

A Chapter by Peppy

Last month<3



Well... it’s the last month of the school year. Everyone is so excited to leave. Secretly, I’m not. I don’t want to leave Hayden. I’ll miss him so much…

Anyway, today was pretty interesting. At recess, Dalton chased me all over the recess field. Literally. I was totally creeped out and I couldn’t escape him. He kept saying he loved me and blah blah. I ran toward Hayden but Dalton blocked me and put his arm around me. Hayden saw (thank God!) and shoved him.

“He’s like Madison!” Scott called out. I shook my head but giggled. Hayden and I talked again. We watched the boys tease Chris and throw balls at him. Heh, balls. When the whistle blew for us to go in, I stepped onto the balance beam. I almost fell off but Hayden grabbed my hand and helped me back up. I walked across it and jumped off. Scott came up to us.

“Chris keeps calling me a donkey! I am not a donkey! I’m a penguin! A certified penguin,” he said. We all laughed.

After the NJHS inductions, Hayden’s class and my class had to go into my room while all the teachers went to the NJHS lunch thing. Scott came in first by himself to drop something off. We looked at each other, but we both looked down quickly. I bit my lip.

The rest of the class came in. Hayden smiled at me as soon as he saw me. I smiled back. He sat behind me with Matt and Madison sat next to me. I didn’t get any work done because I was so distracted. Madison and I kept giggling and Mr. Pagoria would yell at us. I got up once to sharpen my pencil. As I walked passed Hayden, I poked him and giggled. We kept looking at each other and whispering things.

When the NJHS members and teachers came back, all of us had to put our computers away. Hayden and I got up at the same time. I pretended to hit him with my laptop.

“Why would you do that?” he said, sadly.

“Aw, I’m sorry!” I said and leaned on him.

“It’s okay,”


He packed up his things. As he walked passed my desk, we high-fived. Then, sadly, he and his class left.

And the best part is, I didn’t pay attention to Scott at all.



At lunch, I walked passed Hayden’s table and poked him. Ricky shoved a pudding cup in my face.

“Chris did that!” Scott said.

“Uh… okay?” I laughed.

Suddenly, all the boys talked to me at once about Chris. My eyes widened, trying to listen to everyone. I looked at Scott and watched his lips move as he spoke. I looked at Scott and watched his lips move as he spoke. I just smiled at him as if I heard what he said. He smiled back.

At recess, Hayden and I talked again. I would meet eye contact with Scott and…

Oh yeah! I forgot to say what happened this morning. Autumn and I were walking to the courtyard. Scott was behind us and I didn’t notice.

“Hi, Scott,” Autumn said. I glanced back at him.

“Sup,” he said to Autumn. She smiled at me, innocently.

“Why do you do that to me?” I said. I didn’t know Scott was still behind me. So when I glanced back at him again, I realized he could’ve heard what I said. So of course, I freaked out. “Oh, he’s still there,” I said as I shoved Autumn into a classroom.



“Hey, Mr. Botweenies,” I said to Hayden, pronouncing his last name wrong.

“That’s gonna be your last name, so shut up!” Daniel called out. I gasped and walked away.

At recess, Hayden stood on the balance beam. I tried to get on, too, but I kept falling.

“Need help?” Hayden asked, smiling and reaching out his hand. I almost took it, but I realized he was on my right side. I didn’t want to hold his hand with my awkward hand.

“Um, no, I got it!” I said, stepping onto the balance beam by myself, but I fell off again. I laughed hysterically, pretending I couldn’t take the moment seriously.

There’s one thing Hayden doesn’t know about me…

When I was born, the doctor’s broke the growth plate in my right arm by accident. So my right arm is shorter than my left one. It’s totally noticeable, so I’m surprised Hayden hasn’t asked me about it.

So coming in from recess, I held hands with Hayden with my left hand and we walked inside.

When we got to the door, we said our goodbyes.

“Rawr,” I said.

“Rawr,” Hayden said, smiling. I smiled back.

I love having our own secret codeword that no one else knows.



I saw Hayden everywhere today. Everytime we saw each other, we would say, “stalker”.

In church, I had to bring up the wine. Hayden was altar serving, so I had to bring it up to him. I shook as I walked down the aisle. I awkwardly gave the pitcher to the priest and sat back down in my pew. But I kept smiling throughout the rest of the service.

At the end of church, Hayden’s class left before mine. As Scott walked passed me, we looked at each other. He scratched the side of his nose and looked down. I looked down at my lap.

