Chapter 5: Master's Foreboding

Chapter 5: Master's Foreboding

A Chapter by ~Dragon X

After cheering her pupil up, Master Rose predicts the darker side of Felix will reveal itself once again sometime soon.

       Felix lay the bouquet of roses neatly in front of Alyssa's grave. He was a silent, mournful stone, much like the one in front of him. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save should be me in there, not the other way around...." He said softly. He had known Alyssa for years, when there wasn't a need to train, a need for a Master, a need to leave home, a need to part from all he knew. He was sad now; but he was devastated, in absolute shock, within the days shortly after her death. 
       Master Rose was clever to tell Felix not to think too much. Ironically, he thought little to none in the middle of a fight, whereas he flooded himself with thoughts alone, sitting, standing, or laying idly. With this in mind, Felix proceeded to silence his thoughts before they became overwhelming. With a sigh and a final parting gaze, Felix began to make his way back to the cottage.
       As a half-demon, Felix had to stay in the dark, quiet alleyways. Even though he wore modest coverings, there were still other paladins, clerics, and the like out there who probably wanted him dead just like his Master once did. He stepped through the front, creaky little wooden door of the cottage with his head down, his light blue eyes covered much by his hair.
       Master perked her head up from the clay-more she was polishing with her whet stone in the living, or better known as the work, room. She narrowed her eyes and sighed when she took in Felix's depressed, lump-like form. I'm no psychiatrist....I don't even know why I took him in when I did...I only saw those tears of his to go from killing him to taking him in and essentially raising him as my own..... "Don't look so depressed," she said bluntly.
       Felix snapped his head up and jumped, quite startled. "Kyah!" Felix gulped. " Me? Dep--de--?"
       "Yes," Master Rose butt in. "Listen, I know you loved her. But she's gone, and you need to face the fact that you can't bring her back."
Felix's already gloomy expression looked more broken and more likely to start crying.
Master Rose grimaced slightly. I didn't make it better.... "H--here, sit down." she patted the worn, green leather couch seat beside her.
       Felix blinked, hesitant. "...O....o..k...." He approached his Master slowly and cautiously. Too slowly and cautiously, in fact, for Master Rose. When Felix was in arm's reach, Master Rose grabbed the collar of Felix's shirt with a frown and yanked him onto the seat beside her.
       Felix yelped and sat like a helpless kitten in a basket flowing down a river, with water leaking in. He swallowed and looked at his Master fearfully.
Master Rose sighed. Scaring him into following my orders won't work this time..... "L...look," Master Rose began, feeling slightly awkward, putting her gauntlet-covered hands up to emphasize that she is in fact beginning, "I'm sure the rest of your family is just as....just as devastated. So...don't feel alone. Remember that I am here as your Master to make you strong, not just in the muscles, but here too." She flicked Felix's forehead in demonstration.
        "You....went through a lot," she continued. She wasn't very good at connecting to others on emotional levels, and making them feel better about themselves. "But....but you should keep your eyes on the horizon. There are always good things to look forward to. I'm sure one day....if....if you work diligently, you'd be strong enough to meet your family again without harming them."
      Felix bore a plain, blank expression throughout the lecture. He stared at his Master. Then, out of nowhere he burst into laughter. Seeing his Master act so sympathetically and working to actually try to cheer him up was hilarious. Master Rose was clearly very awkward.
Master Rose's eyes widened, and she glared down at her pupil. "What's so funny!?" She boomed, although Felix's lack of quieting down made Master Rose's reaction seem even more comical and humorous. She tightened a fist to throw a good punch to her pupil's gut, then thought against it and let it drop with a sigh. least I've cheered him up.....
Eventually, Felix's laughs quieted down to little giggles. "It's so funny when you try to make me feel better...."
       Master Rose flared her nostrils and folded her arms. "Whatever. Take it easy today. You start doing chores while I cook lunch, got it?"
Felix nodded and stood. "Of course, Master! Thank you!" He smiled happily.
Master Rose smirked back. That's better....That's the smile he had every second of the day when he was a smaller kid....
       Felix did the laundry, cleaned the weapons and armor, polished them, sweeped, did the dishes (after lunch), cleaned and organized the training grounds, and tended to the plants outside. After Felix finished this all, he sighed in relief and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead with the back of his palm. All done...Am I cooking dinner, or is Master going to do it again....?
       Master Rose had chicken soup prepared and waiting for Felix. With a big grin, Felix plopped on his chair at the table and snapped up a spoon, then began to fill himself with the warm liquid. "Thank you Mashter!" Felix exclaimed, mouth full of dripping soup.
       "Don't talk with your mouth full," Master responded, right before she pushed her soup-full spoon into her own mouth. Master Rose tried to make Felix as happy as possible on days like this, and she was relieved she did. When she only had an inch-deep of soup left, her eyes widedened and she let her spoon clatter on to the table, remembering something imperitive. "Felix, what day is it today?"
       Felix blinked and let the spoon hang from his mouth. "Mmm, Alyttha's birfday?"
       Master Rose shook her head. "No....when was the last's been seven days, since....hasn't it....?"
       Felix was puzzled. "Seven days since...." Felix remembered. He turned pale. "Since.....Void.....?" Void was the name Felix had given him.
       Master Rose nodded. "...Yes." She looked down at her soup. "Don't worry, I'll take care of him before he does anything, do I make myself clear?"
       Felix also looked down at his soup. "...."
       "Do I make myself clear?"
       Felix jerked his head up, then nodded hesitantly. "Y--yes Master." She...she stopped him last definitely should be able to this time...before he....
       "Good." After that, it was silent as they finished their soup. Master Rose did the dishes this time. Felix went to his room, slipped into his pajamas like normal, and pet the winged ferret waiting for him. Master Rose shut the door. "Get some rest." She locked the door, and made sure it was locked thrice. "Good night."
       "Good night...." Felix mumbled. He slowly crawled into bed, and sank into the blankets. Please make sure Void doesn't do anything, Master.....

