Episode 4: The deceiving maiden, the swashbuckler stalks his prey!

Episode 4: The deceiving maiden, the swashbuckler stalks his prey!

A Chapter by Angel Elliott

This chapter you will meet one of antagonist in the story, also you will also meed who he is after.


It was a beautiful morning down at the docks of Seala, the birds were singing with the morning sun. A young woman was walking down the street looking gentle, yet be for warned looks can be deceiving if your not careful. Dispute her looks she is really a mean witch by her demeanor, although small doesn't mean you should underestimate her one bit. You see she is smarter than you think, because of her little tricks she's arrested many pirates because of her ways. Yet this time she might have gotten the wrong person tricked, the swashbuckler she double-crossed his heading back here to give her what for. However to understand this we might have to flashback, come we have a lot of things to cover here.

((Seven years ago))

It was in the dead of night in Seala, the young maiden came running down to meet someone. Victoria Nightshine was waiting for a pirate to come, little did he know she had something in store for him greatly. Once he pirate came she spoke to him with a gentle voice, at first the pirate thought he was getting the map to El Dorado from here. You see her elder father from long ago met with Marco Pollo, they were good friends at the time of their meeting. For many years they sailed the skyways with great adventure, one day Marco Pollo created a map to El Dorado. He created two just in case someone tried to steal the original one he made, he gave it to Victoria's grand fore father as a gift for helping him back there. To this day Victoria always keeps it away from pirates, with swiftness she was able to trick the swashbuckler into think the map was in the museum. Little did he know was she told the marines about him, they arrested him for seven years in their harsh prison in Mooshu. Luckily his crew was able to free him from the prison.

Like the wind it was stating to turn into dusk out here, this was the perfect time for the swashbuckler to make his mark. Well almost from the scene around here the marines are everywhere, might be best for him to sneak when there is no one around to see it. Yet this guy has to be careful about Victoria, she is a tricky woman to deal with when she sees you. Walking down the street she felt quite confident that the pirate wouldn't come, she was in for a big surprise if she keeps this up.

|Oh that pirate isn't coming back he's in the prison in Mooshu, he was quite a fool to think I would give him the map to El Dorado. My family has had that map here for generations long ago, well that's not all the treasure that my for father had with him. A grand sailor gave the treasure of the Grandes Lagos, yet he didn't realize that a pirate own that treasure from the start. My fore father was able to save him form the dark threat, as a thank you gift the sailor gave the treasure to him. I don't know why security has been risen like this, maybe a new pirate is coming out here to have fun out here. Oh this is going to be so exciting for me right now, what should I do to get under his skin this time around?| Reaching her house she unlocked the door quietly.

Going to her lamp she want some light just in case something was in here, little did she know who was sitting in the chair far in the shadows. Once she turned on the lamp she got startled so quickly, by the look she didn't expect someone to be in here at the time. It was her little clockwork friend coming in flying towards her. Well at least she didn't get frightens by a pirate, at least her friend was safe in here.

The swashbuckler was out here checking the place well, he wanted to see if it was the perfect time to strike at her place. By the looks its wasn't just yet I'm afraid it was still sunset, guards were everywhere you see them. Going into the main room she put fire in the lamp slowly, suddenly out of the corner of her eyes she yelled out of fear. There was a man standing in the main room grinning, whoever he was she knew this wasn't a good time to scream for help.

|Well hello Ms. Victoria, long time no see huh? I cant remember the last time we had a good meeting in Seala, don't worry I'm sure you don't remember the thing that you did. I was a big fool to think you'd give me the map, however I wont be fooled by you twice out here. Victoria you didn't think I would recall getting arrested, if so then I'm afraid you thought clearly wrong. Your nothing more than a manipulating little witch dear, for seven years I've been having a dark grudge against you. Your the one that ruined my live so long ago, luckily my crew spared me from spending twenty years there. As I was sitting in they place I learned to be cunning, I didn't get good at being a sneak...I became a silent assassin as well. I'm afraid that you wont be going anywhere no time soon, so if you can be so kind is to show me the map...I might let you go with your pathetic life?| Steel Jack looked into her eyes with a dark smile.

Victoria looked into his eyes as well with a bit of fear, she didn't think that he would remember her from this place. His eyes were dark like a cat in the dead of night, yet by the looks he seems to be a devilish monster. Victoria didn't want to run right at their encounter, doing that would get her killed on the spot.

|Very well come my friend I shall give you the map, please don't hurt me I...I'll give to you Steel Jack. I have it with me...Right here!| Just then Victoria threw pepper in his face to stun him for a second.

Victoria ran for her life as she went into her room up stairs, opening the winder she screamed bloody murder into the night sky. As people turned lit their lanterns the marines caught on to this, the guards rushed to the scene to see what they can do.

|Help me, someone! Steel Jack is in my house right now trying to hurt me, please don't let him steal me away from my family. Please don't let him take me!| The door burst open with great force. It was Steel Jack this time he had enough of her pity games, taking her he tied her up and covered her face...not before she put up a big fight that is.

Ratbeard took her secretly so that his captain wouldn't get caught, this allowed Steel Jack to get away easily like the shadows. Victoria's parents don't live far from her home it's down the road, once she got to her house she cried into her husbands arms. The grand general came to see what's wrong, what she said let him know Steel Jack was out here under their noses the whole time.

|Oh my poor little girl they took her away from my arms, that pirate she's been talking about lately took her away. Steel Jack she's told me how he's threaten to take her, I thought she was only playing...but I now realize that she was telling the truth. Her house was ransacked so heavily I knew something isn't right, oh please help us out if you can General Starswimmer. If the pirate wants something of our will give it to him, in return tell him to not harm our daughter she is precious to us...Please act quickly who knows what he will do to her.| Grand general nodded knowing the pain she was in at the time.

Back at his ship Steel Jack was celebrating a good raiding from Seala, they were able to take some items from the museum tonight. Yet Steel Jack was able to get the biggest prize of all out here, Victoria was tied heavily with her mouth covered so she couldn't scream out for help. Where their next location is might be hidden from their eyes, Starswimmer shall sent all of his marines out searching for any clues.

Patrick was quite shocked when he read this part of the diary, it seems that those times you could get taken by a pirate with ease. He wanted to continue reading however his school will start soon, that also means that the final arc of Seala shall be approaching us soon.

© 2016 Angel Elliott

Author's Note

Angel Elliott
again mind the grammar, thanks for reading!

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Added on October 2, 2016
Last Updated on October 2, 2016


Angel Elliott
Angel Elliott

tifton, GA

I like to write fan fictions about games and tv shows. more..