In bowling, my team and Hayden’s team were right next to each other. Like, same computer and everything. We sat down together and talked and laughed. So did Scott. It was like we were all normal friends (even though me and Hayden are dating). I went up to bowl. Scott stood up, too, and I realized our turns were at the same time. We both reached for our balls and our hands brushed against each other.

“Oh, sorry,” I mumbled. Scott stayed silent. I bowled first. I was nervous so I did horribly. For some reason, I felt like Scott was watching my every move.

A few minutes later, I went to sit down, but the only seat left was next to Scott. I took a deep breath and sat next to him. We both stared straight ahead and didn’t say anything to each other. I scooted to the edge of my seat. Awkward.

He stood up to bowl and got a strike. I broke the awkwardness and high-fived him.

Hayden sat down next to me. We came up with different inside jokes and talked things that no one else would understand. We kept bursting out in laughter. At one point, Hayden was trying to be funny and he just stared at me. I stared back at him. After a while, I smiled.

I would’ve kissed him, but the teachers were around so I couldn’t. His face was right there. It would’ve been perfect.

Our chaperones dropped us off. I met up with Scott and Hayden. Luis came up to us bragging about the pictures he got from my mom from ___.

“Remember how you looked, Alyssa?” Luis asked me.

“Ugh, I looked so girly. I didn’t like it!” I whined.

“Girly? You don’t like to look girly?” Scott asked.

“No,” I said.

“Why?” Hayden asked.

“I don’t know. It’s just… ehhh. Like, I don’t know how to explain it!”

“Madison isn’t girly,” Hayden said.

“Yeah, she’s a man,” Scott said.

“Omg, you guys are so mean,” I said.

“Dude, she still texts me even though I told her I blocked her,” Scott said.

“I know, she told me about that,” I said.

“Yeah! She’s so annoying” Scott said as he opened the front door of the school.

“Well… she’s my friend so… I can’t say anything,” I said. Scott and Hayden both shook their heads at me. I giggled and walked up to my homeroom.

“Bye,” I said to Hayden.

Scott must’ve thought I was still talking to him, because then he said, “Seeya,”

Oh well. I walked inside, smiling to myself.

And the reason is my little secret.


"Mrs. Horn, can one of my students use your computer to take an RC test?" Mrs. Kwoka asked my teacher.
"Sure!" She said. My eyes widened. What if it's Hayden?
"Oh God," I said out loud.
"What? Are you afraid it'll be Hayden?" Jordan asked.
"Yeah..." I said. Sure enough, Hayden walked in. I giggled to myself and looked down. As he walked passed me, I whispered, "Stalker."
He laughed quietly.
At recess, Dalton grabbed Scott by his arm and threw him on the ground.
"Ohhh!" Everyone said. Scott popped right back up. He looked at me and grinned.
"Penguin Man got thrown on the ground!" He said. I laughed and shook my head.
Hayden and I didn't talk at recess. It should've talked to him, though, since it's my last week at school before I... leave. I wanna spend as much time as I can before summer starts. I mean, yeah, there'll be parties when school let's out, but still.
At dismissal, I saw Hayden. He looked at me and smiled.
"Bye, Hayden!" I called out. He walked toward me. "Wait... give me a hug," I said and hugged him.
"I like your drawing," he said and grinned. Oh yeah! The drawing! Over the weekend, I drew two people hugging. It actually came out good so I decided to give it to Hayden. I told Madison to give it to him, though.
"Oh! You're welcome, I guess," I stuttered and smiled.
"Yeah, thanks!" He called out as he walked to his car.
I stood there in a daze. He liked the picture. He gave me a hug. He... smiled at me.
I love his smile.

At break time, I stood by the C.O.W. in the hall. I saw Hayden. I ran up to him and threw myself into his arms. He hugged me and we both laughed.
Later, in the hall again, I waited to get into my homeroom. Hayden walked passed me. I put my foot out and pretended to trip him. He smiled at me and I giggled.
At lunch, I walked passed Hayden and poked him.
"Alyssa," Daniel said.
"What?" I asked and turned around.
"Hayden can't go to recess because of him," Daniel said, pointing at Mitchell.
"Mitchell!" I glared at him.
"What?!" He asked.
"Actually, none of us have recess," Hayden said.
"Oh, then, whatever," I said and walked on.
"Oooh," everyone said. I turned back around.
"No! I didn't mean it like that! Sorry!" I said to Hayden.
"It's okay!" He laughed.
"Oh yeah, did you give that thing to your mom or whatever?" I asked.
"Yeah, I did," he said.
"Okay, thanks!"
"Oooh, a thing to your mom," Daniel said.
"Ew," I said and walked away.
I paid no attention to Scott at all. That's good, I guess. Maybe tomorrow I'll talk to him, though. To make sure we're still friends.

