The last flight

The last flight

A Story by Karim A

A mysterious passenger has survived a plane crash, but has vanished not long after being discovered. What is the real story of this passenger, and what role does he play in the crash of flight 0-1-1?

The last flight
By Karim Aregbe

The control tower stood elevated high above the rest of the of the airport terminal, offering some spectacular panoramic views of the airfield, as well as the city in the distance.

As night had already fallen, the orange street lamps, created a pretty backdrop, but the airfield too was a pretty sight. There was an assortment of green, blue, orange and red lights dotted across the apron, taxiways and the Tarmac runway, assisting pilots to and from the runway.

The control tower remained dark, and quiet as it overlooked the pretty but quiet scene outside. It was just before 11pm, so the vast majority of flights had already departed, and the last flight to land at the airport was on approach, a few miles out. The busy flow of traffic had died down now, there would be one final arrival just after 11pm. After the arrival of the last flight, there would be a brief period of minimal flight traffic till 5am. Things Usually started up just after 5am, the long haul, transatlantic flights which had made it across the pond, would start making their appearance as they touched down on the British Tarmac runway. There was always an impressive array of liveries, usually from the airlines originating from the United States. It hadn't been long since the first Boeing 747 jumbo jet had made it appearance at the airport. The jumbo jet always turned heads as she touched down gracefully, impressing those who were fortunate enough to see it. This plane however would not been seen for a few hours, as it was most likely midway through its flight and would have been cruising high above the Atlantic at the time.

There was not much chatter between the colleagues of the control tower as they monitored the radars. The airport might have been winding down as it prepared for its last flight of the day, but the skies above were preparing for passing air traffic, which the controllers had to guide through their given territory.

There was also the chance that an emergency landing or delayed flight could show up at the airport, which air traffic should have been ready to deal with.

The lights below were so pretty, the traffic below, zig zagging around the lit up city buildings below. It was as if one was watching toy cars driving around the lit up roads and buildings. The trains appeared to be like long, lit up snakes, clattering across the tracks above the roads, and the rivers,smoke stopping at stations, others passing through.

As Edward gazed out of his window, he could see his beloved home below. Edward had been away from home on business for a few days, but just wanted to get Home now. Even though his journey had only originated from Hamburg, Germany, he had made a long journey prior to boarding his flight. He had spent the first half of his day, on a train from the south of Germany to Hamburg, before the fairly fast flight across to England.

The lights dimmed in the cabin dimmed as the propellor powered aircraft descended over the city, the stewardesses now strapping themselves in and preparing for touch down at the airport. Despite flying around on a daily basis, flying was glamorous, and the stewardess were seen as models. They took pride in their appearance, and the airline they worked for. For them, this was the end of another shift. As the plane began its final approach into the airport, it offered passengers a mini tour of the city as it flew over the city, revealing some of the many famous landmarks, such as famous bridges crossing the river, the famous government buildings, and the popular cathedral. For many this was the first taste of England, and it's Capital.

Edward enjoyed his trips abroad for work, so he was a relatively frequent passenger of the airline, however The views of the city on descent never ceased to amaze him, especially those at night.
Seeing as Edward had flown into the city, he was familiar with the location and had a rough estimate of the time left till touchdown.

It wasn't long till he would be back on the ground, having his passport checked, collecting his bags, and jumping in a black cab back home.

He could see the residential areas below him now, the famous landmarks of the city, now behind him. He was soon to be touching down..

The cabin was full of life as the passengers spoke to each other, used the over head lights to read their books, or just gazed out of the window. The cockpit however, was a different story. The pilots were keeping a close eye on the dimly instruments, the engineer keeping an eye on his gauges, all three men calculating, speed, distance and time. All seemed to be running well.

The captain contacted the control tower and informed the control tower of his location and estimated time till his arrival into the airport.

Harry, one of the controllers could see the aircraft on his radar, a green dot on the radar. ‘British zero-one-one, you are cleared for landing on runway two-seven left, over’ Harry responded, as he spoke into his microphone.

