![]() Revolution of PeopleA Story by Kitsue![]() Political views written by a quiet soul![]() Dear America, As an American citizen I have certain rights. Rights that we all share. I will express my most important right. The right of free speech. A right that we as people neglect to use outside of homes, barbershops, schools and bars, and refuse to use in the right context. On March 5, 2011, I listened on the news, of a CHURCH, protesting as a soldier’s funeral. The family of the soldier sued that church for emotional distress and lost the case because the church was exercising its right of Free Speech. They held up signs protesting war and gays during an emotional moment for a family who lost a child so that those people can have that right, for however much longer the debt we incurred can be allowed in default. What we as Americans forget is that our ‘Free’dom is not free. It was achieved with blood, sweat, disease and death. Our forefathers sacrificed, home, family, and life to ensure that their descendants were free to grow as they desired and not in a cookie cutter that determined what they were and who they were. In our society today, we have laws that protect the wrong people. We let certain individuals slide on charges that would sentence another man to prison or worse. Our sense of justice is skewed beyond repair, and yet we allow it. We allow our lives to be placed back into the cookie cutter form to be molded. It starts as children. In school, the teacher, who is supposed to be a role model turns blind eyes to the kids that need help. They pass them just to get them out of the class. A child will spend hours of their lives with their hands up. Begging for help and the teacher won’t pay attention or the help they give is more confusing to the child. We reward some at the expense of others. How is that okay? Murderers, rapist, child molesters, gangsters, and sociopaths are guaranteed 3 hot and a cot, plus a better education than high school and college students, and we Americans PAY for it. Our tax dollars that are supposed to help the people are going to helping the people we despise and took off the streets for our safety. The people of our nation are not guaranteed even that. We raid tent cities of homeless who have no guaranteed place of safety away from heat and cold and yet we destroy what they have because it makes the city look bad. As a rule Americans are self-righteous. As we grew up we were taught that this is the greatest country in the world. Told over and over “We’ve done this for this nation, that for that nation. We helped this nation with this war, and that nation with that war. We are one of the greatest super powers on the planet.” As children we are preached the greatness of our country. What we aren’t preached is the faults. In the Korean War, the Koreans were holding elections for whether the nation would be a communist or a democracy. America feared they would vote communist and so went in to try and force democracy on them. That country is now split one half communist, one half democracy, because we couldn’t leave well enough alone. I read in a book that had the Treaty of Versailles not humiliated Germany to such a point after World War I there was a possibility that Hitler would not have had the ammo he had to start World War II. There was a possibility that there wouldn’t have been the genocide of thousands of Jewish citizens. Yet, at the time, we only wanted to make an example of them by humiliating them so much that they resented EVERYONE and gave rise to a leader who looked nothing like what he was trying to promote in the Aryan nation. Our nation has fallen in stature, in power, in respect. We are nothing more than infants compared to how advance other nations are to us. Yet we still preach the greatness of our nation to our children who are going up sick, growing up fat, growing up lazy, with so many objects to do what we are too lazy to. The spiral of our nations actions are condemning us to be auctioned off piece by piece. We spend our hard earned money helping Haiti, helping Philippine’s, helping Egypt, helping Liberia, helping Africa, and any other nation in trouble instead of helping OUR people, OUR nation, OUR society. We stand in the lines of conformity, when not 50 years ago we fought to break away from the confines of our government. The greatest man I know told me, that we are no longer humans but monkeys. We follow the crowds follow the lines. Monkey See Monkey Do. If someone blames a person we all go with it. Because someone said this, we all believe it. We conform like monkeys, like lemmings, like sheep, like cattle following everyone else following the other people and not caring why. And yet even as we low and bleat in our herds, we still have the mentality that every man is his own nation. We talk about how s****y the government is and yet we keep our heads down not speaking of it. Who is to blame for the way our nation is right