Hayden held my hand. We were standing under the tree in the recess field.
"It's my last week of school," I said quietly. "I don't want to leave you."
"I'm gonna miss you so much," Hayden said. The sun shined so bright and the weather was perfect. I looked up at Hayden. But it wasn't him... He suddenly had blonde hair and brown eyes. Scott?
I dropped his hand and ran off.
"Wait!" Scott called out. He took my hand and pulled me close to him. I looked down at his chest and closed my eyes. It started to rain. The drops of water mixed with my tears. Scott lifted up my chin and wiped them off my cheeks.
"I love you," he said.
"Don't say it if you don't mean it," I said. He pulled out an umbrella and held it over us, blocking the rain. I looked at him. His face was right there. I watched his eyes look down at my lips. He leaned in. I closed my eyes again.
I woke up. My eyes were watering as if I had actually been crying. That wasn't a dream.
It was a nightmare.

At lunch, I walked passed Hayden's table. I heard Scott mumble, "Watch, she's gonna say 'poke'."
I poked Hayden and said, "Poke!"
"Oooh! I called it!" Scott shouted. I laughed and walked away.
At recess, I talked to Hayden finally. It was nothing special though. We just laughed at others and told Dalton to go away. At the end, I hugged him and went inside.
Okay, yeah, I met awkward eye contact with Scott a lot today. A couple times in the hall, at lunch, and at recess.
I was in the hall and Scott came around the corner. He looked at me and automatically looked down. Then, I saw Hayden.
"Sniff sniff," he said.
"Haha, what?!" I laughed. Him and his friends cracked up as they walked away.
Eh, short, boring entry. Bye.

During break, I saw Hayden. "Stalker," I said. He smiled at me. As we walked passed each other, high-fived but held it until we completely went by. Then, we let go.
At lunch, I walked passed Hayden's table to recycle my Capri Sun. I squeezed it and juice came out.
"Oops, I accidentally squirted some juice," I said to Manuela.
"You squirted what?" Daniel asked.
"My Capri Sun!" I whined. "Look," I walked over to Scott and pretended to pour Capri Sun on him. He flinched and I laughed.
"She got me wet," Scott said.
"Ew," I giggled and walked away. Okay... so I flirted with him. Ahhh, sorry!
At recess, Hayden and I talked again. On the way back in, I said, "Waaa, tomorrow's my last day of bowling."
"Waaa," Hayden said. "Tomorrow's the 11th."
"Oh yeah, because today's the 10th. Duh," I said.
"Zero days from my birthday..."
"Wait, when's your birthday?"
"Oh! Right!" I said.
"Yeah," Hayden said. I laughed.
"Oh my gosh, I didn't know when your birthday was. I am so sorry," I said.
"It's fine!" Hayden said.
"Rawr," he smiled. I smiled back and went inside.
Ugh! I was hoping his birthday had already passed before we were dating, too!
I'm screwed.

