We are all but broken people
Pilfering life as it comes
Getting beaten at every turn
Why is it so hard to accept brokenness
When we ourselves are brokenness in definition
We are all walking billboards of pain
Most hidden some not
Disconnected from each other
So we can be comfortable
Fear drives us to keep our pain hidden
Too afraid that people will love us less
If they knew the truth
Which is mostly true
We fear our brokenness
Because the world wants perfection
But perfection is not truth
In our fear we become disconnected from life
Out main focus becomes perfection
To the public eye
We loose sight of the one who can
And will help us become whole again
Brokenness has one fear
A loving God whose love is beyond compare
If perfect love casts out fear
Then we can no longer
And should no longer fear our brokenness
Brokenness has one master
And His name is Jesus
Let us let Him heal our brokenness