now? Who is to blame for the status of our education, the status of our healthcare, the status of our people and lives? The President? He’s the head of the nation. If he hadn’t passed those bills, or he had vetoed those bills. Or if he had kept his promises for change, our nation wouldn’t be in the state it is. It is President’s fault because he didn’t do as he promised. WRONG! It’s the Congress’s fault then? They’re the ones who are looking over and writing the bills. It’s their fault that we’re in so much debt. It’s their fault that we’ve become a nation so far down in the ranks that were looked down upon by nations we once laughed at. We should blame them for all the problems. WRONG! It’s the fault of state governors? They pass the laws and decide on them. They can’t manage the money that we are issued. They spend it on frivolous items. They are the reason we are in debt. They need to change. They need to communicate with the people on what the people need. WRONG! The fault is not within the governments. It’s not within the soul person in power it is the PEOPLE that need to change. The PEOPLE who put each and every official in office, who need to change the government. The PEOPLE need to make the changes. It is the PEOPLE who caused the problems. The PEOPLE who are conditioned from birth to make decisions that shape their lives and then play hot-potato when something goes wrong. “By the PEOPLE, of the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE.” We were told that when we were taught of Democracy. The PEOPLE give power to the President, who gives power to congress. It is the PEOPLE who the government to turn to, to elect the officials in power. It is the PEOPLE who vote on laws THEY don’t bother to read. What we see on TV we think is the whole truth, and yet we don’t READ between the fine lines. We don’t look at the contracts we enter into; we don’t use our common sense. That makes us who we are. We are returning to cookie cutter format and returning to the mind speak that we as people have no voice. On television there is a show called “What would you do?” with John Quinones he puts situations in front of people and see how they react. It’s amazing how few actually do the right thing. That shows society correctly. Unless we someone else taking initiative we don’t act. We turn blind eyes and say it doesn’t concern us. When it comes to the problems we act like there isn’t an elephant taking a s**t on our already dirty floors. We turn up our noses and complain about the other countries saying that it’s their fault our gas prices are rising, when it’s not their fault but the fact that we put to waste the gas we have making thousands of trips in one day rather than grouping, walking, or using alternative modes of transportation. America, I say to you now. We need to stop being Blamers, and be AMERICANS. Understand our country will never change so long as we act like our s**t doesn’t stink because honestly our s**t smells worse than anyone else. America, it’s high time we pull the stick from our a*s and lower ourselves, as our ancestors did. It’s time we take back our country, return it to its former glory. That starts within. We need to stop spending thousands of dollars on repairing other countries and repair our debt. We need to DEMAND the return of the chain gangs in prison, have those people working for their 3hot and a cot and not allow them the education or benefits they receive on OUR tax dollars. Refocus on our children’s education and not on the extracurricular activities they are allowed. Our children no longer work in the fields summer vacation should be removed and the children given a month off while they transition from one grade to the next. Schools should go longer so that our kids can learn more so that they can be ALL they can be. Not the slobs they are now. We need to bring back EQUALITY! We have no equality any more. As the hierarchy goes its: Celebrities, Sport stars, Presidents, Politicians, Government Officials, those with money, Public Service officials, then comes the people. More teens and adults watch American Idol than what’s going on in the world. You see it in the media all the time. If an officer shoots a fleeing man and kills him, it is seen as “Unnecessary Use of Force.” If a regular person shoots a man fleeing from his yard after attempting to break into his home, it’s seen as murder. Celebrities can go to jail as many times as they like and get nothing but a slap on the wrist for whatever law they break. Can a normal person say the same? Can a normal person say that they can get out of jail with just a call to their agent? Or be able to get out of a traffic ticket with an autograph? Why? Why have we regressed so far as to not care about the very soil we live on. Our nation is going into foreclosure and we’re sprinting it along the process bypassing all the danger signs hell we’re sprinting along with it. We DON’T USE OUR VOICES for the