5-11-12 ~Hayden's Birthday~
I got dropped off early at school, so none of the classes were let in yet. I talked to Amanda and waited patiently. For what, you ask? For Hayden, of course! But why, you ask? Because it's his birthday!
Hayden walked passed me with a tray of cupcakes in his hands for his class.
"Hi, Hayden," I said.
"Hi," he said and smiled. He waited by his classroom door and talked to his friends. I gripped the blue envelope in my hands. Maybe I'll give it to him later...
He went inside his classroom to put away the cupcakes and came back out. He was empty-handed finally. Now, this is my chance! I pranced over to Hayden, got as close to him as possible, and held up the blue envelope.
"I didn't forget," I smiled. "Here."
He smiled back and took the envelope, "Thank you."
"Wait, don't open it now that I'm here! It's embarrassing!" I said and took a few steps back. Then, "Wait, go ahead and open it now that I'm here," I giggled.
"Okay?" Hayden laughed. I grinned as he opened it. It had took me a while to pick out a perfect birthday card for him. I finally found one with a totally relatable poem and took it. On the inside of the card, though, I wrote my own little note:
"Remember in D.C. when we were standing in line for the White House? And I called you B.O.? Good times. Anyway, I hope you have a great birthday..." and blah blah.
Hayden laughed quietly as he read it.
"What?" I asked.
"Mushroom Pixie," he said. I laughed.
"Nooo! You still remember that!" I whined.
Last year, in drama class, John Michael and Hayden were making fun of me.
"You're a pixie," John Michael had said.
"Oh, but pixies are pretty!" I said.
"You're a Mushroom Pixie then!" Hayden had said.
"Good times," Hayden said now.
"Good times," I repeated. My teacher opened the classroom door. "Oh, I gotta go."
"Aw," Hayden said. He opened his arms,"One hug?"
I smiled and hugged him. Yay! Then, I skipped into class.
During snack, Hayden walked into my classroom to give Mrs. Horn a cupcake. Scott followed behind him. Ugh.
"Ooh! Can I have one?!" Everyone asked.
"No," Hayden said to all of them.
"Can I have one?" I asked.
"Of course," Hayden smiled. I took a cupcake and then Hayden let everyone else have one.
"There's a lot. Even Penguin Man can have one!" I said to Scott.
"Yep! I got a white one for my penguin self," Scott said. They walked out.
At lunch, I walked passed Hayden's table (like always).
"Poke... poke..." Scott whispered.
"Poke," I said and poked Hayden.
"Yeah!" Scott shouted, triumphantly. I laughed. Hayden looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and walked away.
At bowling, it sucked because Hayden's team was far away. It was our last bowling class, too, so all the girls were taking pictures. But I was in my own little world half the time.
When Hayden's team finished their three games, they sat in the back. Whenever it wasn't my turn to bowl, I would sneak to the back back and talk to Hayden. Scott and I met awkward eye contact twice, but we both would always look down.
Bowling ended. I walked with Hayden outside. When no one was looking, we hugged.
"Bye!" I said as I walked away.
"Bye!" He called out.
And that was it. I only have two more weeks of school left. Then it's all over. Me and Hayden's relationship. Me and Scott's eye contact. The drama.
The sad part is...
I'm gonna miss all of that.

Scott was absent today. I noticed right away. Is that bad?
Anyway, in the hall, I walked passed Madison and said something to her.

"Ew, it's Madison's face," Hayden called out. I walked passed him and gave him a little shove.
"Aw, you're so mean!" I said. He turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back.
At lunch, I walked passed Hayden's table. I poked him. Daniel stared at him. I gave him a dirty look.
"What?" I asked.
He pointed at Manuela, "She's mean."
Manuela walked over to Daniel. They started talking and I continuosly poked Hayden.
"Ahhh, stop!" Hayden laughed. I giggled and walked away.
During recess, I clung to Hayden. It was my last recess, so I wanted to spend every minute of it with him. We laughed and talked and had one sad moment of realizing I was leaving the school next week. I didn't get to give him a hug at the end, because Mrs. Kwoka was standing right there. We both said "Rawr" and went to our seperate classes.
I saw Hayden in the hall, later, though. I hugged him.
"Since I didn't get a hug at recess," he said.
"I know!" I whined.


"Scott said that you say stuff behind my back. I don't believe him, I am just asking. Hayden even said that, too," Madison texted me.
I switched conversations and texted Scott, "Scott! You told Madison that I talk behind her back?!"
"What?! I don't even talk to her!" He replied.
"She said you and Hayden told her that I talk behind her back. Just tell me the truth for once, okay?"
"I never told her that, Alyssa! I'm not lying to you!"
"Okay, fine," I gave up, like usual.
But then he said, "If you don't believe me then that's fucked up, because Madison lied about her dad being in the hospital."
"No she didn't. She wouldn't lie to me," I replied. "She was literally crying to me on the phone when it happened."
"Okay, but still it's fucked up if you don't believe me. I don't get why she likes to start drama."
"I do believe you."
"Thank you. All I wanted was for you to believe me."
I didn't reply. Could he still like me? Or at least miss me? If he didn't then he wouldn't have tried so hard for me to believe him...