‘Thank you sir, this is British zero-one-one Confirming that we are cleared for lamding on runway two-seven left? Over’ the captain responded as he lined up his propeller plane. He could see the colourful runway a few miles ahead. He checked his spend and altitude. ‘Lower the flaps’ he ordered gently as the first officer repeated the pilots statement.

‘British zero-one-one, you are cleared to on runway two-seven left. Over’ Harry responded. He could now see the lights of the small passenger aircraft around 5 miles to the south of the airport in the distance.

‘This is British zero-one-one, thank you for the confirmation. Have a good night, British zero-one-one out!’ The captain responded, for the last time. The captain would now focus on the instruments as he prepared to land the small passenger liner. The winds were mild, so it was not going to be a rough landing

‘Gear Dow-‘ the captain began, but was interrupted by a loud bang, and as the plane began to violently jolt around, before its nose pointed to the ground.

‘WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?’ The captain cried out as he fought with his plane, trying to bring it back under his control. The plane went into a nose dive, and began to pick up speed. Captain Jeremy Richards knew that if he, and his co-pilot Micael James Peter couldn't pull the plane out of its steep, rapid nose dive, that the sheer forces against the plane would tear it into pieces. If by some kind of miracle the aircraft managed to remain intact, there was the possibility of smashing into the ground, and potentially into a building. Either way it was recipe for disaster.

‘No! NO, NOT ON MY WATCH!’ Captain Jeremy roared as he fought with his jammed controls trying to slow the plane as well as levelling it out.

‘COME ON GIRL, COME ON, DON’T DO THIS!’ Captain Jeremy reasoned with his damaged aircraft.

The atmosphere of the joyful cabin, had changed dramatically. The chatter of passengers had been replaced by screams of fear, prayers and weeping. The force of the rapid descent pushing them back into their seats. Edward, closed his eyes, and tried not to panic as the aircraft accelerated towards the ground below. He opened his eyes, and happened to see out of he window. He could see Debris from the plane as the forces took its toll on the aircraft and began to rip it apart! The aircraft became very turbulent and began to rock as it continued its plunge to earth!

‘YES, YES, That's it! Good girl!’ The captain said as he began to win the battle with his crippled aircraft. The sweat dripping from his forehead, and around his fingers as he clenched the controls with his life.

Panting, and out of breath, the second officer knew something had gone seriously wrong, despite the plane slowing down, and levelling out at a low altitude, he knew he couldn't take any chances. Only a few feet above one of the bikes, it was a close call. A second earlier and that plane would have smashed into a home creating a disaster!

‘Control, this is BRITISH ZERO-ONE-ONE. MAYDAY, MAYDAY!’ He yelled through the microphone as the captain fought to keep his crippled aircraft flying. There was no time to ask what had happened. Something had gone seriously wrong. They had narrowly avoided death, only just! The aircraft remained turbulent as it levelled off.

‘British zero-one-one, state your emergency Over’ Harry responded from the tower, as he turned to his radar and focused on the plane.

‘British zero-one-one We are unsure of what has just happened, we entered a nose dive following a loud bang, and lost altitude rapidly, We have only just pulled out of a nose dive. Extent of damage to aircraft is not known. We are requesting an emergency landing. Please have emergency services on stand by. There are 58 souls onboard who may require medical attention, over.’

Harry was horrified as he heard the grave news of the stricken aircraft. Picking up his phone, he rang the airport emergency services, and demanded that they head towards runway 27.

Within minutes the quiet airfield was transformed into a dramatic scene of flashing red and blue lights, along with sirens, as the fire engines, ambulances rolled across the field.

‘British zero-one-one, you are cleared for landing on runway two seven left. Emergency services are on standby. Do you require anything else?’ Harry asked from the control tower, monitoring the location of zero-one-one.

‘Thank you, we require nothing else. Out.’ Michael James responded. Captain Jeremy remained quiet as he clung to his controls. He could see the runway in the distance, what a welcome sight the runway was! Captain Jeremy asked co-pilot Michael James to make an announcement, reassuring the passengers that they were out of danger and preparing to land.

