Dragon's Stone

Dragon's Stone

A Story by David John Anthony Brown

A young boy without a mother has his dreams of dragons and a world of magic around him, only humanity has destroyed so much of it. Dragons have left and died out few magical beasts remain.


Dragon's stone

In the lands of Farathya there was nothing but the flow of mana for many years until the Irath rose from the ground, Giants made of stone, tree, water and bog created from the oblivion by the mana serpents, ghost like snakes of no soul. Serpents they had no mid but only a will to give a wasteland life but they couldn't do more than create the Irath. Long did the irath think, long did they think, for they would have to be given a responsibility, for they were the worlds creators. Barak the one of stone would make the mountains deserts and ores. Borakar the one of bog crested the swamps, marshlands and herbs. Harash the one of the water created the seas fish and animals. Cathor the one of the tree created the forests, fruit and plants. Mighty and strong were the giants but their time was short.

Barak, Harash, Cathor and Borakar came together they still had one last job to do, they made so much of the world but something was missing they needed more creatures to fill the land. Every domestic tame and natural animal was already there but they knew the needed something more the mana wasn’t tame but had to flow through the usage of creatures to stop the collapse of the world luckily the mana's power was growing weary of running the giants. First the Irath created in collaboration. Creature to master all elements, creatures of wind, earth, water, ice and flame, thus the race of the dragon were born, all kind scattered throughout the world.

Then the Irath would create a great hunter and an intelligent one to match the thoughts of a dragon but with a more hopeful heart, and so they created the race of humanity but they were not to be released there minds wouldn’t handle the creation of the world there minds would not understand.

Humanity was kept in a sleep a deep lowly sleep until their world was ready and the mana regained its strength. Humanity was give free will a will that was set in unbreakable iron, given the strength to stand together and hearts of unyielding love.

For on the Irath created many mystical beings and then they stopped their minds then begin to fade feeling proud of what they had done but left with only sadness and loneliness a feeling that will never subside as they pass through oblivion, they stand there where they created so much fell to the ground as there light was now failing they still had a promise they would keep. They and only they knew of the serpents and there strength. With the last of their power they would give one last act of love and honour. Casting a great spell to stop the serpents from unleashing their powers but they cannot stop the flow of mana, therefore they kept it flowing but not destroying it completely.

Time would come and pass the world would evolve and change but not the forms of the giants nor their love for the world they created.

Over the long and many years to pass eventually when the mana got to a safe, stable flow humans were shown the light. However the giants knew not of what man’s first steps in the world would be and over an age man had a hole in his heart and they set for supreme domination and supremacy they would conquer with their armies and heroes. Slay the mythical beasts in their homes bring all magic to its knees. Humanity had left the world without the power of the mythics and even the strongest, the first born mythics the dragons were at their rarest. However in the dark the memories of hope and love still were in the minds of men but in a man’s eye's they were keeping their family’s safe happy, but on the other side of the coin there was greed and profit to be made in the deaths of the dragons along with there kin and all other mythics.

Eventually the mana and magic was left to the wizards of the realm and the world was stable but not full.

With most mythics gone mankind evolved their towns and settled to create kingdoms and regions one of the most favoured for adventures was Eratharar a kingdom set in a mountainous valley with trees and wild around the walls, This kingdom had a tall castle and a bountiful and wealthy town thriving in education and awe, in the distance shadowing the kingdom was Dragons peak a huge mountain scratching the surface of the heavens said to have had a great black necromantic dragon lair inside but that was a tale of old now man was busy fighting each other and nature.

In this village there were many children and many families but one child was fascinated with all magic and all mythics and especially the dragons.

The name of the boy is Draco a hard bloodline name meant for those brave and strong in heart and body however he was only the strongest in mind and being young his heart wasn’t that of gold.

Draco was at the age of 13 and ready to take on the world, unfortunately he wasn’t allowed to have his own life until the age of 17, that didn’t stop him from wanting adventure. Draco had many skills apart from his intelligence he was an admiral climber, fast and nimble along with not being too short. Draco had blonde hair in the summer and darker in the winter but winter only comes once every 3 years if their lucky. Draco spends most of his time with his head in books reading about the tales of dragon slayers and chimera hunters, imagining what it would be like to go on a quest.

Unfortunately Draco, like all had his flaws, some provoked others to be less kind .His life had been crippled due to the fact he had no mother, she had left to seek whatever was their at Dragons peak, his mother wasn’t the best climber in the land, but non the less she tried. Upon reaching the top of the mountain she stood at the entrance to the lair, and then fell back, as if she didn’t care just leaned back and fell, down down to the ground bellow, her body was found mangled and her cloths torn when she hit nothing but the ground, nothing touched her but what was found to be particularly odd was the fact that there was a scorch mark on her chest.