Today, my misson was to find Hayden. I haven't seen him for two days because my class doesn't have to go to school unless you need to take an exam. I had to take the math and science exam.
During break, I walked passed the bathrooms. The boy's bathroom door opened and I heard his voice, "Yeah, you guys have fun in there."
I gasped as I turned around, "Hayden!" I ran up to him and hugged him.
"Hey!" He hugged me back.
"Yay!" I said. Scott and Matthew came out. Scott looked at me and looked down. I pretended I didn't notice.
Hayden and I started laughing and joking. Everything was perfect until Sabrina turned the corner.
"Alyssa, I need to tell you something," she said and blocked my view from Hayden.
"Wait, but..." I started to say. Me and Scott met eye contact. I turned and looked at Hayden instead.
"Come on!" She took my hand and dragged me away.
"Awww!" I whined. I didn't see him for the rest of the day.
During dismissal, I burst through the outside doors and danced and shouted, "No more studying! No more tests!"
"Woo!" Autumn said. We both started screaming together. She picked me up.
"WOO!" We screamed again. Everyone laughed.
Because guess what?! It was our official last day of school!

"Nooo, I can't go to Luis's party," Hayden texted me.
"What?! Why?" I replied.
"I woke up with a cold and my parents changed their minds about me going,"
S**t. I'm screwed.
But wait... Scott and Josh are going. This means I get to flirt with them as much as I want to without worrying about Hayden being hurt. Sorry, Hayden, but now I have a chance. I'm gonna use it.
I arrived at the party. The first thing I saw when I got out of my car was Scott. We met eye contact and looked down.
I went inside Luis's room with Manny and Autumn. We hung around and blah blah. Okay, let's cut to the interesting part.
We went back outside and I saw a police car come up the driveway.
"Is that Josh?" I asked.
"I don't know," someone said. I saw him come out of the car. S**T.
I automatically started freaking out.
"Alyssa, look it's Josh!" Luis called out.
"Psh, whatever," I said.
We all went inside.
"Ew, it's Josh," I said when he walked in.
"Shut up, Alyssa. You were asking where he was earlier. You were all like, 'Where's Josh?'" Luis blurted out.
"Psh, no I wasn't! What are you talk about?" I stuttered and glanced at Scott. He smirked and looked away.
We all went into the living room. Luis remixed songs on his DJ app on his computer. The rest of us fooled around.
Luis's mom brought in pizza and drinks. Luis called us one by one to get them and made me last.
"I already had lunch, so I'm not hungry," I said.
"Fine," Luis said. I looked at my phone and suddenly everyone laughed. I looked back up. Everyone was looking at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Haha, nothing," Scott said and shook his head. I looked back down and everyone laughed again. I was totally lost. I looked behind me. Josh and Luis just stood there smiling. I turned back around. Everyone laughed. Finally, I looked behind me quickly and saw Luis humping the chair I was sitting on. I stood up and ran away.
Everyone went back outside. The boys went to Luis's backyard and crawled over the wire fence.
"Let's go on an adventure!" I shouted and ran toward it.
"Nah, there's alligators out there," Scott said.
"Oh," I said. But he and Leroy crawled through the fence anyway. All the girls went into Luis's back porch and sat down in some chair. We played with his cat until I heard my phone go off. I took it out of my pocket and looked at it. Manuela? But she was sitting in front of me. I answered it.
"Hello?" I said. All I heard was a bunch of guys' voices.
"Who is it?" Manuela asked.
"I don't know. The caller ID says it's you,"
"Someone stole your phone," Autumn told Manny.
"Who is this?" I asked the caller. I still couldn't understand anything, so I hung up. We heard a noise. The leaves ruffled and there was a giggle.
"What is that?" I asked. I started freaking out when I heard more noises.
"It's Scott and Leroy. They're trying to scare us," Autumn said.
"Ahhh!" I recognized Scott's loud shout.
"Yeah, I hear them," I said. They were a quiet for a few minutes. Then, they jumped out. I screamed.
"Guys! You only scared Alyssa," Autumn said.
Everyone ran inside later. They all went into Luis's room and locked the door... leaving me out.
"Hey, wait!" I knocked on the door. They didn't let me in. I banged on the door and the boys laughed.
Josh opened it a crack and peered out. "What's the password?" He asked.
"You're a f****t."
"Oh, no! I was actually thinking about letting you in, but nevermind!"
"Ugh, no!" I shouted. He shut the door. "Why me?!" I leaned my back against the wall. After a couple of minutes, I eventually got bored and went into the living room. Then, I went back to the door and knocked on it. They opened it and let me in. But then they all ran out.
"I just got in here!" I said. When everyone left, I closed the door and locked it. Mwahaha. I waited for someone to knock on the door. Manuela and Autumn did, so I only let them in.
Later, the boys knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I sang.
"Leroy," a voice said.
"Oh, sorry, can't let you in," I said. Someone threw themself against the door and it pushed me backward. "Geez!" I shouted.
"Let us in!" Someone said.
"No. You never let me in," I said. I saw Scott's hat on the ground. "Ooh! Is this Scott's hat?" I said loudly and picked it up.
