![]() The family albumA Story by Karim A![]() A fine Summer's evening, as Brent heads home to his perfect family, his wife and two kids. Despite appearing to be the perfect family, something is amiss, just what dark secret does this family hold?![]()
The Family album
By Karim Aregbe Brent stood up from his desk, and tucked his chair under the desk. Another day in the in the office was complete. ‘Off home Brent?’ Joel asked as Brent picked up his briefcase, as he was now beginning to make his way out of the office. ‘Yeah, it's our anniversary tonight. It's a special occasion for the family. So I'm going home to spend time with the wife and kids. Best time of the year.’ Brent responded as he put his hat on and left the office, leaving a puzzled Joel behind. Joel was confused as he was not aware of Brent having remarried and settled down with a new family. Brent whistled a cheerful tune as he made his we through the park, enjoying the warm summer evening. There were Families enjoying bonding time in the park on that fine summer, families were taking advantage of the sunny weather, enjoying picnics together, feeding the ducks and hungry geese together. Young couples blissfully walking around the park, hand in hand, enjoying every second of their precious time together. The summer evenings were indeed warm and pleasant in the park. There was laughter all around, people smiling and happily chattering away. Children were running around on the grass playing with their friends and parents, dog owners walking their dogs through the park. It wasn't long before Brent realised that he was the only one walking solo through the park. To some extent, Brent envied the families who were all hanging out together, having fun in the park, parents feasting and playing with their children, young couples sharing kisses, holding hands and enjoying each other's company. Brent was reminded of his wife Claire and his two children, his son Josh and daughter Anna, as he watched the families in the park. The young couples brought back sweet memories of the time when he had begun courting Claire, the start of an amazing life journey! Realising just how much he wanted to be with his own family on their anniversary, Brent hurried through the lively Park, excited to be reunited with his family on this exciting day! Brent didn't get to spend much time with his family. The birds were happily chirping away as they sung in the trees, the sun still high in the sky, as a gentle breeze blew through the trees, gently rustling the leaves. Brent had taken his hat off so he could enjoy the cool breeze through his hair. There was nothing more he enjoyed on his walk home, like the breeze as it rustled through the trees, and through his hair. The temperature was cooling off nicely, so it wasn't too hot, but not too cold, just right! Brent held his hat in one hand and his brief case in the other as he walked down the quiet street. There was only the chorus of the birds singing away before their bedtime came. Whistling another cheerful melody, Brent approached his semi detached family home, opened the gate, stepping onto the foot path which lead up to the house. Continuing to whistle, he pulled his keys out of his pocket, and opened his front door, stepping into the house. ‘Honey? Claire? Kids, anybody?’ He called out, but there was no response. The house was cold and empty, just as he had left it. ‘Oh well, I guess they aren't here yet, I had better prepare dinner for them.’ Brent said to himself quietly. He hung his coat up on the empty coat rack and placed his hat on the side table. Every year, He would prepare the same anniversary meal, it had become a sort of family tradition. It wasn't the most exotic meal, a simple bolognese with cheese sprinkled on top of the bolognese sauce once it was ready. Despite the meal not being the most difficult meal to prepare, it was a meal which had brought Brent and Claire together many years ago. It all started back in college with a question; ‘ what's your favourite meal?’ Brent remembered the day he asked Claire what her favourite meal was,the start of their relationship, brought together by a meal! Once he had finished cooking, he set the table, and went to light the fire in the living room. ‘Oh silly me!’ Brent chuckled as he turned to head back into the dinning room. ‘I forgot to set the table for four people!’ Brent said to himself as he continued to chuckle. He opened the cupboards and pulled out three plates, placing them on table mats on the table. He pulled out three pairs of knives and forks and neatly placed them on the table mats. The forks on the left hand side of the plate, and the knives on the right hand side. . He opened one of the drawers and pulled out three coasters, placing three glasses on the coasters around the table. Finally he added a candle to the table, and dimmed the lights of the dinning room. ‘Perfect! This will be a welcoming sight for the family!’ Brent turned and made his way to his living room. He pulled opened the fire place, through a log in and lit it. He sat down in his chair opposite the fire place and began to doze. ‘Don't worry Brent, they’ll soon be here with you again.’ Brent yawned as he started to doze. As soon as Brent shut his eyes, he felt a sudden breeze. What was it? Brent opened his eyes and could see that it was now dark outside, he must have fallen asleep! From behind Brent came, two skinny arms, embracing him. ‘Hi honey, we’re back!’ Came a soft and gentle voice from behind Brent. Brent turned and was delighted to see Claire. ‘Claire!’ Brent began, but she placed her fingers over his lips and kissed him on the cheek. ‘Look over there Brent, the children are sat there in front of the fireplace.’ Claire said quietly. Brent turned to see both his son and daughter sat in front of the fireplace, both smiling at him. Both of the children were dressed in white, from head to toe. Josh was dressed in an all white suite, whilst Anna was dressed in a Snow White dress. The whiteness of the dress bringing out their ocean blue eyes. ‘Kids! When did you guys get here?’ Brent asked excitedly as he jumps out of his seat and launched at his kids, hugging them tenderly. ‘Oh I've missed you all so much today!’ He said as he sat down with his son and daughter, holding them close. ‘My, you children are cold, come on, come and cuddle up to daddy around the fire, you too Claire honey.’ It was the perfect family moment as the two young children and their parents all cuddled up in front of the warm fire place together. ‘So Josh, tell me son, have you been behaving for your granny?’ Brent asked his son, the oldest of the two children. ‘Yes dad! Grandma is so much fun. We really do miss you though daddy. We wish you would come up and see us.’ Josh said as he rest his head upon his dad’s shoulder. ‘Yes daddy, when are you coming to play with us? When are you coming up to see us? We miss you daddy! Grandma is fun, but it does get boring at Grandma’s!’ Anna responded. ‘Now, now, Josh, Anna, you know that your daddy is not allowed to come and see us at grannies house don't you?’ Both of the kids looked to their mother and nodded their heads sadly. ‘Yes mummy, we know.’ They responded in unison. ‘Hey, guys, are you hungry? Daddy has made your favourite meal! Should we go eat?’ Brent asked. ‘Brent darling, how about we eat dinner after we have a look through our family photo album?’ Brent looked at his wife and agreed. ‘Why that's an excellent idea honey let me go and get it!’ Brent jumped up and ran out of the room, and upstairs to find the family album. Claire and the kids watched as the cheerful husband and father darted out of the room. ‘Mummy, I really do miss daddy! Why can't we take him back to grandma’s?’ Anna asked as a tear rolled down her cheek. Claire comforted her daughter, and began to explain why her father could not return. ‘Anna darling, daddy has to work hard so he makes money. One day though, when he gets bored of work and feels very tired, he will come to grannies. He just has a lot of work to do for now.’ Claire looked over at Josh. Josh was old enough to know the dark truth as to why his dad was not allowed to return back with them to their grand mother’s. The family had a dark secret which Josh knew about. Claire winked at Josh. ‘Don't worry Josh, you know that your father will come to stay with us one day don't you?’ She asked the young boy. ‘Sure mum.’ He responded, forcing a smile onto his face. Brent burst into the room. ‘Here it is guys!!! Our very own picture story! Who's up for going through it?’ Brent said excitedly. The whole family gathered around Brent and the reminiscing began. ‘Wow mummy, you were really pretty as a young girl!’ Anna said as she looked at a photo of her mother in her younger years. ‘Was pretty? Hahahaha, Anna, your mum is still pretty!’ Brent said to his daughter as he looked at the photo. ‘I remember that day well. Your mum was seventeen and I was nineteen. It was taken on our first date! And what a date it was!’ Brent said, as he began to remember the date. ‘We went to the old cinema in town, and watched Romeo and Juliet. I remember buying your mum a large tub of popcorn, which she wouldn't share with me!’ Brent chuckled. ‘Tell us more daddy!’ Anna asked as she listened to the exciting story. Claire looked at her husband and smiled to herself. ‘I married the right man, he loves me and he loves and adores his children. He is a strong man, after all he's been through and he still continues to smile and be happy.’ Claire thought to herself. ‘Well Anna, the date didn't end there… We went to this Italian restaurant, and we had, yes you guessed it, an amazing bolognese. We then went for a walk by the river where we shared our first kiss!’ Brent continued. ‘Errrrr dad! Stop! That's gross man! I don't wanna hear that!’ Josh cried out. Brent laughed as he looked at his son. ‘A year has gone by, every year I see my son, he seems have to grown up in someway! What a shame I missed out on his growing up.’ Brent thought, but his thoughts were disturbed by Anna. ‘Daddy, turn the page, I wanna see more! Especially the bit where I was born!’ Brent laughed and continued, going through the album, going through the day he married Claire, to their sightseeing on the honeymoon, to the birth of Josh, and eventually Anna. ‘Hey, daddy, turn the page! I wanna see pictures of me growing up! I've never seen them!’ Anna asked her dad, but Brent had fallen asleep. ‘Daddy, wake up!’ Anna said as she poked her sleeping dad. ‘Fine daddy I'll look through the album myself!’ Anna said as she went to turn the page, but as she did so, her mum grabbed the album. ‘No!’ She said firmly. ‘Come on kids, your father is very tired. He's had a long day. Let's leave him to sleep and we will Come back again.’ Claire said as she held her hands out to both of her children. ‘Say goodbye to your dad, you two, you might not see him for a while.’ Claire said as she let go of her children. Josh hugged his dad and waved. ‘See you soon dad.’ He said, as he walked away from his dad, tears rolling down his cheek. ‘Go on Anna, say goodbye to your daddy.’ Claire said as she comforted an upset Josh. Anna hugged up to her dad, and kissed him on the cheek. Brent shivered, and pulled a funny face in his sleep, which caused Anna to laugh. She hugged him and kissed him once more. ‘Night daddy, I love you.’ She whispered as she let go of her dad, wiping her watering eyes, and then smiling. The kids vanished into the hallway. Claire leaned over and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. ‘Good night darling, stay strong and I'll see you some day soon I hope.’ She stroked through his grey hairs. Once again, Anna appeared in the room. ‘Mummy, can I stay here with daddy? I don't wanna leave him.’ She said as the tears rolled down her chubby pale cheeks. ‘Aww darling, if I could take him back up to your grandma’s with us, I would, but it’s daddies choice for when he decides he can come up to see us. But you know you can't stay here with him, our time here is up darling.’ Anna hung her head in sadness, as she held her mothers hand, as they left the room and vanished from the house. A few hours later, Brent woke up. He looked around the room through squinted eyes as he tried to take in his surroundings. He looked on his lap and found the family album. He smiled as he looked at a picture of a young Anna, taking her first steps in her nappy. Turning the page, Brent knew that this would be the last picture of Anna in that album. As he turned the page, he looked at a picture of a car which had been involved in a crash, the car was crunched up, and there were police around the car. Below that picture, were pictures of a funeral. Three coffins being carried to three graves. Brent turned the page, and there was a picture of himself, on his knees besides the row of graves, his mother comforting him. The dark truth about Brent's family had been confirmed when he took a closer look at the graves. The first one reading: Claire Norma West, born 1965, died in 2007 She will forever be missed by her loved ones. R.I.P The second grave reading: Josh Bradly J West Born in 2000 died in 2007 May his young soul rest in peace And the third and final grave reading: Anna Claire Lucy West Born in 2006 died in 2007 R.I.P Brent remembered it… An argument had occurred between himself and Claire, 10 years ago on this very same day. You see, the family were heading for the funeral of Claire's mother, and they were running late, which had sparked an argument between Brent and Claire. As Brent drove his family to the funeral, he continued to argue with Claire. He took his eyes off the road to give Claire a dirty look, but as he looked back at the road, he saw a deer in the road. Immediately, he swerved to avoid the deer, but was hit head on by another car speeding in the opposite direction. His car flipped over, and smashed into the ground, crushing all but Brent. As the harsh reality hit Brent, he began to remember why the anniversary was an important one for him and his family. It marked the sad day he lost his wife and kids in a terrible tragedy. Beginning to weep, Brent stood up, and walked to his desk in the corner of a living room. He opened the desk and pulled out a small pistol. ‘Claire, Josh, Anna daddy is coming. Never more will you have to come here again. I WANT MY FAMILY!’ He cried, and at that, opened his mouth and placed the pistol in his mouth. As the birds in the trees outside of Brent's home wound down for a nights rest, there was loud bang and flash from Brent’s home. The once family home was now left empty, as the album rest upon the floor in a pool of blood, as Brent's body turned white, and slowly faded away, leaving the house Cold… and empty… © 2017 Karim AAuthor's Note
Added on February 3, 2017 Last Updated on February 13, 2017 Author![]() Karim ADerby & London, United KingdomAboutHi, I'm Karim, known to my friends as "Kayz" I was born and raised in London till I was 11. In the early part of 2001 we moved to The Netherlands where I remained for four years before moving back.. more..Writing