Chapter five

Chapter five

A Chapter by The Ugly Rose

“So do you think you can help us with our war?” the old man asked.


“Depends. Who are you at war with? Is it the Persians? Greeks? French?”


“No. Much closer to home…the forest”


“The forest?”



“Yes, the forest and everything in it. The trees are proving to be very worthy opponents with their superior spying skills. They also tend to whack our riders across the heads as they ride by, but we are still trying to find a way to end that habit.”


“So basically you are fighting the same war as the humans are you? Why in’ you help us when we were being attacked?! My father almost got killed in those battles!”


“We were in hiding from the things that were attacking you at those times. Please help us so we can stop them from attacking both of our civilizations!”


“Yea, ok, I will help. But I will definitely need some new armor because I will stand out vividly in my human armor.”


“Of course! You will certainly be fitted for brand new armor that will match all of our soldiers gear. We will also supply you with effective weapons, similar to the ones that your father was in possession of when you were younger. You horse is already chosen and its equipment is beside its stable. Gerald? Gerald where are you?! Oh I can never find him!” the elder exclaimed as he rose from his cushions, calling to Gerald. A disheveled man appeared from a doorway scurrying to the old man.


“Gerald, show this young man to the armory, then the stables. Get him fitted and measured for new armor, and assign him the finest weapons we have. His mount is number thirty-three. We also need his horse’s equipment to be studded with defense crystals.” Gerald nodded, then went towards and waited to be told to go.


“Wait! Old man, I never caught your name!” Luke cried.


“My name? OH MY NAME! Hadrian. Lord Hadrian. I run this city.”


“What about a king? You don’t have one?”


“We have no need. We are a counsel, and I just make sure that everything runs smooth.”


“Wow! That’s quite organized.” Said Luke as he turned towards Gerald. “Shall we go now? I’m really quite eager to see my new armor!”


“Luke followed Gerald out of the room and into a very pronounced hallway. Large chandeliers loomed overhead casting dancing shadows everywhere. Gerald led him through winding corridors, twisting and turning in every direction, passing doors of every size and texture. Finally they stopped at a particularly shabby door with black marks and soot coating it.


Gerald shoved the door open forcefully, then shuffle into a cloud of black dust that erupted from the doorway. Lucas followed, coughing,  into a hot, stuffy room full of forging tools. A massive anvil stood magnificent in a far corner. Dozens of metal working materials hung from scuffed walls, jingling in a slight breeze. A spectacular furnace burned against a wall, with a white hot sword protruding from its mouth.


“Bryce! We have here a new general that is in need of a complete set of the finest armor and weapons.” Gerald called over the intense noise of the furnace.


Bryce was a portly man with a large, scruffy black beard and tiny eyes that were almost completely hidden by enormous eyebrows. He scuffled over to Luke with a long piece of ribbon with marking on them. He sized him up, then bustled to a wall with several models of armor.



“Alright! I’ll have to get some more phirotel and gold, and I need more crystals for the sword.”


“Is that all?” asked Gerald.


“Yes…that should make a full suit…”


“What’s phirotel?” enquired Luke.


“It’s the purple-ish metal with which we made our buildings with” answered Bryce.


“So my armor will be decorated with this phirotel? And gold?” He asked, amazed.


“Yes! A hero like you must stand out from our ranks!” Gerald responded.


They left Bryce to his intricate work, and left for outside. They emerged into an enormous courtyard with trees, shrubs, insects and birds absolutely everywhere. The sun was already setting into a wondrous tie of colors as they crossed the courtyard and wandering into a large doorway, then coming into the stank of the stables. Horses neighed and their trainers shouted. Hundreds of soldiers bustled about, getting their gear in order for the upcoming day. Gerald grasped Luke’s arm firmly, pulling him towards a particularly ferocious looking mount. It snorted and coughed nervously, showing its yellowed teeth to them.


Luke wrenched away from Gerald, and walked towards the great beast. His outstretched arm brushed the animal’s nose lightly, and it relaxed immediately. He moved in closer to caress its nose, and rubbed its head.


“And who is this?” Lucas asked the horse’s caretaker, standing nearby.


“This is Herald. He is named after one of our greatest leaders, back when we had kings and queens.” The shabby caretaker responded.


“Herald…” Luke repeated. “So he’s mine to ride? And I get gear and all that?”


“That’s right! We’re going to stud your saddle with our defense crystals so it makes it harder to kill you while on your horse. Only our finest generals are allowed to put those on. You yourself, unlike most generals, will not have just two crystals, but six! Your weapons will also be much stronger in strength and power.” Explained Gerald.


“Wow! But…why aren’t I like the other generals? Why do I deserve all of these amazing things?”


“Because, my boy, you are the hero that is predicted to save us! You will end our wars, and save our people from death and starvation. The beasts in the forests are all terrified of you! Normal humans alone, and us alone, they can handle without a problem, but you are a hybrid! One of the first who are a mix of the pure race and the human race! You need to be well dressed and well protected so that you can survive long enough. The humans use exceptionally primitive weapons and armor, so we will suit you with our best.”


“Oh…that’s not a lot of pressure at all!” he said sarcastically.


They left Herald in the care of his caretaker, and traveled back to the courtyard. The sun had completely fallen by this time, making the sky glint with stars. The moon was casting shadows across the yard, but illuminating the small animals that were running from the children, and the children who were running from their parents.


Gerald led Luke back near the chamber within which he learned of the prophecy. They took a sharp left turn into a magnificent room the size of the dining hall at the old castle in his former realm. An extravagant bed with four posters and gold sheets, lat at the far end of the room; trinkets like formal armor were scattered about the room, on stands or on the wall. Armloads of robes and tunics were hanging in a massive wardrobe that was delicately decorated with gems and gold leaf.


The small bundle of fur that made up his pet, lay in the middle of the bed. When Luke approached it, its eyes snapped open, and it raised its head to watch him.


“What to name you…” pondered Luke. “Why am I the one that is going to save both our worlds? Is there no one else?”  


“My dear boy, are you scared? Haven’t you fought wars before? Slain enemies and conquered lands?”


“Well yes, but none of the conquering! I am a defender, someone who doesn’t attack, but only defends. I have killed before, but they were coming for my people. I had civilians to protect and a king to fight for.”


“Well is this not the same thing? At the kingdom that you were beheld in, you fought for their lives and freedom. We are now the beings in need. We need your help! Our soldiers are strong, but are in need of a strong leader; someone that can take them to battle, knowing that they might die, but they will die with pride, dignity and honor. None in this land can take that role, but you! We sought you out after we lost you to the human world. You were brought here to learn of your purpose for being born, and now it is up to you. You can run back to your human kingdom, or you can stay and fight for the home that needed you all along.”


“So it was always me? Did my parents know?”


“You father was well aware of what purpose you served to this realm, but not your mother. Your mother was a human, and therefore unaware that we even existed. She and everyone around her believed that you and your father were simply people that had a strange disease that changed their image. Your father believed that it was best to just allow them to think what they wanted, for the reason that they might have started a war against us in fear.”


This said, Gerald left Luke to his thoughts. The fuzzy bundle on the bed continued to watch the door, long after the attendant had left.


© 2009 The Ugly Rose

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Added on February 5, 2009


The Ugly Rose
The Ugly Rose

Calgary, Canada

* I love it when you rate my work, not just review it :P* Nearly all my work has spelling errors because my keyboard often misses keys that I press * **If you would like to quote my work, or use it.. more..

Dream Dream

A Poem by The Ugly Rose