"No! Don't touch it!" Scott said. I leaned against the door and felt Leroy and Scott bang on it.
"Alyssa, put this on," Manuela said and gave me Luis's Deadmau5 head.
"Nooo," I said. I tried putting it on but it wouldn't fit. "It won't fit."
"Please, put it on!" Manuela and Autumn begged. They were planning on me to wear the Deadmau5 head, hide in the closet, and jump out when they let the boys in.
Manuela tried putting it on and broke the ear. Scott and Leroy got in somehow and saw.
"Luis is gonna kill you," Leroy said to Manny. They frantically tried putting it together before Luis came back. I locked the door again.
A little bit later, someone knocked on the door. Our eyes widened and we put the Deadmau5 head back in it's place and sat down casually.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Josh," he said. The sound of his voice made me melt and I automatically opened the door. Luis stormed in and headed toward his Deadmau5 head.
"My Deadmau5! Who broke it?!" Luis asked.
"Manuela," everyone said.
I looked at the closet. "Ooh, I wanna go in the closet," I said and went inside. Someone shut the door behind me and turned off the light. I turned around quickly, banged on the door, and screamed.
"NO! NO! LET ME OUT!" I yelled. Luis and Josh held the door closed. "Guys! Seriously, let me out!"
They refused. I heard Jordan tell them to my suitcase against the door.
"You're using her own suitcase against her," Autumn laughed.
I threw myself against the door and fell backward. Then, I tried to kick the door like those cops in the movies and almost broke my toe. I sat down and gave up.
"I can't breathe!" I panicked. I pretended to cry but I don't think they cared.
"Okay, ready?" I heard someone say. They opened the door a crack. I pushed my legs against the door. The boys tried closing it, but I was pretty good while sitting down. I almost opened the door, but the boys closed it again.
"Ugh," I said.
"Alright... GO!" Someone shouted. They opened the door and everyone ran out. I peered out. Everyone was gone.
"F**K YOU!" I screamed and dashed out. Leroy was hiding behind the door of the room. He cracked up at my explosion.
"What?!" I asked. He couldn't even speak, he was laughing so hard. I ran outside, panting.
"Oh my gosh, Alyssa, we heard you all the way outside," Autumn said.
"Really? Well, I was freaking out," I said. Leroy came up, stole my phone, and ran away.
"No!" I yelled and chased after him.
"Yeah! Leroy! Pass it to me!" Scott called out. Leroy threw it toward Scott and he caught it.
"Ugh, Scott! Give it back!" I shouted and chased after him instead. After a while, I gave up and went back inside.
"Scott and Leroy stole my phone," I said to Autumn and Manuela.
"Don't worry about it. They'll eventually give it back," Manuela said.
"Wait a minute... my diary's on there! S**t!" I realized.
"They probably won't find it," Manuela said.
"I don't know, it's pretty easy to find it," I said.
"Oh," Manny said.
"I'll help you get your phone," Autumn said.
"Come on!" I said and ran back outside. "Where are Luis and Leroy?"
"They went over there," Jordan said and pointed toward the pool.
"Jordan, carry me on your back," Manuela said.
"Okay," he said. Manuela jumped onto his back. "Oh God."
She jumped off and went got on Luis's back instead.
"Fine. Alyssa?" Jordan turned to me.
"Okay!" I said and jumped onto his back.
"Woah, you're light," he said as he carried me. I laughed. "Alright, let's go get my cell phone!"
"This is awkward," Jordan said.
"I know. It's like I'm humping you," I giggled. Jordan cracked up and couldn't carry me anymore. I stood back down and saw Leroy and Scott. They were looking at my phone. I ran toward them and they saw me.
"What'd you do?!" I called out.
"Nothing..." they both said, innocently. They ran away and I went after them. They kept passing the phone back and forth to each other and I would pray that it wouldn't hit the ground.
An hour later, they gave it back. I looked through everything and saw they tried texting Hayden.
"I'm sorry, but we have to breakup," they texted him. It didn't go through, though, because they used the wrong texting app. Haha.
Then, I realized I lost one of my earrings. It must have fallen out while I was chasing the boys around. I checked every inch of the ground and Luis's house. Scott found me in the hall.
"Are you looking for your earring?" He asked me.
"Yeah," I said.
"Oh..." he said.
I looked at him, "Wait, do you have it?"
"No..." he mumbled and looked down.
"Oh... okay..." I looked away.
Awkward. We both walked away. I never found my earring. Oh, well!
I went back into Luis's room with Josh, Manuela, and Jordan. We messed around. Me and Josh kinda flirted.
Scott and Leroy barged in.
"Dude! Luis crashed the bike!" Leroy said. Luis had gotten a mini-motorcycle from a friend and was riding it up and down the road.
"What?!" We all said.
"He was riding it down the road fast and it totally locked up on him!" Scott said.
"He like flew forward!" Leroy explained.
"Oh my God, is he okay?!" I asked.
"Yeah, he just got scratched up here and here," Leroy pointed to his right elbow and the back of his right knee.
"Was he wearing a helmet?" Josh asked.
"No," Scott and Leroy said.
"Stupid!" Josh said.
Luis came in.
"Luis!" Manuela said.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he said, casually.

