![]() Tokyo CityA Chapter by .::$h円€R€DRø$€::.![]() This is going to be where everything heats up both Schools meet each other for the first time but they both have bad impressions on each other.![]()
John: -stands in front of a charm store- "and this is where you can buy charms and wish for something like luck,love, or even revenge."
Matt: "so i can buy a charm and hope for money?" John: "well if you find a dollar sign charm then yes." Students: -laughs a little- Angie: -smiles- "did you tell them we met here?" John: -turns around to see his girlfriend Angie then smiles- "hey babe" Angie: -drapes her arms around his neck kissing his lips- Jade: -glares then rolls eyes giving up hope on John's attention- Matt: "come on guys lets give them privacy" Group: -walks around them selfs- Dylan: "hey whats that" -points to a Diamond Quest poster on a sushi bar window- Ruby and the gang: -walks over to it- Ruby: "looks like a kung fu and martial arts battle" Scott: -reads the fine print- "the winning school wins a thousand dollars!" Jade: "why don't we sign up?" Lovina: "probably because were the new...." -looks past the poster seeing some of the DA students but notices wolf- "oh my god......" DJ: -looks up- "yo wolf looks like some one is checking you out" Wolf: -sees lovina then quickly looks at his food ignoring her- "its no one...." Sarah: -glares at lovina- "more like a no body she is from the new NSU school across from us!" Yayi: "well their not doing anything so forget it" Sarah: -gets up- "i'll make sure of it!" Wolf: "sarah please sit down!" Sarah: -goes out the door to lovina- "like the view" Lovina: "what wolf? or the street light bouncing off your for head" Sarah: "wolf wants nothing to do with you!" Lovina: "good for him but its his sister you should be worried about!" Sarah: -looks confused- "what?" Roxane: "ok it looks like she needs our help" Wolf: "guys stop!" Roxane: -leads the group out- Lovina: -looks at wolf- "can you tell your girlfriend to stay out of out business" Wolf: "she is not my girlfriend and its not a problem to me is my sister likes your brother" Lovina: "well I don't want your sister liking him he doesn't need her heavy weight" DJ: "damn she just called your sister fat" wolf: -rolls eyes- "you take it up with her not me i did not bring them together" Marose: -carries some shopping bags seeing lovina and wolf with a few other students- "whats this?" -walks over- Sam: -sees the same thing then heads over- "whats going on here?" Marose: -smiles- "i was about to ask the same thing seems to me your students are starting a little scene" Sam: "well you never know it could be yours" Marose: "impossible since one of my students is my daughter" Sam: -glares- "so is mine" Marose: -looks shocked- "oh... well then" -turns to her students- "lets head back to school" DA students: -head back- Marose: -looks at sam- "i hope your not signing up to be in the Diamond Quest cause they don't accept boot camp break outs" -smirks and walks away- Sam: -rolls eyes pissed- "back to school everyone!" Lovina: -looks at freddrick who is looking at her- "what are you looking at?" Freddie: "nothing....." -catches up with his school-
© 2011 .::$h円€R€DRø$€::. |
Added on October 14, 2011 Last Updated on October 14, 2011 Author![]() .::$h円€R€DRø$€::.Sandusky, OHAboutImagination is everything to me, I day dream alot which makes me write alot. I love stories about love, mystery, and fantasy (dragon mostly) more..Writing