The cabin was extremely quiet, the passengers eyes all widened with fear. Edward sat back in his seat and prepared for landing.

Harry could see the propellor powered aircraft approaching, it seemed to be flying faster than it should have for approach.

‘Michael, I don't know how she's going to react when I lower the gear, I don't know if the gear will retract or not, so we need to prepare the cabin for a potential crash landing. Please alert the cabin crew.’ Captain Jeremy requested as he lowered the flaps.

This was an odd request from the captain, but he obediently listened and disappeared into the cabin. The engineer had become unconscious by the violent nose dive, but the captain had to focus on landing. He had 58 souls to protect, including himself.

The aircraft seemed to respond as the captain manoeuvred it in line with the runway, but it was then that the captain noticed...

...the flaps were not responding, the aircraft was approaching the runway too fast!

Captain Jeremy, attempted to lower his flaps again, but it was of no use. Edging closer to the threshold of the runway, the aircraft started to head into a nose dive again, picking up speed. There was no chance of the captain performing a go-around with his damaged airliner.

Co-pilot Michael James, burst into the cockpit, to see the captain struggling to keep his aircraft under control. Taking his seat, Michael James could see the runway. He too joined in the battle to level the aircraft out, and slow it down.

From the control tower, Harry and his colleagues could see the aircraft speeding with its nose down, as it crossed the threshold of the runway.

‘NO! This can't be happening! Its gonna.. ITS GONNA CRASH!’ Harry called out.

And there it came...

Moments later, the runway lit up, as the aircraft smashed into runway, exploding and creating an enormous fireball. The ground tremble, and there was a deafening bang.

‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!’ Harry called out! As he stretched his arms out to the downed aircraft now engulfed in flames, as black smoke formed a cloud above the downed aircraft. The sound of the sirens echoed in his ears as he watched the emergency rescue vehicles racing to the scene of the crash. As he watched the drama unfold, his vision blurred, and time seemed to slow down. The sound around him became distorted, before turning into a loud bleeping sound. He looked around at his colleagues, moving very slowly, before he shut his eyes and saw nothing but the black of his eye lids, and the beep sound slowly faded into silence...

A few hours had passed now, and news of the horrific accident was starting to spread. The fire raged away, and continued to eat away at the fuselage.

The chance of finding any survivors was decreasing rapidly.

Adrian, a fire fighter at the crash scene, was assigned the dangerous task of checking the wreckage of the burning aircraft. He along with his team were preparing to enter the wreckage, when Adrian caught a glimpse of something unusual on the runway...

‘Hey Mark.’ He called to his team member. Mark came running over with his protective equipment. ‘Mark, I've got something I need to take care of. Can you take the team into the wreckage, and remember, if it's too dangerous, don't do anything to endanger yourselves, we don't to have any more casualties!’

Mark agreed, as he watched Adrian who seemed to be somewhat distracted by something. ‘Everything okay Sir?’ He asked.

After hesitation Adrian finally turned to face Mark and responded; ‘well, it's not everyday we deal with incidents like this, with the potential loss of life, but yes I'm okay. I've just seen something on the runway which I'll attend to.’

At that both men parted company, Mark heading towards the furnace of the wreckage, whilst Adrian made his way towards the threshold of the runway.

As he walked down the smoke covered runway, he had to take extreme caution not to touch any of the debris from the downed airliner. But what had Adrian seen?

‘Sir, sir, what are you doing on the runway? Don't you realise this is a dangerous area?’ Adrian asked, as he approached a confused, lost man on the runway.

As Adrian got closer, he could see that the man’s clothes were scorched, and torn. He could see burn marks on the mans clothes. The mans face was cut all over, as he limped towards Adrian holding his right arm.

