Blood Carnival

Blood Carnival

A Poem by ~Dragon X

A poem about a carnival that's not what it seems.


Carnival, carnival

I welcome, and chuckle

You to fest-ivities

With playgrounds, and candies


Come to me, and my home,

Come to me, free to roam,

Come to me, curious eyes,

Come to me, I’ve no lies


Spinning mer-ry go round,

Dancing lights, crack and sound

Cotton can-dy is fed

They wear stripes, white and red


Singing and

Dancing and

Playing and

Sheer obliv-iousness.


Close the gates, lock it all

Leave them be-hind the wall

Pink cotton, flecked with red

Of children, left for dead


My fingers, snatch children,

Pull them in, to my den

Can’t escape, my brutal

Humble Blood, Carnival

© 2013 ~Dragon X

Author's Note

~Dragon X
I did this for a poetry contest, and I have to turn this in by tomorrow. My friend's mom told me it was too creepy. o3o''s supposed to be creepy! ;3;

Anywho, any suggestions for improvement?

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Quite creepy. And since that's what you were going for, this is perfectly done! Remind me never to go to this guy's carnival.

Finally a piece from you, so that I can reward again with a 100!

Creepy job well done m'dear.

Posted 11 Years Ago


Just. Wow.

Pshhh! Nothing can be too creepy. XD

You did an awesome job
I had a shiver run down my spine at the last stanza.

Amazing job well done, Dragon! :D
Lots of luck in the contest!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Btw, where can I buy a couple of tickets?

This is just the place Jazz and I would go XD
This is great! I loved it. I hope you win the contest. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 21, 2013
Last Updated on February 21, 2013


~Dragon X
~Dragon X

Riding Dragons, OH

hi I'm basically a ghost here now I show up once in a blue moon I'm all over this nifty lil place called wattpad now, but my writing still sucks so don't go there body, a, a:hover { cursor:url.. more..

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A Poem by ~Dragon X