About Islam and Christianity

About Islam and Christianity

A by Ali M. Abougazia

About fundamentalism and religion


 I have always wondered about being fanatic or prejudiced to your religion. Is any of them right? Should one be too aggressive when talking about other religions or should one be tolerant? Is being tolerant an indicator of being less faithful?


I had a fanatic Muslim friend once that used to warn me about "mingling" with my Christian friends and wishing them a "merry Christmas" and stuff like that. The funny thing is, I also heard a fanatic Christian colleague more than once talking about us Muslims in a bad way. Both of the cases made me wonder about the origin of prejudice in religions and its validity.


Take a look at the struggle between religious ways at many points of history. Being these ways Islamic or Christian.

You can also take a look at the long term hatred between the Protestant and catholic in England and Ireland.

It's the same concept. And, it has nothing to do with religion itself.


Now take a closer look at any of these fanatics, Muslim or Christian. I dare assume that you'll find this fanatic behavior evident in all the aspects of his life. If he is an Orthodox Christian he won't only hate Muslims, but he will also hate other Christian sects' followers. If he is Muslim and he believes in "mazhab al Shaf'i", I find it normal that he despises the followers of other "mazaheb". If he is Ahlawy he will hate Zamalkaweya (although it's scientifically proven that zamalkaweya are less intelligent in general, nothing personal :) ). If he smokes LM he will despise those who smoke Marlboro.


In short, he will be a fanatic and biased to everything that's related to him. And he will hate all that's against his beliefs, whatever that is. He's not a fanatic because he believes very much in something, but because he has to persaude himself that others are wrong.


It's also funny that when you keep reminding these fanatics with how Islam and Christianity alike ensured freedom of religion and that there has never been a reason for hatred or despise in the teachings of both religions, they always find a twisted explanation for their actions. And you can't speak to them. You can't try to convince them that there are peacful ways to convince people of what you think. And that there is a chance of coexistence. No.


And they see what they want to see in the holy texts. Hatred and aggression are not divine teachings, but human misinterpretation. Neither the Quran nor the Holy book gives the right to hate others.


It's the gift of free will that makes us humans. And by free will we get to choose our religion and choose every action we do in life. And subsequently we get judged by God for what we chose, our religion and our actions. If we don't have that free will, If we are oppressed or pushed or being discriminated against, what good is our free will that God gave us? And what is the point of divine Judgment? People are not God. Only God has the right to judge our choice of religion, as long as we don't hurt others by any physical or moral mean.


I think being prejudiced, biased or fanatic has absolutely nothing to do with religion, any religion; it has absolutely nothing to do with being a true believer or being very faithful. It has to do ONLY with the subject's nature and psychological structure.


I think it's a problem with finding the identity. Fanatics can't feel they are right until they demean others' opinions. That person he has to feel he is right. He has to know he is right. And to do so he has to prove others are wrong. But proving someone to be wrong necessitates lots of knowledge and intelligence. And to be a fanatic "almost always" means you lack both. So there is only one way left, hatred. Expressed as mockery and making fun of other people's faith, up to aggression, if time and place are right.


So in the end I believe the problem of extremism has to do with personal traits rather than religious doctrines.








"و لا يجرمنكم شنئان قوم على ألا تعدلوا أعدلوا هو أقرب للتقوى" سورة المائدة، آية 8



 "...And let not the hatred of others make you avoid justice.  Be just: that is nearer to piety...." (Quran, 5:8)



" لتجدن أشد الناس عداوة للذين آمنوا اليهود والذين أشركوا ولتجدن أقربهم مودة للذين آمنوا الذين قالوا إنا نصارى ذلك بأن منهم قسيسين ورهبانا وأنهم لا يستكبرون" سوره العنكبوت رقم 29 والآية رقم 46  


"Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. " (Quran, 5:82)






" ولا تجادلوا أهل الكتاب إلا بالتي هي أحسن إلا الذين ظلموا منهم وقولوا آمنا بالذي أنزل إلينا وأنزل إليكم و إلهنا و إلهكم واحد و نحن له مسلمون " سوره العنكبوت رقم 29 والآية رقم 46  


"And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."  (Quran, 29:46)



© 2008 Ali M. Abougazia

Author's Note

Ali M. Abougazia
Peace be with you :)
I am a believing practicing Muslim Egyptian Doctor. But I hate it when this always sound like an extremist. I am not, neither does my religion. In another article of mine I am trying to explain more. I hope I can by time change the world's wrong idea about Islam being a violent religion. :)

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peace be unto you also. I follow no fixed religion my watch word is tolerance which I try to practice as well as preach I beleive all religions contain some truths but that none can claim to be the only way.Bigots and fanatics are not concerned with truth only with powerTey want to force others to bleieve as they do
Unfortunately most of them dont know their own religion tenets

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Salaam alaikom brother :)

This was written very well. I really enjoyed reading it, in fact I read it twice haha. Being the only Muslima in my family, I am constantly told that I am extremist just because I wear hijab and do every salat (im sure you can pray one time and that will be enough! they say), though I have met and spoken with many Christians who are extreme, and though I've never met another Muslim brother or sister in person, I have spoken to few who are also extremist and are even agressive toward me because I live in America. I like to know that in a hadith, it is stated that we should not be extremists or overly religious.
Religions are good :)
I like how you were fair in your weight of extremism :) This was a delight to read ^_^

-- Friv

Posted 11 Years Ago

What an interesting and very sincere piece of writing. A great many facts you've included are new to me and I'd like to come back and read them again.

In the meantime, I leave this with you, a little scribble I posted today, talks of innocent belief..

Rising above others' disdain /He enveloped what was his /There's no answer to intolerance /For judgement or suspicion /Laughing child, innocent, smiling /Blind to people's prejudice /There's no excuse for ignorance /Friend - that is the eleventh sin /Float with self disillusionment /If you truly must / Catch sight of that dear child / His world is sacrosanct / Man screamed, 'Believe in my God.' / Child whispered, 'God is only yours?' /The child opened his mouth /Sang to the archangels, smiled./
You snatched what you thought was yours: Self delusion. / He enveloped what was his: /Sweet belief in OUR world's Creator.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Asalamu aleikum! You have done a sharp analysis of the difference between the message that is deeply rooted in religion and self-interpretation of the proper message ... which stirs some individual to over react and inflict damages rather than practicing respect and freedom of other people's right to choose for their own way of life. This subject is very tender but you have debated it with fairness and understanding! Thank you again for sharing!

Salam to you

Posted 16 Years Ago

I am more than happy to read your words Poeticpiers :D
I agree, fundamentalists know least of their religions. Each holy book can be wrongly interpreted depending on our own views, beliefs and nature.
In fact each religion complete the one before it, They all seek the one ultimate truth.
as a Muslim I believe in Christianity and Judaism and I revere Jesus, Moses and All the prophets of the old testimony.
Thank you again my friend :D

Posted 16 Years Ago

peace be unto you also. I follow no fixed religion my watch word is tolerance which I try to practice as well as preach I beleive all religions contain some truths but that none can claim to be the only way.Bigots and fanatics are not concerned with truth only with powerTey want to force others to bleieve as they do
Unfortunately most of them dont know their own religion tenets

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on July 11, 2008
Last Updated on July 12, 2008


Ali M. Abougazia
Ali M. Abougazia

Cairo, Egypt, Egypt

Peace be upon you :) I am not much of a writer but writing is a good way to express one's self. And it's more of a hobby to me than of a talent. I am a believing practicing Muslim Egyptian Doctor. B.. more..


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