Adrian soon realised that this was not just a random man on the runway. This was a survivor who had somehow survived the horrific crash. Realising this, he Called out to the paramedics. ‘HEY, ANY PARAMEDICS AROUND? PLEASE ASSIST ME! I HAVE FOUND A SURVIVOR!’ Adrian yelled as he waved a torch and blew a whistle to attract attention. He approached the young man, and immediately began to support him.

‘Where am I? What's happened? All I remember was a loud bang and then I woke up on the grass.’ The man asked as Adrian supported him.

‘You are in London sir. You have survived a plane crash. Now let's get you cleaned up and to hospital.’ Adrian responded softly.

The man seemed dazed, confused and suffering from traumatic shock. ‘Where is my luggage? I want to take it home. It has souvenirs for my wife and children.’ He said as he shivered.

It wasn't long before the paramedics had turned up, and had wrapped him in a foil like blanket.

‘What's your name sir? I'm Adrian.’ Adrian asked as he sat with the man.

‘Edward.’ The man responded as he sipped on a warm drink he was provided with from my one of the paramedics. Adrian and Edward had a brief talk. Adrian trying to find out information from Edward about himself and what he saw in the crash.

‘Sir, could you come over here for a moment please?’ One of the paramedics called out to him. Adrian asked Edward to remain where he was, and informed Edward that he would be back in a few moments. Adrian turned and stepped into the ambulance on hand.

As Adrian spoke to the paramedics who were trying to find out information about Edward. As Adrian spoke with the paramedics, there was a loud smashing sound from outside. Jumping out of the ambulance, Adrian and the paramedics rushed to see if Edward had passed out, or fallen.

As they reached Edward, they were horrified by what they saw.
‘His cup has smashed and... He's gone!’ Adrian cried in horror. He looked all around but could not see any trace of Edward. The foil like blanket was on the floor, where Edward had been. Immediately Adrian and the paramedics ordered a search to be put out for Edward.

After hours of searching for other survivors, the search was called off. By now the sad news of the disaster had spread, and was heard on the radios around the world now. For those fortunate enough to posses a television, the broadcast was shown on the news.

The investigation and clean up at the airport continued, the night staff handing over their results and providing information to the staff starting their shift.

Adrian had changed into his own clothes and was now driving home after a longer shift. As he drove home, he just couldn't shake the thoughts of Edward. Where was he? Where had he gone? Adrian remained silent as he drove home.

Upon arriving at Home, he pulled up outside his semi detached 1950’s town house, and tooted his horn, Signalling his wife to come out. This was the routine, Adrian would arrive home, collect his wife, drop her at work, returning home to sleep, preparing for his next shift. The usual shifts were 12 hours, but due to the disaster which had occurred, the shift had taken far longer.

His wife came running out, ready to be driven to the primary school where she worked as a teacher.

‘Adrian! I heard about that horrific disaster!! Are you alright?’ She said as she embraced her husband.

Adrian nodded, delaying his response. ‘Yes Sandra, I'm okay. How are you sweetie?’ Adrian asked his wife. Sandra, his wife could tell by the look and sound of her husband that he was still in shock. He also appeared to be extremely distant. His thoughts seemed to be far from where they were in the car.

Sandra now realised that the crash had been far worst than she thought. She realised all the traumatic things her husband must have seen that night. His first major, serious incident to deal with.

‘Honey, are you sure you're okay? I can walk to work, it's okay.’ Sandra said as she clung to her husband. Adrian, said he was alright and was happy to take her to work. As they drove to the school, she could see that her husband was a shell of his former self. He just wasn't there. He was extremely quiet, and he wasn't smiling or singing as he usually did.

Adrian had returned home now, where he had decided that he just wanted to be in bed. He closed the curtains, to prevent the bright sun from shining into his bedroom keeping him awake. The birds were singing, people's lives continued. It was a sunny, cloudless day outside. But this didn't have any impact on Adrian's mood. He knew that the unfortunate victims of the crash would not live to see another day, their families left grieving.