Draco had been wounded by this, deeply, deeply wounded his mother had fallen when he was 9, no child should have to go through something like that. Draco carried hate, pain and suffering but also hope, strength and resilience. Never would he let his pain be the suffering of others nor pass on hiss hate, Draco would show resilience, project strength and give hope. Draco had vowed he would climb the mountain he vowed to face the monster that dwelled their he wouldn’t let his mother think she died for nothing. However Draco's father guardian of the city forbade him from going near the mountain or going on any sort of adventures at all. Draco understood thet he couldnt, but he would anyway.

Draco at the crack of dawn climbed out of his house and ran swiftly over the others leading to the church which was conveniently placed next to the wall and climbed up to the spire at the top he could see the ice water lake; its not actually made of ice its just colder that other lakes. Suddenly he leaped over the wall and dove straight into the lake and as quickly as he dove climbed straight out, luckily the water gave a relaxing cool but he would dry quickly when the sun rises fully. Draco swiftly walked on towards the mountain armed with his short dagger and his long dagger, the shorted dagger was covered in spikes and teeth whilst the other was a slight curved blade sharper than the guards weapons. Eventually when the sun was high in the sky he climbed and continued to do so. Eventually when the son had nearly set he did it he was at the entrance to the lair.

Upon entering Draco noticed nothing unusual just a dark cave, then after his eyes adjusted to the dark and he saw a red glow of a stone at the back of the cave. Draco was curious and wanted to know what the light was. Draco walked closer to find out it was a carved stone holding a gem. Beautiful, and valuable the gem was a dark blood red and every few seconds it would light up and then go back to a light gentle glow.

Draco thought he could make a large profit from this stone, no one needed to know where it came from and Draco does love his gold, more so than a dragon.

Draco reached out to pick up the stone and the stone flashed red and a beam of fire and smoke hit Draco and he fell to the floor, he felt the fire and some pain but also power and strength. Draco didnt feel enough pain to shout but he managed to bring himself to his feet and look to see the stone had gone and he looked down, fire started at his feet a seering power and pain came through him he felt his skin stretche and move his bones grow and his body transform, however most of this pain was masked and soothed by the flame that somehow soothed his skin.

Draco looked around feeling taller but this was no feeling he had grown he looked at his hand and they were claws, he looked at his skin they were scales he had a tale a long neck horns and wings and a unstable hunger he had discovered the power of the dragon, he was a dragon

Draco looked at his new body and his beautiful strong scales they were a beautiful crimson red and his wings were magnificent strong and again red as fire he couldn’t get over his strength and with that his first words as a dragon were not words they were a power filled and joyful laughter. As he then roared with might and power but he wasn’t as strong as you would think, he was unable to walk well and he had trouble moving his tail and wings, a very clumsy dragon.

Draco had one first priority, a dragon is powerless without his fiery breath and so he tried to breathe flame but couldn’t he needed to concentrate his power and after many attempts a gale force shout of fire was belched forth. And now he needed to fly but before then he needed to lift his wings. After figuring out how easy it was to move his wings and guide his tail, he simply flapped his wing and managed to hop of the ground, his wings were bigger than his body, to of course produce lift but a dragon does have very strong bones but aren’t that heavy but you wouldn’t want to have him land on you. Dragons have a secret to their fire and also how to be even lighter, however Draco didn’t care to think about how he worked.

First he got out onto the edge of the mountain and and looked out he saw his town in the distance but he would have to glide down and around the back of the mountain, he couldn’t scare everyone and cause a panic about a dragon could he, and so standing back he sprung forward and spread his wings and and he was gliding he leant to the right and gracefully turned around he lifted the hands of his wings up a bit and he he glided upwards being 6 limbed he kept his arms and his legs tucked in and was honestly enjoying being a dragon

Draco knew he had to flap his wings at some point but he was quite worried, not only worried about failing and plummiting to the ground but he was gliding into Drakavass territory and decided to turn back to his mountain, well he assumed it was his as every great dragon has a lair. Worried about the Drakavass; a mixed race of Dracans and Dragon-elves and Lizard men the lizard men are explanatory, lizards with the intelligence of men the lizard look but standing on two feet with the look of green, yellow and blue. Dragon elves, basically a werewolf with scales and horns and a lizard like face, strong and fairly intelligent. Dracans strong and fairly big commonly red with a poison spit that happens to be boiling hot they have small wings good enough to glide a short distance.

