

A Poem by Perri

I'm sure every writer wonders what goes through the mind of the reader.


Profile views, hundreds and hundreds,

Make you think.

Are people reading my work?

But why? It's terrible!

And I mean that in the least self-deprecating way.

I know I'm no eloquent writer or poet.

It is simply so,

I find no fault with that.


And then I think...

Did I make an impact?

Did anyone remember me?

Did I make someone think, or remember?

Did I make them feel?


Profile views, hundreds and hundreds.

Looking at me, judging on the only thing there.

My work...ah, my work.


If only one of those views meant something more than typeface

on a computer screen,

Jumbled words and the cacophony made by the murder of literature,

If one person took something away and pondered it and wasted a small time in their life

considering mine.



It would make me smile. 



© 2013 Perri

Author's Note

Thoughts? Improvements? Let me know =)

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Featured Review

Are you into psychology or something? When I stumbled upon your profile, I saw the word "impact" in the last line. You also happened to write a poem called impact, there for all to see. You're giving psychological cues to people to read this, whether you realise it or not. Which I think is pretty damn smart! Also, your poem hit the nail on the head. That's what we all wonder! Thank you for sharing! :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

I hadn't even noticed I had done that haha! I do love psychology though, well done for noticing! Tha.. read more


Are you into psychology or something? When I stumbled upon your profile, I saw the word "impact" in the last line. You also happened to write a poem called impact, there for all to see. You're giving psychological cues to people to read this, whether you realise it or not. Which I think is pretty damn smart! Also, your poem hit the nail on the head. That's what we all wonder! Thank you for sharing! :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

I hadn't even noticed I had done that haha! I do love psychology though, well done for noticing! Tha.. read more

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1 Review
Added on July 25, 2013
Last Updated on July 25, 2013



Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Hello! =) I'm Perri, I'm 17 and residing in Scotland. I'm a reader at heart, not a writer- but I feel it would be unfair to take and not give so I try my best to add writing. I'm my own worst criti.. more..

Escapegoat. Escapegoat.

A Poem by Perri