Adrian shut his eyes, and tried to sleep as the tears rolled down his cheek.
Opening his eyes, Adrian could see he was back at the airport, the plane had crashed, and there were sirens and smoke everywhere. On the runway, he could see Edward. Calling out to Edward, he ran to assist him, but as he reached Edward, Edward turned and growled at Adrian. Edwards face, revealing his burnt, pealing pink skin, the other half of his face revealing his skeleton, his eyeballs hanging out of his sockets. Adrian fell to the ground, and tried crawling back in an attempt to escape from the zombie like creature. Edward laughed a menacing laughed and jumped at Adrian. Adrian screamed, and then jumped up.

Adrian opened his eyes, and saw that he was in bed. He was sitting upright now, looking around the room, trying to figure out his environment. He looked at the clock on the wall ticking away. ‘Two thirty in the afternoon? I've been asleep for hours!’ Adrian mumbled to himself.

After twenty minutes, Adrian decided he needed to see the news. Perhaps this would reveal that Adrian had been found safe and well. Pulling on his slippers, he made his way downstairs and turned the television on. As he watched he could see the reports of the news.

‘This is Kenneth O’Toole reporting to you live from London’s International airport. In the early hours of this morning, a passenger plane crashed into the runway. As I have been informed, there were No survivors. What we know so far, is that the plane fell around 2000 feet, before the captain managed to temporarily gain control of the aircraft. We have also been informed that the plane was travelling more than twice the speed it should have been at when it slammed into the runway, exploding, causing all passengers to perish immediately on impact. All passengers remains have been found and have been accounted for. The plane had departed Hamburg Germany, yesterday evening. There were no reports of any malfunctions on the aircraft, so the question is, what brought down this airliner, claiming the lives of 52 passengers and 6 crew members?’

Adrian felt a chill down his spine as he heard the harrowing news. There were no reports of any missing passengers, nor was there any report to say that one passenger had survived. So what had happened to Edward? Adrian wondered as he sat there, the hairs on his neck standing up. How could he have spoken to Edward if he didn't survive the crash?

46 years later...

Jarred, walked through the new airport terminal, looking around the impressive glass and steel structure, recently erected. The fresh floor glistened as he walked across the large, quiet departures hall.

The check in desks all stood neatly besides each other, the benches, having never been used. The black and yellow signage, providing directions around the new terminal, had never been followed.

The new terminal was a major improvement in the eyes of Jarred. But he would not be working in the new terminal till tomorrow. See, Jarred was familiarising himself with the new terminal before he was set to work in the yet to be opened state of the art terminal.

Jarred had recently started working for the airport surveillance team, so it was vital that he knew every inch of the terminals. Terminal two was the new terminal, designed to replace terminal one, which was now outdated and inadequate. It could not handle the sudden boom in passenger travel, which had risen dramatically in the last decade.

Jarred was to work his first night shift on the eve of the closure of terminal one. The last flight was scheduled to depart in the late evening, so of course the surveillance team monitoring terminal one were required to monitor the evening movements around he terminal, ensuring that the last passengers made their flight, and no one was left behind in the old terminal. The terminal would shut its doors to passengers after more than forty years of service.

It was approaching 9pm, as Jarred approached terminal one. The last flight had already started boarding, so there was very little traffic around terminal 1. Jarred parked in the old car park, overlooking the old terminal. Despite the recent renovations over the years to terminal one, it's age could still be seen behind its modern glass façade.

Stepping into terminal one’s surveillance reception, Jarred was briefed and given a quick tour of the office.

‘The other terminals are monitored from another centre, located near terminal 5, where the teams are bigger. As terminal one will be shutting its doors to passengers tonight, it will only require two of you to keep an eye on things. There should be no one in the terminal till tomorrow morning when the builders arrive to start the demolition checks. The surveillance centre will be transferred to another company who will monitor the terminal from tomorrow onwards. So, do you have any questions?’ Jarred’s supervisor asked.

Jarred shook his, and his supervisor left after asking Jarred to complete one final security check of terminal one.

