Episode 17: Ambushing Mayhem! The danger's of Feather's Place

Episode 17: Ambushing Mayhem! The danger's of Feather's Place

A Chapter by Angel Elliott

in this chapter you will meet one of the antagonist, also you will learn why Jenna is after him.


  May 3, 1800 Wingdale  

Daniel was already up going to meet Danny Albatross in Feather's Place, this wasn't the nicest part of Wingdale I can tell you that. This place was know for having more dangers than any other town here, so you have to be extremely careful out her in these parts. Once he got to his spot Daniel could breath a little easier, Danny was happy to see him safe yet he was going to be in tough battles ahead. Danny Albatross got down to work with all of the madness out here, trust me the young marine wants to listen to what he has to say.

|Welcome, kid! It's nice to see a new face around here helping out, you might be a good marine but you better be careful out here. This place isn't known for a it's quiet little walk in the park, getting ambushed is quite normal around these parts. It's a good thing you got your fighting buddies with you, for a lone marine would get destroyed if they fought alone. Well I know you want to get down to business for sure, well I've see a lot of ravens causing trouble around here as well. But not only that I've seen the Kites here as well this doesn't bode well for us, the kites also work for the pirates too if you didn't know this. They have been raiding the warehouses down the street from here, they also have been meeting somewhere I don't know of. Hey why don't you go fight some Kites that are around here, you can fight any of them to find some clues. Once you do that come back to me so I can see them, at least I can help you through this place as you go on.| Daniel went off to find some clues by fighting kites.

Walking down the street he felt like someone was watching them, he knew about this place being a bit dangerous to walk even in daylight. Then Daniel got a taste of just how dangerous this place is, out of nowhere Kite Brutes came to attack him head on. Thank goodness he brought along his brigade with him, this battle wasn't going to be easy by its looks already. After a good twelve minutes fighting they managed to defeat the four of them, he also got a note off one of the Kites strangely. It was if they knew they were coming here all along, whatever this was Daniel felt a little uneasy about something. How they fought was like they weren't even trying, he had a deep pit in his stomach feeling a bit worried. Yet there was no time to think things over right now, Daniel went back to Danny Albatross to give him the note. Even Danny was quite puzzled about this note he got, he rubbed his chin softly as the wind hit his feathers. Once he read the note he gave Daniel his next instructions, however doing this might get him in a jam of trouble and he knows it.

|This might be risky sending you to this new place Daniel boy, however I think we need to check out this new warehouse they just built. This is quite strange I don't remember that place being built for us, something tells me it isn't just for storing things for that matter. I don't want to send you into an good telling ambush causing harm, yet just to be sure I want you to check to see what's inside the place. Please do come back safe I don't want anything to happen to you, yet for a marine I guess you live your life that way.| Daniel went to the warehouse to investigate its uses.

Once they got there Chun-Hu knew Daniel had his doubts about this, When Daniel looked him in the eye he felt a bit calmer then. Daniel went in first to see what was inside this place, all of a sudden the door slammed shut yet it didn't lock his friends out. Daniel knew this was a trap all along, soon someone came out of the shadows slowly. It was a pirate for that matter however it wasn't Steel Jack, it was someone different for that matter indeed. Whoever he was his intentions were not pure at all, walking up towards him he gave Daniel a dark smile. It was Peter Slash with a good bit of men with him, Chun-Hu knew that this wasn't good at all. If Daniel has to fight him he will be seriously injured, what made matters worse was the door was locked tight.

|Well hello there I didn't think someone would follow me here, however not matter you fallen into my trap just like I knew you would. I've heard a lot about you meddling in the affairs of pirates heavily, the thing I hate more than backstabbers are marines who don't know when to quit. I can tell that you got me mad when you got Mr. Dobermen, we were going to make a deal about asking for some men. We were about to head to Shailand on the Feathertail Skyways, now that you've arrested them all we cant attack the emperor of the Przewalski's. With than plan gone were going to have to go to that kingdom near Mooshu alone, however before we leave we can get some much needed payback on you. Seala Marines have been getting are too cocky now, each time we have a good plain you ruin it so well being a goody two shoes. Now I going to teach you what happens to those who want to play hero, now boys give him a good thrashing at least he'll learn his lesson...Hehehe.| Peter's men started charging at him.

Daniel was able to keep a few of them off with his sword, however he knew he was way out numbered fifteen to one. All of a sudden shots came through the door heavily, Jeanne Stormsmith was able to shoot the lock off. Chun-Hu was able to kick one of them attacking Daniel from behind, Jenna and the Armada Slashmen took some out as well. Once they took out the attackers they focused on Peter Slash, Jeanne Stormsmith wasn't going to let him get away easily. You she has been hunting him down ever since he was in Seala, he got away before she could arrest him. You see is the prime suspect of a missing marine who was found mortally wounded, Jeanne took this matter very personally from a standpoint that moment on.

|Peter, don't you move a muscle! By the imperial court you are under arrest for the murder of Steven Longsmen, don't think I didn't know about the struggle he had with you seven years ago. You ambushed him outside of Seala where I was following him for protection, when you attack you dragged him from my very sights that moment. Luckily I was able to hear his voice from a few feet, I watch you cut him heavily from leg to his hands with your sword. Then you cut his hand off so he could bleed to dead in pain, you murdered him you dark coward! All because he saw you stealing from the grand museum before Steel Jack did, I don't know if you are a human or a rabid monster...come your coming with us now!| However Peter Slash wasn't going back to Seala.

You see if he does go back he will be charged with the marines death, knowing full well that they will hang him for the crime he committed. So like always he was going to fight her to the death it seems, yet he didn't expect someone to come crashing the reunion so quickly.

|Oh no Jeanne I'm not going back to Seala to face those rats, they will hang me for sure about that marine. Besides he scared me heavily when we fought so many years ago, it was revenge for what he did to my face. Now that I got my revenge I shall finish Daniel off for stopping our plains every time, you marines are all the same being good for the people. Nevermore I will not be taking anything from you little marines, so prepare to die you-| Chun-Hu knocked him out heavily so they could arrest him.

They sent a message to the grand general about Peter Slash, some marines sailed in to take Peter Slash to Seala to go to court. Finally something good was happening here at the time, yet weren't done yet I'm afraid. It was already getting time to rest for the good night, except Daniel almost forgot to report to Danny Albatross before he went in for the night. Once they told him what happen he was quite relieved to see them ok, yet that was one close call they had today.

|Well boys you did well in stopping Peter Slash from doing any harm, who know he was involved in someone's death now. At least this guy is off the streets out here we can rest a bit easier, well sonny I'm afraid you've done all you can in Feather's Place. Now you have to focus on Avian Parkway now Daniel, I've heard that they've been causing so much trouble people are scared to leave their homes. My friend Octavian Mockingbird has been doing everything to stop them, it would be nice of you to lead him a hand out there. However its close to night time you've gotten beat up heavily, a good nights rest wouldn't harm you one bit.| Daniel left the area to get a good night sleep from his injuries. He got a few bruises so he will be fine for tomorrow, sleep is what he only needs right now.

Patrick closed the book as he sat to reflect on the chapters he's read, however that was going to have to wait until school ends. What will happen to Daniel we might not know, perhaps another day will show us the way through Avian Parkway.

© 2016 Angel Elliott

Author's Note

Angel Elliott
there might be grammar problems, please tell me what you think. This might contain a little violence so please mind the chapter

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Added on October 6, 2016
Last Updated on October 6, 2016


Angel Elliott
Angel Elliott

tifton, GA

I like to write fan fictions about games and tv shows. more..