"No, dude, sit on your bed now," Josh ordered.
"Okay, but I'm fine," Luis said and sat on his bed. Josh pulled out a first-aid kit. He pulled out two rubber gloves and put one on. With that hand he started taking car of Luis's burn on his arm. "Jordan, put that glove on my other hand."
Jordan did what Josh said. He made me close the door and lock it, because Luis didn't want his mom to find out. Josh cleaned the burn and taped gauze onto it. He gave him ice for his wrist that could've possibly been broken. Then, he made Luis change his ripped and bloody shirt. It was so cute how Josh was so protective and responsible about Luis.
We calmed down and sat together on his bed. But then I noticed Luis's burn on his leg.
"Luis, your leg!" I said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot," he said. Josh stood up and looked at  Luis's leg.
"Ugh, Luis!" He said. "Lay on your stomach."
He layed on his stomach.
"Someone get me the first-aid kit,"
"I'll get it!" I said and stood up.
"Don't trip," Scott said and stuck out his food. I stepped over it, turned around, and smiled at him. He smiled back. I went into the closet and got the first-aid kit. Then I gave it to Josh. He he cleaned Luis's burn on his leg and put a huge band-aid over it.
I sat on the bed and ripped up pieces of paper. I threw them at Scott and he smiled at me. Josh sat next to me and my insinct was to scoot all the way over.
"Ugh, I feel like Madison," I whispered to Manuela. I glanced at Scott and he smirked. "That's why I tell her not to bother Scott. I've been in her place before so I know what goes on."
I didn't look straight at Scott. I just stared out the window, but from the corner of my eye I saw Scott look down.
Sooo... the time came for us to leave. Josh stood up to give Manuela a hug, but she hugged Luis first. I asked Josh for a hug and he hugged me. Then, he hugged Manuela (tighter than he hugged me!). I didn't say goodbye to Scott. If he wanted to say bye than he could have.
I'm not chasing him anymore, he has to chase me.

I miss Hayden.


Today was graduation day for my class. That meant we had to go back to school in the morning for the Bacholoriette (or however you spell it!) Mass. Yay! I got to see Hayden! Here's how I dressed:
1. Hair into a side ponytail, bangs out, half curled.
2. French manicure, design on one finger on each hand.
3. Blue, one-strapped dress.
4. Silver heels from Traffic (mwahaha!).
5. French manicure on toes as well with same design.
6. Blue & white eye shadow. Black mascara. Lip gloss.
As we walked down the road to the church, I saw Scott. He was a crossing guard, my old job. As I walked passed him, I kept staring straight ahead but I couldn't help my instinct to rub the back of my neck. From the corner of my eye, I saw him look down.
I walked down the aisle of the church. I wasn't supposed to walk fast, but I did because I was too nervous. As I walked passed Hayden's class, he caught my eye and I smiled at him. He smiled back and I kept walking. My class sat down in the front rows and mass started.
Amanda, Sierra, and I had to read the petitions. I was first, so I stepped up to the altar. I was so nervous that I couldn't stop shaking. I read the first four. As I looked up to say "We pray to the lord", I looked straight at Scott. He had a worried look on his face. Our eyes met, but he turned away. I looked back down to keep reading. When I finished, I stood in the back while Amanda and Sierra read. I shook so much that I actually though it was noticeable.
After the mass, my class went outside to take pictures. I saw Scott crossguarding again. For some reason I couldn't stop looking at him. I wanted to give him a hug goodbye. One time, he caught me gazing and when I realized it, I looked away fast. When all the classes crossed the street, the crossing guards went back inside, including Scott. It was too late. I should've just ran up to him and hugged him. I lost my chance. Oh well, I heard he's going to the same school I am after he graduates. Maybe I'll see him again... but I'm hoping I'll forget him. I don't know why this whole year I couldn't move on from him. He's a douchebag, a liar, a loser. There's just something about him.

