Modern Slavery.

Modern Slavery.

A Story by Amekraz

As Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves at the middle of the 19th century, and Mauritania makes it illegal to own slaves at recent years, we thought slavery has gone. Actually, Slavery has not gone so far, it’s still there… Well, at least here in Morocco…

The slavery I’m talking about in this paper is not the one known throughout history where slaves were brought to work in hard labor, or where maids are sold like baggy trousers… However, it’s not too much different…

As all Moroccan people know very well, to live in full dignity in this country is not an easy task... We drudge for the very first basics of life. I often ask myself this question: What is the ultimate hope of a student in Morocco? To have a decent job, right? Isn't that his right?
What is a decent job ? Being an engineer ? Ok here we go...

You start your day at 8h00 sitting in front of a machine... you don't have the right to choose what to do, or to complain if the things you are doing are not matching the skills you have... You will sit there until a late hour ... You'll hear the orders coming from a person who is not as talented as you are... You will have to do a tedious job in a so short time ... Don't even dare to claim overtime ... You forget about the RTT! You live like a cat's paw... Like a sewing machine... Chewed up... Treated like a staircase...
You finally start to get the picture: you're losing your freedom...

The government will not stand for you... The government was the reason behind all this... The government applauded the off-shoring... The off-shoring which does nothing less than sucking workers blood for a fistful of dirhams...

© 2014 Amekraz

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Added on November 22, 2014
Last Updated on November 22, 2014