© 2012 ~Dragon X

Author's Note

~Dragon X
Chapter five is up! ^^

I figured I needed a balance of happy and sad elements in the book, so this contains some happier elements.....I want you guys to guess who Void might be. XD I wanna see if I made it too obvious, or too vague, or just right....

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A N D . . . . .

It ends.

OMG, I am connecting to your characters so easily, and that's always been hard for me when I read anything. XD
I lovelovelovelovelovelove *and many more "loves" later* your wonderful book, Dragon! :DD
So sorry it takes too long to ever review them! XP


A wonderful read!

Posted 12 Years Ago

~Dragon X

12 Years Ago

Hahaha, seriously? XD Thank you so much! :')

It's really ok, I'm just so happy you enj.. read more

I definitely love the description of the emotions. And I'm getting more attached to Felix. And I can not wait to see what the Void is!

But the implied thing about transforming into a halfbreed and hurting his family is really sad. Poor Felix... :'(

Overall, loved this chapter! Can't wait for Tuesday!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

~Dragon X

12 Years Ago

Aha, oh dear...I'm sorry....XD

LOLL, as I've said to Sumayya, Void is the name of a per.. read more

Anyways, very nice description of Master Rose's and Felix's emotions. I get from the writing that Felix has been with her since childhood? Because when he was transforming into a half breed, he hurt his own family? This chapter really cleared things up through implying... a very nice method Dragon!
I can't wait to see what the Void is! Keep it up dearie!

Posted 12 Years Ago

~Dragon X

12 Years Ago

Eh, I'm sorry...XD

Well, she's known him then, just not personally. Like, she's heard o.. read more
Amazing detail. I love how you have made Felix's relationship with his Master take twist liek in this chapter. And here I thought she was only cold, mean, and though. You certainly opened up Master Rose's character to the reader very well. And I'm interested to see who exactly Void is. Very nice job, Dragon!

Posted 12 Years Ago

~Dragon X

12 Years Ago

Aww, thank you so much, Rider! :D Your review really means a lot to me... ^^~
Dark Rider

12 Years Ago

Anything to keep a good story going. ;)
You put "Thank you Mashter" is it supposed to be that way? O.O

Felix snapped his head up and jumped, quite startled. "Kyah!" Felix gulped. " Me? Dep--de--?"

I wish I didn't read it so suddenly. Great. I could've read a paragraph till the next chapter, but my mind said nooooo. Now, I need to wait for the next chapter. I. hate. you.... XD

Posted 12 Years Ago

~Dragon X

12 Years Ago

Lol, yes, because his mouth was full of soup, but I don't think I made that clear enough...XD...I sh.. read more
Forever Hidden

12 Years Ago

Oh. Read this chapter too fast. Probably should read it again so I actually see each word XD
<.. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on October 9, 2012
Last Updated on October 12, 2012


~Dragon X
~Dragon X

Riding Dragons, OH

hi I'm basically a ghost here now I show up once in a blue moon I'm all over this nifty lil place called wattpad now, but my writing still sucks so don't go there body, a, a:hover { cursor:url.. more..

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