Episode 13: A girl saved! Yet the swashbuckler gets away...

Episode 13: A girl saved! Yet the swashbuckler gets away...

A Chapter by Angel Elliott

this is the final chapter of the first arc, you will learn about the second world as well.


April 27, 1800 Felindon

Daniel got up early to meet up with Corporal Nightstone today, he has a very big task ahead of him today. Cat's Eye Tower is heavily guarded by many enemies he's never faced, yet with his experience he might lose heavily. Corporal Nightstone cleared the first seven levels of the tower, there are about nine of them in there he happens to know. But before he gets to fight them he needs to talk to him, Corporal Nightstone has some information that could help him in that place.

|Daniel its nice to meet a young marine like you out here about, I've heard from Major Stormwraith about your work in past streets. You've did good so far yet your battle has just begun now, I know the girl that Steel Jack took his in that tower. I managed to overhear him talking about her with Mr. Dobermen, I could have gone up there but Steel threated to hurt her if I came any closer to them. Cat's Eye Tower is packed with monsters buddy, luckily I was able to clear some of the monster to the main chamber of the clock tower. Go defeat those two monsters then go up there to defeat them both, but something tells me he might try to escape on you. Just make sure you get freed the girl so she can get out, then you can take her back to her family Daniel. I know they are worried sick about her right now, with this you could bring them a little ease when you bring her back. Well young one before I recommend your neck promotion you need to do this, if you do have a successful mission maybe you will get it.| Daniel quickly entered the clock tower.

This was a long climb the building was very tall I can tell you, yet he didn't focus on that matter one bit. All he needed to do was get to the top of the clock tower, he managed to take out the two golems that were ahead of him. All he had to do was face them head on, yet Chun-Hu snuck into the final room to listen in on their conversation.

|Mr. Dobermen don't worry this girl wont do us any harm, yet I will say despite her trickster ways about her she is kind of cute. Oh that marine has been following me ever since I was in Seala, to think he could make it up her is quite preposterous indeed. I have a feeling that the higher ranked guy was able to help him out, I guess we didn't expect them to do that. Yet they have already arrested most of your men, this is quite trouble some indeed I wish I could st-| a large blast came down from the room.

Chun-Hu had a smoke bomb to paralyze the two villains so he could free her, once he did he told her to go to the area where Daniel was. She didn't need to asked him why she did it quickly, Daniel smiled with relief knowing that she was all right. He instructed her to meet with Corporal Nightstone where it is saver there, Victoria quietly left the area happily knowing she was free. Yet I cant say the same for the two people at the top of the tower, Daniel entered to top to find two angered people looking at him.

|Oh you just don't know when quit when the going gets tough, I have to get out of here I bet they have more marines out here waiting for me. So you were the one who sent your men in here to take the girl back, well Daniel I have to admit you can be a real pain. But I cant have you traveling to Anqualitas Shores with me, Mr. Dobermen shall be enough to handle you alone Daniel. I see you don't have enough power to take him out, well my kidnapping mission was a fail. I could have gotten the map to El Dorado for the Shadow Five, well I guess I can get it again somewhere else. Goodbye, for now...Ha!| He left the area to head to his ship secretly.

Mr. Dobermen said not a word to Daniel in his mist that moment, I can tell you know he was furious at him. His little meddling caused his gangs demise quickly, yet Daniel wasn't alone at the time. His other soldiers were there with him ready to battle, however they were quickly outnumbered by so many men he had. Luckily Daniel wasn't the only one down there at the time, Corporal Nightstone came with his soldiers as well to aid him in battle. Daniel looked amazed when he saw them up close that moment, although Nightstone was level twenty eight his men have gotten a promotion through battles. Daniel's brigade will get their promotion at level twenty eight as well, however he was level twenty one. Corporal Nightstone was also a fencer if you didn't know that, now back to the battle they were about to have.

Corporal Nightstone can handle Mr. Dobermen easily with his men, that means Daniel will have to take on the other men here. Although he's been in battles they were stronger than the monsters he faced, so this is going to be a long battle ahead of him. Daniel took a good bit of hits in the fight that didn't look good, even with his men he had to fight them one at a time to take one out. With Nightstone he already was able to defeat Mr. Dobermen with some hiccups in battle, yet now he turned his attention on Daniel since he needed major help. With assistance they were able to defeat his men for good, they tied up Mr. Dobermen as he spoke to them in an angered tone.

|How preposterous! No way a little marine like Daniel boy could have defeated me, oh I see Corporal Nightstone was able to help you out as well. You haven't seen the last of me yet you meddling marines, I promise you I shall come back to seek my revenge on Felindon yet again. Trust me I will not take this little victory lying down, I swear to you I will get my revenge one every-| Unfortunately he was cut short by Xavier Bobtail coming in with Meowiarty.

|Mr. Dobermen I'm afraid that you wont be having revenge next time, were locking you up at Fort Scratcher's Den. That way you wont be able to get out of your prison for a while, that goes for your men for helping you out of your cell. I have to admit I didn't think that these marines would be a good help you us, but they sure gave Mr. Dobermen a good what for from the looks. Wouldn't you agree, Meowiarty?|Mayor Meowiarty looked back at Xavier with a nice grin on his face.

|Of Course Xavier, why wouldn't they fight him? Oh thank you all for helping us with everything in the city of Felindon, I'm sure that you will be able to tell your Grand General about the mission. Although you couldn't get the pirate the girl is safe and sound, at least something went well for you Daniel. I think it might be time for you to head back to Seala, you might want to tell the head of the Academy about this pirate that got away again. Furthermore I heard him mention a place called Anqualitas Shores, well that is in the world of Wingdale my friends. I don't know where you can get the Starstone to that place, but I know you will figure that out soon enough. Thank you for all your help here in Felindon marines, I shall write a letter to Grand General Starswimmer telling him about the good work.| Daniel smiled happily knowing that he didn't do it alone.

He got on his ship and sailed back to Seala with good pace, it will take him about three days to get back so he can get a good nights rest. The stars shined bright in the night sky as Daniels ship slowly sailed in the spiral, for once something was going good for him now. Yet he never should get ahead of himself with the missions, he will never know what lies ahead of him...but for now he just wants to get a good nights rest.

Patrick closed the diary ending another chapter in the Arc, he was really getting interesting in the academy every time he reads more. At first he thought it was a silly school with weird outfits, I guess something changed his mind really quickly. Yet even I know he can change his mind really quickly, he closed the book to head to school since it was time to go. Things are getting quite exciting each day as we read, perhaps waiting will show more once the fog clears.

© 2016 Angel Elliott

Author's Note

Angel Elliott
grammar problems are up here please ignore them, please enjoy the chapter

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Added on October 4, 2016
Last Updated on October 4, 2016


Angel Elliott
Angel Elliott

tifton, GA

I like to write fan fictions about games and tv shows. more..