Draco managing to understand how to use his wings which was as easy as lifting his arm but different, now he tried to understand what happened to his mother. She had burn marks and was thrown down the side of the mountain so he assumed that the beam that hit him was what killed his mother, he was chosen to have this power and with this power he couldn’t abuse it but he felt like he was meant to be a dragon, it may be the fact it was different and a lot stronger but everything about him was he was larger and could think clearer but heir was one thing he didn’t know.

Draco couldn’t understand how to breathe fire, was it magic or a combination of chemicals like in alchemy; Draco was good at alchemy and always figured out how to make a fake gold like substance and how to make a special blue flame, he was always one for science and to try magic but he could never get magic to work.

Draco was growing tired of flying it began to exhausted him, and so he flew back to his cave which would now be his lair. Draco felt a sadness upon laying in his cave. Confusion and chaos reigned in his mind as what would happen tomorrow, would they look for him or could he turn back to a human, but did he want to return as a human part of a race that slaughtered so many, fights and kills each other, monsters is all he knew them as and he was no better. Draco was brought down by his humanity his emotions, he even fell in love and to make it better he would never have her. Draco loved her with all his heart but couldn’t say anything to her about it, sure they got along and were friends but her eyes shined so bright and he was so dark inside. Thinking that maybe being this god-like dragon maybe improved his chances, or she would see him as a creature of hate, anger and deception. True he loved her but could never express it she would be lost to him forever.

Upon the crack of dawn Draco arose shaking his scales, stretching his wings giving them an occasional flap for good measure. Draco took flight once more but with a purpose, to hunt the most obvious target was a farming village between the valley the kingdom and his lair; which he took so much pride in owning. Seeing as the mountain was all so high he didnt need to flap his wings once to get there. This was the only farming village with 2 farms and mostly cattle ranches hence the name bull town but always pronounced bull-ton for some unknown reason which is why Draco got into arguments about how it should be said. Gliding on the updraughts and swooping past, at this early red sky no one was awake so Draco swooped in and grabbed to cows and glided silently away until he was far enough that his wing beats wouldn’t do damage to the thatched roves (didn’t want to disturb anyone).

After a delightful flight he landed and threw the cattle into the lair they were moaning in pain as his claws were very sharp and he had such a tight grip, also being flung to a cave wall by a behemoth lizard would hurt. Draco opened his mouth wide and coughed forth a beautiful glaze of fire for five or six seconds. Never would he eat raw meat but the blaze was at the heat to melt iron, killing the cattle instantly with a intense burning feeling, but he held the fame there long enough to get his stead medium rare how he liked it. Devouring the cattle bones and all to get all the strength from them Draco didn’t care he was a free man, well free dragon-man, who happened to be a boy.

Draco decided he should return home and glided down just above the forest and landed by the wall around the kingdom, then had the talk of becoming a lad once more. Therefore he just thought and willed to be human again and it happened he was covered in the numbing flames still it hurt his bones were being cursed and condensed his soul and freedom limited to a human once more, an obvious price for his power but he never thought it to be that simple and easy. Draco proceeded to climb the wall nothing he hadn’t already mastered at the age of ten.

Draco walked home noticing nothing had changed no one noticed him being gone but then he had hopped he'd gone unnoticed. When getting home his dad asked him “So you get what you needed from the the Elder.” this threw Draco of track not understanding what he meant he answered in a complete lie but it was for the best “ Yeah dad think, I will need to speak to him later though.” Draco was confused what had the Elder told his father did he know about the stone and him being a dragon.

“well I suggest you get some rest, you were up most of the night he told me, so sleep” his dad said in a suggestive tone that only a father could use. “Sleep” Draco replied sounding exhausted. Obviously it was an act, Draco had become a skilled liar but only when it was best. Lying without a just cause is never for the good of any. Draco needed time to think and bask in his own glory, just think of the changes he could bring around with this strength he could even have his own kingdom.

Eventually after organising his thoughts he stood up and then thought again, he found himself on the topic of a girl, one he liked and respected well closer to loved than liked. Reasons why he liked and loved her was purely because of how perfect she was, practically everything you could want in a girl she had it. However he wasn’t all that pleased as she was always out of reach and yet so close, Draco lacked the confidence to sat anything to her, while they had their pleasant conversations. For some unknown reason he felt connected to her but doubted it worked both ways.