Deciding to wait till his night partner turned up, he entered the tiny surveillance room and began to monitor the screens. The once grand terminal, was now left deserted. There was an airy feeling as Jarred looked around the terminal, still intact. The shops remained in the old terminal one, the gates on the piers of terminal one also remained all intact, but unused. The check in desks in the departures hall, still carried the name of the names of the former carriers it used to host, but we're now empty, never more would anyone be checking into or arriving at this terminal. The conveyor belt in the arrivals hall, no longer slowly going around with bags on them, no more would it see any use. Never again would passengers arrive in the terminal, collecting their bags. No more would passengers have to pass through the now empty security stands.

The last flight From the terminal had pushed back, and was preparing for take off. This was indeed the last ever flight to depart from terminal one.

The doors of the terminal were now locked, so no one could get in other than the surveillance staff. The last black taxis departed the forecourt, and the last people wandering around terminal one, vanished into taxis or the airport’s railway station.

It was now time for Jarred to carry out the final security checks around the terminal, but as he stood up to do so, he was startled as he turned to the door and saw a small older man in the door just watching him quietly.

‘Oh! Hey. You must be my night partner!’ Jarred said as he held his hand out to the older man.

The older man looked at Jarred, and didn't shake his hand, but simply responded ‘Dennis.’

He stepped into the room, took his coat off, and gazed around seemingly confused. ‘So Dennis, how long have you worked here?’ Jarred asked.

Dennis took a seat and mumbled ‘since the beginning of time.’ Jarred could see that his night partner was socially awkward, and was a man of few words.

‘Okay Dennis, I’m going to carry out some checks. I'll see you in a little while.’ Jarred said as he hurried out of the room.

‘Wait!’ Dennis called out to Jarred. Jarred turned around and asked what was up. Dennis pointed to the computer and asked ‘what's that?’

I'm disbelief, Jarred responded and told him it was a computer.

‘Okay... What does it do?’ Dennis asked. ‘Was this guy being serious?! Really? You've worked here for so long and don't know what a computer is?’ Jarred asked himself.

Deciding he would explain what a computer was, Jarred explained what it did and showed Dennis how to use it.

Dennis seemed amazed by what a computer could do, he genuinely didn't know what a computer was! ‘Maybe he's one of those people who doesn't use technology.’ Jarred reasoned.

‘You do have a mobile?’ Jarred joked with Dennis. Dennis turned to him, and responded; ‘do you mean automobile? Yes I have one of those.’

Jarred was once again in disbelief. Surely this guy was pulling his leg he thought.

‘Erm... No... One of these.’ Jarred replied as he pulled an iPhone out of his pocket and handed it to Dennis.

Dennis cautiously held his hand out and studied the small device. ‘What does this little thing do?’ He asked.

A little irritated, Jarred responded sarcastically. ‘I believe it makes phone calls? Allowing me to connect with other people? As well as watch videos and surf the net, and listen to music.’

Dennis seemed very interested in device. ‘I can see it has a screen, but where are the diallers on it? There are no diallers or buttons to make calls with?’

Jarred, now highly irritated at what seemed to be some old fool pulling his leg, snatched the phone from Dennis and showed him how to make calls, and listen to music.

‘I'm sorry! I just am not familiar with technology!’ Dennis responded. Jarred shook his head and made his way around the deserted terminal doing his checks. It was extremely weird to see the quiet halls. Even during the Christmas period, the departure halls were not this quiet.

Passing through customs, and into the duty free zone, Jarred joked with himself about how he wished more airports were this quiet, and getting through to the gates was so much faster without anyone around. As he approached the piers, the gates were empty, the screens above the gates were permanently switched off, and there was not a single aircraft at the either of the gates.

Across the field, through the large sheets of glass, Jarred could see terminal four, and a line up of aircrafts besides each other, originating from various places across the globe. There was a Qatar airways, from the Middle East, an AeroMexico, preparing to leave for Mexico, a few Delta aircraft, waiting to return home across the pond to the United States the following morning, as well as a KLM plane preparing for tomorrow's early morning departure back to The Netherlands.