right causes. We’re proud to say who we voted for on “Dancing with the Stars” but go quiet when we announce who we voted for in the election. We never support our government we put them in office and then say “Take care of us for us so we don’t have to.” Those who don’t vote, you are as much to blame as anyone else. As the Rush song “Freewill” states “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” For better or worse, your choice to not contribute your voice in the voting process means that you forfeited the power to help change this nation, to possibly pull it from the hellish flames that are now consuming the people. Ladies and gentlemen, you know what I say is right and true, what I say is what runs through your minds and yet you push it behind your ears like a lock of troublesome hair and instead of focusing on the problem you look for scapegoats. You can deny it all you want but when was it decided that people should spend millions writing a bill to ban gay marriage? How can we say that two people getting married violate the sanctity of marriage when 30% of the nation gets a divorce, and it’s seen as normal? There are religions that allow polygamy or bigamy and yet we want to say that the act of two men or two women getting married violates the sanctity of marriage. How many fingers do we point before we poke ourselves in the eye? How many times are we going to walk down the beaten path before someone decides to take the path less traveled and excel above the factory mentality to free-thinking? We need out of the Matrix and into reality. We need to prove that we still have a voice, that we still have our individuality and that we are not going to conform to the cookie cutter that speaks in the televisions the radios, in the classrooms. Parents need to TALK, LISTEN, and RAISE their own kids. They need to stop relying on teachers or principles or afterschool programs to teach them right and wrong. They need to stop telling the kids “Do as I say and not as I do” and tell them to “Learn from me, watch what I do.” We need to be allowed to SPANK a child when they do something wrong. Generations upon GENERATIONS, hit their children when they acted out in a negative manner, when they stole from a store, when they did what they were told not to. GENERATIONS upon GENERATIONS, produced people of such inspiration, such powerful leaders that CHANGED the nation not promise change upon change upon change to get elected. What have the recent generations produced? Xbox? PlayStation 3? What we create now is nothing like what we created before the 1980’s. When we had activists rising up to defend the PEOPLE who create the nation and not the MONEY that is flowing through it. There used to be people who challenged the government to be better, to be stronger, and to help the LOWEST classes and not the class with the most cash. There was a time when we were UNIFIED, when we all had a VOICE, when we all USED our voices. We need to see what we are doing NOW, before it’s too late. Before we are suddenly replaced and auctioned off like slaves to work of the trillions in debt that WE incurred. We are ONE NATION, ONE COUNTRY; we are the UNITED States of America, not the Individual States on the Continent of North America plus Canada. Its high time we take a breath and start taking fault for our actions and start making EVERYONE pay off the debt WE’VE incurred; from Lady Gaga to Senora Rosa who lives down the street and babysits the children occasionally. We need to start SAVING, our money. We need to PUT IT AWAY, so that it can be used in case of EMERGENCIES, not to get that new game system or those 400$ pair of shoes. The richest man isn’t the one with the most money earned, but the most money saved. The immortal man isn’t the one in stone but the one with a family and a true bloodline. No man is worth the lives of thousands of others. As we learned in Horton Hears a Who! By the Late and Great Dr. Seuss, “A Person’s a person no matter how small.” There is no price on our head that says how much we are worth. No dollar sign that determines our value. The richest man is the poorest if he doesn’t have values. With so much more to say, I conclude upon this bit of writing, leaving it unfinished by my hands and giving others the chance to continue, to add their voice to mine, to add their opinions, ideas, and knowledge about how WILL change our government, OUR FUTURE, so that we aren’t reduced to satellite nations forced to be less than what we are. Forced to lose our individuality and become cookie molds chopped out on the conveyer belt of society. Sincerely, A voice in the crowd, © 2011 KitsueAuthor's Note
Added on March 8, 2011 Last Updated on March 8, 2011 Author![]() KitsueTipton, CAAbout16 yrs of age, not really all that special. I'm some what of a loner but I don't care. My motto is, "Even though you get thousands of opinions about how you should dress, how much you shoud weigh, and.. more..Writing