Shaking those thoughts from his head, which became hard to do as of late. Draco climbed out the window and across all the rooftops to the Shamans temple, on arrival Draco walked to where the shaman sits and as soon as he turned the corner the shaman said Draco my boy your 5 minutes early. To which Draco halted staring at the shamans back as he was faced towards the fire. Draco was confused and honestly stunned. “ That was a stunt you pulled this morning and yesterday, my boy, you knew someone would know didn’t you but then again you knew I was watching didn’t you, I’m a Shaman Draco you know I watch the magic and mystics, but I congratulate you on your secrecy and how fast you learned.”

Draco had no more reason to ask much question as he just had it summed up for him, “ So I am a..”

“ Yes” the shaman replied “ very much so but control it, and use it how you wish but know that good is better than bad, if they know they will fear you and hate you.”. “ Very well.” Draco announced. “Don’t use it to often but use it often enough” the Shaman said this in a worried tone, Draco nodded and was on his way out into the field's which was just a grassy pasture with some climbable trees.

Draco arrived, nothing out of the ordinary, he saw Lucia the girl of his dream quite literally as whenever he did dream shed often be there, he saw none of his friends so as per usual he'd climb the tallest tree and reside there for most of the day, he and most others had learned all they can, especially Draco he was ahead by at least 3 years so took a large amount of time off and was allowed, most of the time he’d study under the shaman as he was his unofficial student and therefore was pardoned whenever not at school. The shaman didnt see it fit to go to school as he worked so hard on his theorise and projects. “He must have rest of the mind.” that is all the shaman would say and if that didn’t pass then he would stare at them with a disappointed and slightly annoyed expression.

Draco sat in the tree looking into the sky and feeling the wind, now he felt them more and realised what they have been saying and how they express emotions to tell the future and what is happening, right now the sky was happy, sorrow felt and surprised. Skies never felt all one emotion never was it blunt or black and white however the wind was hard and would say how it felt, today it was accepting and slightly harsh a feeling to brighten spirits but not to be cruel, the land was waiting for the return of a dragon-kin. Draco was hoping to return home to his lair (feeling it to be more homely than home and that their he could be happy with his solace not a worry or much of a care.)

Suddenly a rock fell and hit Draco's chest with a light but still relatively painful strike, startled and confused he lifted his head and looked to where it came from. Not to any surprise or amazement it was thrown by Vaitar the well know athlete and young hunter, not the brightest nor kindest. Draco said calmly in a tone that seemed to be smooth but firm “What is it you wish to pester me for.” Vaitar looked in amazement not expecting that sort of answer, by now Draco had notice Lucia standing near him with his friends as well as hers. “Thought we'd keep you company?.” said statistically and jokingly. “I need no company especially not that of yours nor anyone else of the likes of you.” this angered Vaitar but he wasn’t going to do anything stupid not whilst Draco was in a tree “ Well how abou...” before Vaitar was finished Draco jumped from the tree to the ground with a perfect landing. “Well go on then.” Draco said clearly an statistically just to annoy Vaitar.

Vaitar and his crowd left swiftly except Lucia's friend and herself who looked at him interested and the followed behind. Draco then climbed back up the tree, this time higher and out of sight. A while passed and Draco grew agitated. Draco hated many people in his town and they him but he was just slightly angry at the fact Lucia was with Vaitar, well they weren’t together but Vaitar upstaged Draco in quite a lot of things and it seemed they were better friends than he was with her, even then she had more and probably better friends to choose from. Slightly unsteady and angry his mind wasn’t focused so he decided to go for a flight and so he'd have to climb home, or lair but it was starting to seem better than his ordinary home.

Running across rooftops as he does regularly and as they were thick sandstone sort of desert village houses you wouldn’t hear anyone running across them so no complaints. Swift over the top jump and he cleared the wall and into the small lake and across to the other side. Draco couldn’t wait so he transformed into his dragon-form at an instant and let out a small growl, nothing that couldn’t be mistaken for a wolf. Panting and sprinting on all fours he was at the mountain in short time and leapt up and with 3 wing beats he was atop his mountain, surveying the glorious view. Draco was still a little distorted and angry so he decided to go let off some steam or more like fire.

Gliding down to a small solo group of trees he let out a below of flames and ash. Anger only seemed to strengthen his fires ferocity and it burned gloriously and with red fire flickering and hot embers burning, then flying into the sky. Draco walked into the fire and felt nothing but a little heat, he brought his talons down on a tree crushing it to splinters and a swipe of is tale and several trees were split to fuel for the flames and he jumped high and with one wing beat the fire grew to a devastating explosion of fire for a few seconds then burning low. Draco was settled, calm and felt in power and full of strength none could oppose him not even an army nor any dragon slayer.