11:12 P.M.
I went back to the church again in the afternoon for the real graduation. As my class walked across the parking lot again, I saw Hayden and Daniel waiting by the front door. I don't know what for, though. We walked up and Hayden glanced at me. He didn't say anything, he just kept joking with Daniel. Okay, I get it, don't even say hi. It's not like I'm your girlfriend or anything...
Okay, fine, maybe I'm just finding an excuse to be mad at him. Because I miss Scott and... I don't know, maybe this relationship's too perfect and I'm bored with it. Ugh, what am I saying. I sound like a b***h who's full of s**t.
"Hey, look, it's your girl," Daniel pointed out.
Hayden laughed. Then he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and waved.
"Hi," he said.
Daniel raised his eyebrows. Then, he patted Hayden on the back. "I'm so proud of you. My job here is done," Daniel bowed his head. Hayden and I laughed.
During the graduation, I got three awards: Excellence in Religion, 2nd honors, and a $500 scholarship. And of course, my diploma and s**t. After that, I just wanted to get out of there. Get it over with already.
At the reception, I hung out with Hayden and Madison most of the time. We talked, laughed, and made fun of other people doing weird things. Manuela took a picture of me and Hayden. She forced him to put his arm around me, which I'm glad she did because he never does (so thanks Manny!).
Later, Madison told me that Hayden thought I looked sexy for the mass in the morning. Oh! That reminds me! How I dressed for graduation:
1. Strapless dress with aqua torso and white frilly skirt.
2. Silver earrings and necklace.
3. Silver heels.
4. Curled hair, loose, to the side.
5. Same make up from mass, just added glittery eyeliner.
6. Same manicure and pedicure from mass.
I probably hugged Hayden three times at the reception. Once when I first walked in. Second when he wrote "I love you" on my picture thing (hard to explain). Third at the end when we said goodbye.
Saying goodbye was probably harder for Hayden then it was for me (even though we were gonna see each other again at my graduation party on Saturday!). Because even though Hayden thinks it will, we're not gonna last forever like he always says. I'll try to make it last as long as I can, though... just for him.
So... in conclusion, this year was probably the most memorable for me. I went through three guys in one year for the first time. And out of all of them, there was probably only one true one. And this year has taught me a lot: Not to judge a book by it's cover. When me and Scott were dating, I made fun of Madison so much to impress Scott before I got the chance to know the real her. After we broke up, I decided to make a change and treat her nice. Turns out, she's a really sweet girl and we became best friends.
Also, this year has taught me that I don't just need one guy to keep me happy. I have my friends. Having fun with them and joking with them always made me forget about the boys I liked. And even though the boys in my class always teased me and made me feel like crap some days, I now realize that they're just being like brothers. That's what brothers do. After my three years here, I realize that my class and I just aren't classmates, we're family. And we have made so much memories this year as a family.
This year has taught me that I won't always move on from somehow I like. That even though how hard you try to forget someone, those feelings for that person won't disappear. Even if that person treated you like total s**t. But as I move on in life, I probably will forget about those people. After all, they're only three guys. I'm pretty sure there'll be much more in the future.
I'm excited to move on with life. I mean, it's depressing to leave everything behind, but I'm excited for the adventure that awaits me in the future.
Well, that speech just made me sound like a f*****g p***y. Haha! Anyway, I'm gonna miss everyone and I hope that we will still kinda keep in touch. Ciao!

© 2012 Peppy

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems

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Are you going to do a highschool one? Just wondering cause I am almost starting highchool and this oone helped thhrough middle school :)

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I might for sophomore year :) its too late to start one for this year lol

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1 Review
Added on May 29, 2012
Last Updated on May 29, 2012
Tags: dramaticlover, life, teen, journal, diary, love, drama, middle school, girl, peppycola143



Place, TX

Hey, I'm Peppy. I looove writing stories and make a couple of poems. I write scripts on here, then make them into videos and post them on YouTube. more..

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A Story by Peppy