Jarred gazed at the aircrafts on the Tarmac and wished he had a holiday soon, but it would be a few months before Jarred found himself on a plane out of the airport.

Turning back, Jarred made his way back to the surveillance room, a good twenty minutes away by foot.

As Jarred approached the surveillance room, he began to feel bad for how he had treated Dennis, and decided that he would apologise, as Dennis genuinely did not seem to know about any of the technology around. There really was no ride for Jarred to have acted like that and been so rude.

As he entered the small room, He could see that Dennis had left. ‘Where is he? Probably gone to the toilet I guess.’ Jarred said to himself.

‘Where is who?’ Came a voice from the door behind Jarred. ‘BRIAN! What's wrong with you? Haven't I asked you not to startle me like that?! GEES!’ Jarred roared as he began to laugh, with an already laughing Brian.

‘Wait a second, what are you doing here Brian?’ Jarred asked.
Brian hung his coat up and responded, ‘well as far as I remember, I do work here! I mean if you want me to go home, hey just say! I'll be gone!’

‘So you're my night partner Brian?’ Jarred asked, somewhat confused. ‘What's with the 100 questions? Gosh I get this from the missus at home! Not at work.’ Brian chuckled cheerfully.

‘So who, who is Dennis?’ Jarred asked.

Brian turned to Jarred, his laugh and smile now fading. ‘An old man, with no concept of technology?’ Brian asked.

‘Yes, yes!’ Jarred responded. ‘Who is he?’

Brian stepped over to one of the cupboards. opened it and pulled out a newspaper.

‘Read this Jarred.’

‘But it's dated 195...’ Jarred began, but was cut off by Brian asking Jarred to read it.

The article was of an air crash which had occurred at the airport. No survivors. The plane was bound for terminal one.

‘So there was a plane crash here many years ago, so what?’ Jarred asked.

Brian turned the page and pointed to a list of victims.

‘Edward Dennis?’ Jarred asked has began to read out loud.

‘Edward Dennis, 37, from nearby Hounslow, was completing a business trip abroad, when he perished on impact of the aircraft crash. He was a great father and loving husband, known to his loved ones as DENNIS!’

Jarred looked up at Brian, his face now Snow White. ‘What's the matter Jarred? Looks like you've seen a ghost!’ Brian laughed.

‘I see you've been ‘Dennis-ed’ to Jarred, the reason why Dennis didn’t have any concept of technology was because he never got to use it. He wouldn't understand or know what it is. He has been appearing from the time the plane crashed. There was a fire fighter who reported talking to him shortly after the plane crashed. He could not understand why Dennis simply vanished from the scene. Since then he has appeared in numerous spots in terminal one, either enquiring about lost luggage, or asking how new technology works. He's part of the old terminal one, but they say he will stop appearing once the dismantling of terminal one begins.’

Jarred stared at the chilling news report. And to think that he had been rude to Dennis, who would never have known how to work the technology, who meant no harm at all, and the fact that he would never get to apologise for his rude actions, ever again.

For the remains of Edward Dennis, would finally be put to rest as the the dismantling of terminal one began. The sights of Dennis would stop, and no more would Dennis appear...

Never more

© 2017 Karim A

Author's Note

Karim A
As per usual with my other stories, please ignore the poor grammar, and let me know what you think of the story. This is a brand new story I wrote

My Review

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Wanna know why you don't get a lot of reviews?

It's not your grammar or your story.

It is length. Chop this up into three stories with three mini arcs.

Eventually, if you don't suck, you will be able to get more views with longer pieces.

But to start... everything you write is too f*****g long. (yes, I've read other things of yours as well... sort of)

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 20, 2017
Last Updated on January 20, 2017


Karim A
Karim A

Derby & London, United Kingdom

Hi, I'm Karim, known to my friends as "Kayz" I was born and raised in London till I was 11. In the early part of 2001 we moved to The Netherlands where I remained for four years before moving back.. more..

Just double it Just double it

A Story by Karim A