Draco's mind was in confusion. Traditionally a dragon was a tyrannical monster of destruction and chaos, would he become this, as much as he didn’t want to he felt it would be nice to have a horde of gold and be king of the lands but he would also like to be a selfless hero of justice yet he is burdened by his human self and the fact there wasn’t anything to fight. Typically the great wyrm's would fight each other in destructive battles even lesser drake would fight others. However most dragons were gone Draco was probably the only one left not that he was a pure blooded dragon but hopefully their would be more of his kin out there somewhere and hopefully some he can throw into a tree or 2 just to show his power.

Suddenly it hit him, there weren’t many dragons but there were some other greater creatures they don’t have magic but just very big and have a few mythical properties. Hopefully there were some causing a bit of trouble and his dad could tell him about it then he'd go to the shaman and research the beast and then go beat it down. Draco was then met by the sound of screaming and of course it was 2 human girls screaming at the sight of a giant red dragon that has a bunch of embers surrounding him.

Draco was lost for words and simply lifted his mighty red wings and jumped high into the air and with a few flaps was away. Draco recognised the girls but they weren’t of any significance other than they were friends with Lucia and Draco got her back into his head quickly shaking her out of his mind ( Didn’t work to well ) he then thought who the hell is going believe two girls that they saw a epic handsome dragon smashing a patch of forest to bits. Draco fell a bit egocentric in how awesome he was. Flying to a lake with a thick brush of trees, ferns and bushes surrounding it other than a dusty plane next to it.

Draco had drank some water and had a swim and slept, he was pacing around the plain thinking to himself then his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a loud crackling roar. Draco turned. Draco saw a great and very old Vyro-jyson a very big beast with 2 tusks, two hind legs and large hulking arms with 3 talons on them, except for the third left claw that one was broken. Its skin was a leathery plated bulk and it had the face of bull but with a some what scale like texture, green hair and moss grew on the creatures back. Draco decided it was on his territory and responded to it in only how a dragon would, With a loud great terrifying roar.

Draco reared back standing on his hind legs and balancing with his tail and walked to the side growling in a low tone. The Vyro-jyson let out a roar and charged straight for Draco, Draco leapt to the side and with an assist of his wings he was past the Vyro-jyson and saw he wouldn’t have an easy fight so this time Draco charged and so did the Jyson and Draco locked his claws onto the Jyson's tusks. Draco was strong and so was the Jyson they were in deadlock untis the jyson threw Draco aside and reared back to bring down his hulking arms then Draco realised that this beast was a Bulk Strength variant so he had to use agility. Draco swung his tale knocking the beast down and then as it got up bashed it with his left wing, then right and both at once.

Draco took several steps back from the Jyson and it got up and Draco ran at it and grabbed its head and pinned it to the floor and beat it into the ground. Holding the beast by the legs he flew up to about 50 meters and dropped the monster and proceeded to then dive down onto the beast he then roared a proud mighty roar of victory and looked to survey the surroundings.

Draco knew someone was there he could smell them and hear them breathe. Hopefully they weren’t too close to see the battle have taken place but Draco was unsure he then flew up with a couple of wing beats and to his cave he then stayed for the night. Restless was his sleep and burdened by thoughts he couldn’t shake. Why was one he had but that was always the question and if he told everyone what he was would they turn their backs on him or would they try to kill him, they wouldn’t understand, but they will, no they wont. Huge arguments inside his head never failing to keep him awake, and then he thought what can I do to make my life better.

Obviously get rid off everyone who is hateful and cruel and find something that would make him a hero, as the hero always gets the girl but its always the hero who slays the dragon. Perhaps this is what dragons felt, why do I have to die and why cant we be at peace but Draco came to see the evil of mankind what they had one to his species an what the had done to him and others. Dragons had every right to steal gold from them we weren’t that of greed we were trying to get rid of it. Burning a village because of the evils they commit. How could they know how could they understand they are human they never learn never act with kindness.

© 2014 David John Anthony Brown

Author's Note

David John Anthony Brown
I would like to have opinions, thoughts less of grammar points

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Added on July 18, 2014
Last Updated on July 18, 2014
Tags: Dragon's, Dragon, Fantasy


David John Anthony Brown
David John Anthony Brown

Silver End, Essex, United Kingdom

I am a young writer and have many ideas and opinions some not for one you'd expect of one like me But i have a very distinct obsession with Dragons more..
