit easier now, however there was still work to be done here.

|Oh, great heavens! I didn't think anyone would come out here with me, you have no idea how bad things are getting in Avian Parkway. You cant even take a little walk down here without getting robbed, trust me I've gotten beaten up her on sunny day and lost my money out here. The ravens have been causing a ruckus out here in this spot, however we cant do anything without clearing some out first. I heard that there are some ravens already here causing trouble, if you could clear a bunch of them out I can feel a bit at ease.| Nodding Daniel went out to clean the streets.

Daniel saw some ravens so it was time for them to do a little work, he going to have to defeat about twenty of these guys to get on his way. After a good thirty minutes they were finally finished with the battle, trust me it was hard to deal with the Raven Dead-eyes. Once they were done his group went back to Octavian Mockingbird, he was relived that they cleared this part now. However they weren't done yet with their work I'm afraid, you see someone was causing trouble out here...and there was a bet that person was working for someone...the only question now is who?

|Well were doing some good stuff out here with my help, however your not don't out here just yet. I think someone is commanding these guys from a secret place, I don't know who it is yet together we can find the person. Here I got a good plan for you to do some good around here, I want you to fight some Ravens and Kites out here for a start. First go down the street to fight some more ravens for me, they might have some clues that can help us out. Don't worry I'll be right here as you go do some work out there, however you might not find anything on one of them...so you might have to fight a few of them until you find something.| Daniel nodded as he headed into the streets again.

Walking down the street he felt a little uneasy for the moment, yet he needs to find the ravens in order to start the investigation. However I think the ravens have already found him out here quickly, well there was no time for him to think about things for the moment. He was going to have to fight a few of them before he could get something, after fighting for about ten minutes he found some strange paper on the ground. It was something about shipping items somewhere, however it was torn in three parts so this wasn't much help. They need to go back to Octavian Mockingbird to see what he knows, maybe he can make out this strange letter they found.

|Sorry I'm afraid I cant make anything out of this note easily, however I can make out some of the words on here. It says: "Don't let that marine become so meddling with my plan, you should be able to get the shipment in to me at-" Sadly that's all its says Daniel I wish I could tell you more about it, this is where my second part of my plan comes into play now. I know there are kites down the street from here doing things, I bet they have the other part of the not we need. One time when I was walking down to their area I saw a peace of paper, it matched the torn up one we have here. If you can sneak into the camp and get that map maybe I can read more of it, then we can get to the bottom of this little plan they have.| Daniel went off to search of their camp.

Sneaking into the camp Daniel knew that if he went in there they could spot him, so he let Chun-Hu get the map easily. You see he may be a crane yet his wings are quite silent when he is flying, so they couldn't hear a thing when he entered the place. Once they got the paper they went back, Octavian got the other piece of the paper to read now. However even though they have it doesn't mean its still readable, there is one more piece for him to collect now.

"Don't let the marine become so meddling with my plan, you should be able to get the shipment to me at Bluebird's Square. I hope that Daniel doesn't find this letter that I wrote to you, for if he does your in a heap of trouble Ricky Goldfin-| Octavian smiled widely as he got the biggest clue that he needed now.

|That's it, yes! I know where we can find the last piece of paper to the note, the fellow Ricky Goldfinch is in a place not far from here. I bet he's working for a no good pirate in Bluebird's Square, defeat him and get the last piece of the paper then we can figure out who's the pirate he reporting to. Bluebird's Square is quite dangerous if you try to do it alone, don't worry once were done here I can help you out there. Just be careful about that guy Ricky in his place, he can be a real trickster when you don't keep your guard up.| Daniel went to find Ricky in Avian Parkway.

Once they found his home they heard him talking to one of his men secretly, once they got close they could see that he was ready to fight. Going inside he knew this wasn't going to be an easy fight for all of them, he was quite the brute when it comes to fighting with his sword. With his brigade they were able to divide and concur Ricky in battle, however just because they did damage doesn't mean he wont fight back. Daniel got nicked a good bit in battle he bled a little bit, yet they were able to defeat him to get the last piece of the paper. Going back to Octavian he was able to put the pieces together to read the full letter.

"Don't let that marine become so meddling in my plans, you should be able to get the shipment to me in Bluebird's Square. I hope that Daniel doesn't read this letter that I wrote to you, for if he does your in a heap of trouble Ricky Goldfinch. I know that Peter Slash has been arrested now, the marines are getting on to us greatly. Don't worry I shall handle this Daniel Willowsmith myself for the moment, once he is gone maybe James can handle the other marines out here too. Tabitha Nightingale." Octavian Mockingbird smiled with delight with he saw the complete letter.

|So Tabitha has been causing trouble out here all along then, well I must admit she's been doing quite dangerous work in Bluebird's Square. If she takes over that place she has a good chance of getting to the palace, the royal grounds of Avias is located on the area of Phoenix Plaza. We cant allow them to destroy our home from the inside out, we've got to stop theme before it is too late. Well thank you so much for helping me clean this part of town up greatly, however you need my help in order to get through Bluebird's Square. We cant go there now its getting late a perfect time for pirates, you might want to get some rest. I don't know what to expect out there in that place, however with you by my side we might be able to beat her.| Daniel left the area to rest up and heal a little bit.

Patrick closed the book slowly to get ready for school, what might happen in the next chapter we don't know...perhaps tomorrow will clear the fog more for us.

© 2016 Angel Elliott

Author's Note

Angel Elliott
there might be grammar problems, please ignore them.

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Added on October 6, 2016
Last Updated on October 6, 2016


Angel Elliott
Angel Elliott

tifton, GA

I like to write fan fictions about games and tv shows. more..
